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H: Staff Gabite Darkrai EX, RH Collector/DualBalls W: All Cilans, BW Promos, Shinies!

RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

What UD Stuff do You Have?
RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

Cimurph: Any RH wants of mine? :)
Ace: I have a full GKL set, as well as TRT, Defender, and Sage's.
RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

Hey i'm interested in your Madjestic Dawn Scizor RF, And any staple T/S/S from HGSS or UL. I Do not have any of your wants
RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

I don't want to trade Scizor from my collection, but I have staples from HG SS and UL. I like your 2 Scizor UD, Dodrio UD, Slowking HS, DCE, etc. Make me an offer.
RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

Do you mind listing which staples and how many of each? Then I will make an offer
RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

I have several Communications, Interviewers, Engineers, Emcees, Oak's, Elm's, Cheerleaders.
RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

I think I will pass for now, but if I don't find what I'm looking for soon, I'll come back to you. So thank you!
RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

darksoulSP said:
Cimurph: Any RH wants of mine? :)
Ace: I have a full GKL set, as well as TRT, Defender, and Sage's.

What do you want for the for GKL and the Sage's (And are any RH).
RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

Do you have any RH wants of mine? :)
RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

i have:
scizor UD
t tar prime
donphan prime
Ninetails HG SS
RH Communication
x1 Professor Oak's New Theory RH

i want:
scizor prime if you have it
GKL legend full
vileplume UD if you have any

LMK what we can do
RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

The only thing I want is the RH Communication. How about my Gyarados EX Dragon for it? :)
RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

It says you want 'Any and all'... Oh well!
Can I try and trade that RDL off of you? :)
RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

it does but not when i have it and someone is asking for a good RH card. and yeah its for trade but only for something i really want. someone on gym is gonna make an offer for his uxie x but im also looking for UD primes/legends ESPECIALLY scizor
RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

Thing is, my Scizor is a part of my collection and therefore not for trade. :/

How about my Machamp X and Gyarados Dragon for RDL and RH Communication?
RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

no thanks. i would only trade RDL for something i really want and if it really benefited me.
RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

Well what do you "really want and benefeits you"? I have Absol GX as well.
RE: Looking for an RH Machop SF, RH DCE, and UD Legends! Ask me about UD!

really uxie x, scizor prime, DGX (maybe), KGL (maybe), lux x or some ridiculous other trade. there really isnt much right now