• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

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H: Staff Gabite Darkrai EX, RH Collector/DualBalls W: All Cilans, BW Promos, Shinies!

RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

hi. i have a rh smoochum hgss.
donphan prime, kingdra prime, tyranitar prime
please cml if your interested
RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

What do you want for DRL? I have all of those cards I posted on your thread as well! :)
RE: W: RH Chatot MD, RH Calls, RH DCE, and UD Legends! New Japanese Victory Medals!

Azelf: The Japanese Scizor is easily pulled from the theme decks. Add the 2 Blaziken FBs and you've got yourself a deal! :)
RE: W: RH Chatot MD, RH Calls, RH DCE, and UD Legends! New Japanese Victory Medals!

I don't have 2 blaziken fb? It's still worth more than staraptor fb x.
RE: W: RH Chatot MD, RH Calls, RH DCE, and UD Legends! New Japanese Victory Medals!

Woops! Didn't see that was a want!
Really? An unplayable card in the U.S. obtainable in a theme deck is worth more than a good engine card for the future? :p

How about some Giratina PL, Manectirc PL, or Mesprit LA then? :)
RE: W: RH Chatot MD, RH Calls, RH DCE, and UD Legends! New Japanese Victory Medals!

My Sally X, 2 Spiritombs, and Electivire Regionals Staff

Your Luxray GL X
RE: W: RH Chatot MD, RH Calls, RH DCE, and UD Legends! New Japanese Victory Medals!

Those cards you listed that you want are worth more than straptor fb x alone. sorry
RE: W: RH Chatot MD, RH Calls, RH DCE, and UD Legends! New Japanese Victory Medals!

Hi. How are you? Fantastic.

I want your Mesprit X, any prerelease DP cards (if you have any to spare), Lucario X (pack), Lt. Surge's Secret Plan (gym challenge), Feraligatr (Neo genesis).

I have: Scyther EX, Rocket's Scyther (little rough on the edges), Pikachu (HGSS promo). See my list please. :D
RE: W: RH Chatot MD, RH Calls, RH DCE, and UD Legends! New Japanese Victory Medals!

CML for the following

1x Kingdra (PRIME)
1x Gengar Lv.X
1x DGX
1x PGX
RE: W: RH Chatot MD, RH Calls, RH DCE, and UD Legends! New Japanese Victory Medals!

80: The one thing I like is RH Vileplume UD. Any other RHs I want? :)
Azelf: Well then, what can I do for the Scizor Prime Japanese that isn't Staraptor FB X?
Alex: My Lucario X, your Scyther EX and Rocket's Scyther. Is that cool? PM me! :)
RE: W: RH Chatot MD, RH Calls, RH DCE, and UD Legends! New Japanese Victory Medals!

darksoulSP said:
80: The one thing I like is RH Vileplume UD. Any other RHs I want? :)
Azelf: Well then, what can I do for the Scizor Prime Japanese that isn't Staraptor FB X?
Alex: My Lucario X, your Scyther EX and Rocket's Scyther. Is that cool? PM me! :)

Would u do the following

1x Vileplume (UD)(RH)

1x Kingdra (PRIME)
RE: W: RH Chatot MD, RH Calls, RH DCE, and UD Legends! New Japanese Victory Medals!

How about

My Palkia GX

Your Vileplume UD RH, Clear 2010 Pokemon States Dice,(07-08) Regional Championship Pin,
(07-08) States Championship Pin
RE: W: RH Chatot MD, RH Calls, RH DCE, and UD Legends! New Japanese Victory Medals!

darksoulSP said:
How about

My Palkia GX

Your Vileplume UD RH, Clear 2010 Pokemon States Dice,(07-08) Regional Championship Pin,
(07-08) States Championship Pin

I can trade everything except the

Clear 2010 Pokemon States Dice,
RE: W: RH Chatot MD, RH Calls, RH DCE, and UD Legends! New Japanese Victory Medals!

How much do you value the States dice at?