Dang....first 100 customers to lineup at the Best Buy at our place will receive a free Halo Reach T-Shirt and.....an inflatable energy sword!!!!! Argh... now I don't know if I should be crazy enough to go just for that.
Which trailer? There are like 3 out there. The regular trailer, Deliver Hope, and The Day Before. I have seen the former two on television at least once.
TOMMOROW AT MIDNIGHT EST, REACH WILL FALL...buwhahaha i'm tingling with anticipation...so epic, epic probably haven't felt this excited since i watched Scott Pilgrim vs the world movie...
I decided not to go. I hate myself right now. But at the same time I've got some real problems if I'm feeling depressed over a toy. Not a game...but a TOY! Argh...why did they have to give out inflatable energy swords??
yes i love
i went to a launch party on mon was a long line but was well worth it at 1 in the morn playin snipers on paradiso. and i love my noble statue
great news! I'M GETT'N IT!!!!! One of mah friends got it when it came out at midnight. He said there were tons of people there and it took an hour for him to get his copy. I hope there's no bugs in this game like in Halo 3. Hope my dad shares it with me... XP
Woahhhh!! I just watched a video on YouTube and...Halo Reach has golf clubs & golf balls?! I did some more searching on youtube and it looks like Halo 3 had it too?! Wowwy that's amazing! Are there actually golf tracks? Can the golf club be used online? I can't believe I never knew about this before.