Heart Gold/Soul Silver set blues?

Bane said:
Rotations and better attacks(read as: more damage) mixed with higher HP makes the game to continue on.

i wonder if in a few years, if average Stage 2 HP will be over 200 lol...

why can't they downscale everything, but i guess it doesn't make a differnce, if your atttack does +10, and i have +10 HP, its pritty much the same, but i know it changes other aspects, but i don't want to type above

And to reiterate what is above: Why not just downscale attacks? i think it could be more interesting, also, i hope they don't make more donk-cards... they are annoying
reclaimer94 said:
And to reiterate what is above: Why not just downscale attacks? I think it could be more interesting, also, I hope they don't make more donk-cards... they are annoying
Or make the donk a lot more punishable.

And they really really really need to stop making attacks so powerful. *shrug* They rotate sets out easily due to their BRs and what not, so it should allow them to eventually weaken the cards, and add in more tactics. The cards may suffer at unlimited, but eh, they could always have more HP, but do the same damage as cards do now.
Dude, change is imminent. Honestly, if you're only playing the game for the strategy and not because you love the game, maybe you shouldn't be playing. You have to remember that Diamond and Pearl was an AWFUL set too, the cards can only get better from here on, right?
Noctowl's ability isn't bad either. Might help you decide when to use a certain attack or whatever. Get that out first turn and you'll know what kind of deck your opponent is using most of the time.

Thought about it last night. Looker's Investigation + Noctowl= Finally being able to use Energy Recycle, Cheerful Voice, and Sand Reset.

Check your opponent's hand with Noctowl, if they have power Spray, just wait for next turn and attack normally. Next turn, use Looker's Investigation, then use Noctowl's power. If they got nothing, feel free to go insane D: <

Just a passing idea.
cheetor586 said:
Dude, change is imminent. Honestly, if you're only playing the game for the strategy and not because you love the game, maybe you shouldn't be playing. You have to remember that Diamond and Pearl was an AWFUL set too, the cards can only get better from here on, right?

Yeah i'm playing this becouse i love Pokemon, and i love strategy games. This new set is just a little discouraging for me, and i wanted to know if anyone else felt the same.
Or, Gengar and Noctowl check if they have T/S/ST in their hand if not Shadow Room. And I think it is a brilliant set.
Well i just hope that it will continue to be at least as good as HG/SS, becouse the game would get really boring really fast, matches would take...like...an hour! :p

Oh, and you guys might want to save the noctowl strategies for the card comboes section okay?
From what I saw in the set lists, not every trainer card will be called "Goods", only items like Poké Ball and such, because Energy Search or Switch wasn't listed as a "Good", only as a trainer.
And other thing I noticed is that the 1st set of every block always sucks, but the following sets have better cards...
^ Hopefully, and i know that the name "goods" will fix any problems with the confusion of T/S/S, but why couldn't they call them items?
I actually like the set-
Bringing back older cards (in a way,Ho-oh legend =base set charizrard,feraligator-blastiose, etc)
Also they already have made a new donk card-Donphan Great is looking to be a possible partner to Machamp-DonkChampion(same as rampchamp but Donphan instead,more consistent) IDK yet but I like the set.
gecko764 said:
^ Hopefully, and I know that the name "goods" will fix any problems with the confusion of T/S/S, but why couldn't they call them items?

The Japanese set calls them Goods. They'll most likely be translated into Items for us.
its possible, but it was the same for trainers and supporters in Japanese, so maybe, maybe not we can't know untill it comes out :(. (i hate waiting :p)
gecko764 said:
Well I just hope that it will continue to be at least as good as HG/SS, becouse the game would get really boring really fast, matches would take...like...an hour! :p
That might be actually interesting and fun D:!!
Oh, and you guys might want to save the noctowl strategies for the card comboes section okay?

This is the discussion of the set. You said there was no strategy or combos to the set. We were just proving that wrong. We can't just yell "NO YOU'RE WRONG!!!", right? XD

At least, I'm sure it was you o_O *too lazy to check*
Actually i said that the strategies/comboes, are in plain sight for this set, and i just wanted to keep this thread from taking a turn into a combo disgussion thread :p. And yes. I do hope that the cards from HG/SS will be slowly getting more stragetic. Take platinum/DP sets for example, they were pretty strange (not as different as ths set though :p ) from the start but eventually got better, i hope that this set will too.
I also forgot to mention. At least they didn't continue the Level X cards...

And make a Luvdisc Lv X . Now that set would annoy people.

Can't wait for Luvdisc Legend and the Luvdisc Great Pokemon though.

HP 50
Poke-Power: When you place Luvdisc Lv X on your active Luvdisc, discard your whole hand and take all Luvdisc in your discard pile and deck, and put them on you bench, discarding other pokemon on your bench to fit the Luvdiscs in.
Ultimate Attack-{W}{P}{D}{L} 10 damage. Luvdisc does 200 damage to it's self. Any damage not necessary to knock out Luvdisc is put on to all other luvdisc on your bench. For each Luvdisc knocked out this way, your opponent takes 2 prize cards.


TO tell you the truth, HG/SS doesn't look that bad. I like how they are trying to slow down the game. I was getting pretty tired of things like Machamp and Kingdra run rampart across the whole format. And if you think that Feraligatr is going to rule all, then your mistaken. We haven't seen the whole set yet, so there is bound to be a few cards that balance out the set.
Metalizard said:
From what I saw in the set lists, not every trainer card will be called "Goods", only items like Poké Ball and such, because Energy Search or Switch wasn't listed as a "Good", only as a trainer.
And other thing I noticed is that the 1st set of every block always sucks, but the following sets have better cards...

not ENTIRELY true, base set and neo genesis were both pretty legit sets lol, and platinum if you count it.

I personally like the new cards and am not a fan of most/all of the current decks around right now, so I think this is a turn for the better. Great Pokemon are great.
Yeah, i see a lot of pleyers like this slowing down, i just liked the fast-paced style becouse there was a lot of quick thinking and a lot of things you had to take into account during the game.