• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

H: Staff Gabite Darkrai EX, RH Collector/DualBalls W: All Cilans, BW Promos, Shinies!

RE: New Riolu Staff card for trade! I want your PONT RH and 2 Machop SF RH!

Well I'm not interested in trading the Staff for just RHs... But what about your choice of Politoed LA or UL for the 2 RH Reversals? :)
RE: New Riolu Staff card for trade! I want your PONT RH and 2 Machop SF RH!

darksoulSP said:
Konter: How about you scratch the RH Judge and Flying Pikachu, and I'll trade the regular Riolu for the 2 RH Reversals?

Omah: Can you add any of my RH wants? :)

SV 139/147 Palmer's Contribution
HG 98/123 Pokémon Communication
RE: New Riolu Staff card for trade! I want your PONT RH and 2 Machop SF RH!

If you can add all of those, that's a deal! :)
RE: New Riolu Staff card for trade! I want your PONT RH and 2 Machop SF RH!

L2 Revived Legends 005/080 Scyther
Intense Fight in the Destroyed Sky 003/092 Scyther
Intense Fight in the Destroyed Sky 004/092 Scizor
DP4 Moonlit Pursuit & Dawn Dash DPBP#141 Scyther
DP4 Moonlit Pursuit & Dawn Dash DPBP#142 Scizor
SV 139/147 Palmer's Contribution
HG 98/123 Pokémon Communication


Riolu Comic Con International 2009 – Staff
RE: New Riolu Staff card for trade! I want your PONT RH and 2 Machop SF RH!

Hi again.

I'm not sure how updated your list is, but, is that a different/new flygon X, or, have you just not updated it from last time?

LMK. I like a few of the other things on your list. Can you CML as well and see fi theres anything you like? thanks.
RE: New Riolu Staff card for trade! I want your PONT RH and 2 Machop SF RH!

No, I didn't update. I'll do it right now. ://
RE: New Riolu Staff card for trade! I want your PONT RH and 2 Machop SF RH!

Hi, I know we just confirmed a deal, but would you mind seeing my list for your Dialga G Lv. X?
RE: New Riolu Staff card for trade! I want your PONT RH and 2 Machop SF RH!

Sorry Fest, nothing I can do for it. :/
RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

id like to know what UD primes/legends you have. and any vileplume
RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

any chance youd like to trade it to me :)??
RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

Do you have any RH DCE or Machop SF?
RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

i have plenty of machop SF and i only have non holo DCE
RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

haha oh god. i gotta go threw a ton a cards. ill see if i have any

alright i have like a million of them none RH... i have a machoke SF RH though haha
RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

Hello, could you CML for...
Staraptor FB Lv. X
SP Energy