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    Thank you!

Have 2x Hydreigon, RH Garchomp + 2x Ray FA. Have Dragons Exalted+older EXs W] Darkrai EX, Zekrom EX

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RE: Glaceon's trades! ~Have MD-SF and SP. Uxie LA (can be LP or not). ERL. Want Primes!

Defyin said:
How does a Machamp prime NM sound for your Gigas X?

As long as you have a rep thread, that sounds great.

Decmaster said:
Mew Prime ($16.00)
Something ( Total$4.00)

2 Base Set packs (2 @ $10.00 (on average= $20.00)

How does that sound? Let me know or counter.

Maybe for the $4 thing, could it be:

(1 RH) Engineer's Adjustments
x3 Flower Shop Lady (UD-74)
x2 Pokemon Reversal (HS-99)
Does that sound good.
RE: Glaceon's trades! ~6 BW Packs, 12 Codes! RH Reuniclus! FA Zekrom! Want FA Reshy.

RE: Glaceon's trades! ~6 BW Packs, 12 Codes! RH Reuniclus! FA Zekrom! Want FA Reshy.

RE: Glaceon's trades! [H]BW Packs Codes! RH Reuniclus! Rare bulk, FA Zekky! DONPHAN!!! [W] FA Reshy & bulk!!

RE: Glaceon's trades! [H]BW Packs Codes! RH Reuniclus! Rare bulk, FA Zekky! Donphan & Mew Prime[W] FA Reshy & bulk!!

How many points do you value RH C/UC, RH Rares, Rares, and Holos at?
RE: Glaceon's trades! [H]BW Packs Codes! RH Reuniclus! Rare bulk, FA Zekky! Donphan & Mew Prime[W] FA Reshy & bulk!!

I just want normal UC/C. Sorry.
RE: Glaceon's trades! [H]BW Packs Codes! RH Reuniclus! Rare bulk, FA Zekky! Donphan & Mew Prime[W] FA Reshy & bulk!!

CML or your:
2x Donphan prime
RE: Glaceon's trades! [H]BW Packs Codes! RH Reuniclus! Rare bulk, FA Zekky! Donphan & Mew Prime[W] FA Reshy & bulk!!

Hey I checked your list but I don't need anything for the
cards you needed sorry
RE: Glaceon's trades! [H]BW Packs Codes! RH Reuniclus! Rare bulk, FA Zekky! Donphan & Mew Prime[W] FA Reshy & bulk!!

ratajoe said:
CML or your:
2x Donphan prime

RE: Glaceon's trades! [H]BW Packs Codes! RH Reuniclus! Rare bulk, FA Zekky! Donphan & Mew Prime[W] FA Reshy & bulk!!

I read the rules.

CML for Mew Primes.
I have Donphan, Lanturn, Steelix prime.
RE: Glaceon's trades! [H]BW Packs Codes! RH Reuniclus! Rare bulk, FA Zekky! Donphan & Mew Prime[W] FA Reshy & bulk!!

2x Lanturn Prime
Juniper RH
RE: Glaceon's trades! [H]BW Packs Codes! RH Reuniclus! Rare bulk, FA Zekky! Donphan & Mew Prime[W] FA Reshy & bulk!!

I read the rules'

How many points is Entei Raiku Legend worth?
RE: Glaceon's trades! [H]BW Packs Codes! RH Reuniclus! Rare bulk, FA Zekky! Donphan & Mew Prime[W] FA Reshy & bulk!!

idk... how many would you give for it? Maybe 500?
RE: Glaceon's trades! [H]BW Packs Codes! RH Reuniclus! Rare bulk, FA Zekky! Donphan & Mew Prime[W] FA Reshy & bulk!!

how much do you value a Darkrai Cresselia Legend Bottom half in points?
and also a Ho-Oh SL5?
RE: Glaceon's trades! [H]BW Packs Codes! RH Reuniclus! Rare bulk, FA Zekky! Donphan & Mew Prime[W] FA Reshy & bulk!!

I'd don't want to trade for Ho-oh, and I value DCL at a very low amount. I'd rather trade for bulk.
RE: Glaceon's trades! [H]BW Packs Codes! RH Reuniclus! Rare bulk, FA Zekky! Donphan & Mew Prime[W] FA Reshy & bulk!!

I read the rules
My Reshiram FA for your Cinccino and Zoroark?
RE: Glaceon's trades! [H]BW Packs Codes! RH Reuniclus! Rare bulk, FA Zekky! Donphan & Mew Prime[W] FA Reshy & bulk!!

glaceon said:
I'd don't want to trade for Ho-oh, and I value DCL at a very low amount. I'd rather trade for bulk.

Would 700 Uncommon/Common be enough for 2 Donphan Primes?
RE: Glaceon's trades! [H]BW Packs Codes! RH Reuniclus! Rare bulk, FA Zekky! Donphan & Mew Prime[W] FA Reshy & bulk!!

Could you CML for your:
2x Donphan Prime (Main Want)
1x Tyranitar Prime (Low Want)
1x Reuniclus (RH)
2x Rare Candy (Only if UL)
1x Vileplume UD (Low Want)
A few Seeker (Low Want)

I have a couple of your wants and I can list them if you need me to. Let me know if we can work something out, thank you. =)
RE: Glaceon's trades! [H]BW Packs Codes! RH Reuniclus! Rare bulk, FA Zekky! Donphan & Mew Prime[W] FA Reshy & bulk!!

read the rules. how many bulk points do you value the tyranitar prime at?
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