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    Thank you!

Have 2x Hydreigon, RH Garchomp + 2x Ray FA. Have Dragons Exalted+older EXs W] Darkrai EX, Zekrom EX

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RE: Glaceon's trades! ~ [H]4 Lost World! Get then while you can!! More CoL too!

gengar prime

4 Lost World!
Rayquaza #20
Mr. Mime RH
Shiny Lugia
Check my wants

I read the rules
RE: Glaceon's trades! ~ [H]4 Lost World! Get then while you can!! More CoL too!

Saw Jumpluff RH, T-tar, ERL, possibly an Absol. Shot me an offer.

@kontor: Changed wants. Don't want Gengar Prime that much.
RE: Glaceon's trades! ~ [H]4 Lost World! Get then while you can!! More CoL too!

I don't know how much the CoL stuff is worth yet, but here's my offer:
1x Absol Prime
1x Jumpluff HGSS RH
1x Tyranitar Prime

1x Lugia Shiny
1x Mr. Mime CoL RH
1x Rayquaza #20
1x Lost World

RE: Glaceon's trades! ~ [H]4 Lost World! Get then while you can!! More CoL too!

How about:

1x Jumpluff HGSS RH
1x Tyranitar Prime

1x Lugia Shiny
1x Rayquaza #20
1x Lost World
RE: Glaceon's trades! ~ [H]4 Lost World! Get then while you can!! More CoL too!

my main want is the shiny lugia. I only need it and deoxys to finish the shiny set
RE: Glaceon's trades! ~ [H]4 Lost World! Get then while you can!! More CoL too!

Well, I'll CML right now.
RE: Glaceon's trades! ~ [H]4 Lost World! Get then while you can!! More CoL too!

would you trade your shiny lugia for my:
houndoom prime, dce
RE: Glaceon's trades! ~ [H]4 Lost World! Get then while you can!! More CoL too!

PDL Bottom
Donphan Prime

Scizor Prime
Shiny Lugia
RE: Glaceon's trades! ~ [H]4 Lost World! Get then while you can!! More CoL too!

My Jumpluff holo HGSS
Your 2x Lost World

LMK. Thanks.
RE: Glaceon's trades! ~ [H]4 Lost World! Get then while you can!! More CoL too!

lmk if you find anything
RE: Glaceon's trades! ~ [H]4 Lost World! Get then while you can!! More CoL too!

I traded Lugia Shiny guys.

@Pokefreak. Just got the Jumpluff. No thanks.
RE: Glaceon's trades! ~ [H]4 Lost World! Get then while you can!! More CoL too!

Darn. My other offer would have been my 1x Jumpluff for your 1x Lost World. :(
Is there anything you like off of my list for 1x Lost World?
RE: Glaceon's trades! ~ [H]4 Lost World! Get then while you can!! More CoL too!

Have any RH energy?
RE: Glaceon's trades! ~ [H]4 Lost World! Get then while you can!! More CoL too!

Nope. Just traded my last one.
RE: Glaceon's trades! ~[H]3 Lost World! Get then while you can!! CoL deckbox's, CoL!

Smeargle? Bulk Prime? Will CYL right now.
RE: Glaceon's trades! ~[H]3 Lost World! Get then while you can!! CoL deckbox's, CoL!

How about
x1 Glaceon MD 5 Non RH
x2 Dark Energy RH (2007 league promo)
x1 Lost World COL
RE: Glaceon's trades! ~[H]3 Lost World! Get then while you can!! CoL deckbox's, CoL!

cml for 2xlost world
i have
Glaceon MD 5 (NOT REV HOLO) as well
RE: Glaceon's trades! ~[H]3 Lost World! Get then while you can!! CoL deckbox's, CoL!

Do you have any pachirisu from CoL?
RE: Glaceon's trades! ~[H]3 Lost World! Get then while you can!! CoL deckbox's, CoL!

I have:
2 RH Basic Dark Energy
Glaceon 5 MD Holo
ERL Full
Donphan Prime
Mew Prime
PDL Bottom
7x DCE

I want:
3x Lost World (highest want)
Claydol EX (if its mint, low want)
Magmar EX (if its mint, low want)
Absol Prime (low want)
Palkia G X (low want)
DCL top (low)
DPL top (low)
2x Blaziken FB
1x Sableye SF
1x Pokemon Communication
7x Seeker

can you make an offer?
RE: Glaceon's trades! ~[H]3 Lost World! Get then while you can!! CoL deckbox's, CoL!

I read the rules, na na na.. :)

CML for Claydol ex and CoL deckbox.
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