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H: Staff Gabite Darkrai EX, RH Collector/DualBalls W: All Cilans, BW Promos, Shinies!

RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and a huge update with a RR box!

I have:
1x Flygon RR
1x Scyther reprint
1x Electabuzz reprint
1x Flying Pikachu reprint
1x Mow Rotom
2x Cyrus' Conspiracy, more SP trainers; ask
1x Weavile G
4x Weavile SW (1x RH)
2x Rampardos
2x Super Scoop Up

I need:
1x Dialga G Lv.X

Lemme know if we can work out a deal.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and a huge update with a RR box!

Hey I have some of your wants. I like you Glaceon Lv.X so if you could CML for Glaceon Lv.X? Please? Thanks.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and a huge update with a RR box!

i Have 2 RR Flygon and a DP Magnezone, how many:
SP energy
SP radar

do you have?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and a huge update with a RR box!

Hey if you have any japanese cards for trade, I've got some Japanese scythers and the Masaki Gengar Evolution card. CML:
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and a huge update with a RR box!

Shpunto: Unfortunately, I have no Jap cards for trade. :/ I am really interested in the Scythers and Gengars though. Is there anything Engish I could provide?

Koolkidkaz: I don't need Flygon anymore, but I still could use DP Zone. I have about 6 of each of those.

PokekidBrandon: My Glaceon X and 6 Bebe's for your Magnezone X and Porygon Z X?

Politoed: Sorry, I don't usually do bulk trades for Xs.

Shakespeare: Could I offer anything else for those energies as opposed to my Level Xs?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and a huge update with a RR box!

Hey, I still have that Gliscor Lv. X. I was wondering if you wanted to trade that for your:
Giovanni's Nidoking
Rocket's Mewtwo
Giovanni's Nidoqueen.
Please, let me know. I've been really desperate for those cards lately. :)
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and a huge update with a RR box!

I can do it for the Nidos, but I can't do Rocket's Mewtwo. If you are interested, PM me! :)
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and a huge update with a RR box!

darksoulSP said:
I can do it for the Nidos, but I can't do Rocket's Mewtwo. If you are interested, PM me! :)

Sorry, I was just offered something better for Gliscor.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and a huge update with a RR box!

AGAIN?? -_-'
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and a huge update with a RR box!

Fan Rotom
Rotom POP 9
Weavile SW
for your:
Azelf LV X

lk or counter
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and a huge update with a RR box!

Hey darksoul,

I want your Uxie LV X and your Alakazam LV X.

I have Luxray GL LV X, could you CML to see if I have anything else you're interested in so we can trade evenly for these?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and a huge update with a RR box!

CML for glaceon lv. x
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and a huge update with a RR box!

Frodus said:
Hey darksoul,

I want your Uxie LV X and your Alakazam LV X.

I have Luxray GL LV X, could you CML to see if I have anything else you're interested in so we can trade evenly for these?

How about Alakazam 4X and Mewtwo MD for Luxray GLX?

Zkid: Sorry, I don't usually do bulk rares for level Xs.
EddieT: Sorry, there is nothing I really need from you at the moment.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and a huge update with a RR box!

Uxie Lv.X

Flygon RR holo x1
Scizor ex x1 (the one we were trying to trade before)
Heat Rotom x1
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and a huge update with a RR box!

Errrr no thanks. Uxie X reaches over $50, where Scizor EX is abot $10, Heat Rotom is $5 if you are lucky, and Flygon is a theme deck Pokemon. I still like Scizor though. Anything else we can trade for it?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and a huge update with a RR box!

How about the reprint Scyther and/or Heat Rotom for Scizor ex?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and a huge update with a RR box!

I can do Heat Rotom for it. PM me the details!
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and a huge update with a RR box!

could you do:
DP 'Zone

4 SP Radar
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and a huge update with a RR box!

please CML for drifblm (SF).
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and a huge update with a RR box!

CML for uxie lv. x