Pokemon Hardest Pokemon to catch in the wild?

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i think the hardest pokemon to catch is Latios and Latias...if you dont have a masterball its nearly impossible to catch...
Samtheman said:
You could also get a Shiny Wynaut from breeding you know.

I remember, I found a Feebas in 3 minutes on my Ruby, 4 Super Rod and 4th time the charm.
Shiny Feebas has to be very hard though.

I guess finding your Feebas that fast was luck. I took me forever to find that thing.
My friend (Necro_Thy) found some place, where he caught more then 15 feebases in less then half an hour. But it took some time to find that place.
Mewtwo. It took me 90 ultra balls in LG version to catch him and that was about 2 hours.:)
silent swordsman said:
i found a feebas in 5-10 minutes:)
soon later, i noticed i had completed a whole box of feebass
Wow. It took me hours to find it ;[

A whole box? I guess you only play in the exact time they come out..

Arcanine out.
The first Pokemon i found in the desert on Emerald was a Cacnea, then I found a Shiny Baltoy :D
Ive changed my mind, a Shiny "female" Combee is the hardest Pokemon to find, i mean you have to wait for like 12 hours real life too, then youll find someat random and female combees are very rare if im not mistaken cos i dont have d/p yet so think of a Shiny Female Combee.
Mind changed - It's Clefairy.

In LG, I entered Mt. Moon, hoping to find one Clef, and I found one. Oh boy! What hard thing to catch! Half my party were Asleep and Encore'd! I didn't get her in a single Poké Ball with HALF HP! Then I tried an attack and SHE WERE KO'D!
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