Ho-oh EX Variants

Ok first off... Winning a cities is nothing. I've won 1, and top 4'd in two with a joke deck before, and that was back in the Luxchomp era. Second off, if I was calling you on something, I'd just tell Blah to do it because you and me argue more than iis and alex. Third off we are know arguing about statistics, and math in a deck where only basic addition is needed for the math. Fourth off, by no means did I make a random assumption, I infer'd by the fact you weren't listening to me in the past.

Thank you, now read the first sentence till the comma again. Good night.
MrGatr said:
Ok first off... Winning a cities is nothing. I've won 1, and top 4'd in two with a joke deck before, and that was back in the Luxchomp era.
Winning a cities means more than not picking up any points with the deck we're talking about. I know that sounds pretty rude, but if you want to talk about how winning a cities is nothing, I'll simply bring up how not winning is less than nothing then.

MrGatr said:
Second off, if I was calling you on something, I'd just tell Blah to do it because you and me argue more than iis and alex.
I don't mean calling me out on something about the forum rules, I mean calling me out on something about this discussion. Also, as long as it doesn't downgrade to just insult hurling, what's wrong with arguing? That's the point of these threads, after all.

MrGatr said:
Third off we are know arguing about statistics, and math in a deck where only basic addition is needed for the math.
??? I can't really make heads or tails of this.

MrGatr said:
Fourth off, by no means did I make a random assumption, I infer'd by the fact you weren't listening to me in the past.
OK, so by that logic, I could say you don't have expierence with the deck because you weren't listening to me in the past. However, it doesn't work like that.

MrGatr said:
Thank you, now read the first sentence till the comma again. Good night.
If you really didn't want to argue this anymore, you wouldn't have posted this comment. Just sayin.
Sorry if my post came across as I was calling you an unexperienced player, but winning a cities doesn't prove you are experienced with a certain deck as a whole. With that said what do you suggest I add to Ho-Oh to improve the klinklang matchup?
MrGatr said:
Sorry if my post came across as I was calling you an unexperienced player, but winning a cities doesn't prove you are experienced with a certain deck as a whole. With that said what do you suggest I add to Ho-Oh to improve the klinklang matchup?
True, but testing the deck does. Winning is merely proving that you can handle the deck in a competitive enviroment. Regardless, I suggest we consider this water under the bridge now.

In response to your second part, Benchtini would probably be the best option.
I will gladly consider this water under the bridge :)

I think Mr.Mora should post his list here, as it simply looks to have a good run against Klinklang, but he need Bouffalant. Anyways, I'm going to work on getting a Ho-Oh list with Benchtini, and see what you guys think about it.
Uggg Why can't you like your own posts -.-

Anyways, last night I tested Ho-Oh with Benchtini against a klinklang deck, and if you get it set up first turn, They will have no choice but to catcher stall around it, which is easily avoided using Switch. It utterly demolished the deck, but you have to get it set up T1 and firing away.
I liked it for you :p

Sorry if that's weird, asking people to like the post before I post my list. It felt too much like bragging, but if everyone actually wants to see the list, then I have no problem with it.
I'm going to address Klinklang like I addressed BKEX. Out speed it. How do you outspeed it? Tornadus EX, Bouffalant, Ho-oh EX, Registeel EX or Benchtini. All of these Pokemon can do 60+ (Except Registeel, but I'll explain why he's on the list in a second) damage for about five or six cards (Pokemon, *DCE, Ultra Ball, Ho-oh EX, energy, Energy Switch, *Switch, *Stadium) (*Cards are special case cards) Now, 60+ damage on T1, that can Donk Klinks all day long. Ho-oh EX, for a few more cards (Supporter, Trainer that can discard two energy, Rebirth with three energy, attach for turn, switch) can donk Cobalians, same with Benchtini. Regiteel however, requires two turns to be effective and you going first, a T1 Triple Laser to three Klinks, can turn into three prizes on T2. Honestly, I think taking out three of the four Klinks would provide some breathing room, correct?

Now, I know all of this^ is theorymon and might be hard to pull off, but I've played more Darkrai Donk decks than I can remember, and I can tell you, you need more cards for a Tornadus EX donk or Bouffalant donk than you do in Ho-oh. It also seems to me that you can't play defensive against PlasmaKlang, You need to burn as many resourses and attack as hard as you can, not to KO the big basics, but the Klinks. Honestly, I don't see where you lose to PlasmaKlang if you apply early pressure.
It's been ratified; here's my list as promised:

Pokemon (10)
3 Ho-Oh EX
3 Mewtwo EX
2 Tornadus EPO
1 Terrakion NVI
1 Victini NVI 15

Trainers N' Stuff (34)
4 Juniper
4 N
2 Colress
1 Bianca
4 Energy Switch
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Ultra Ball
3 Random Receiver
3 Switch
1 Computer Search
1 Skyarrow Bridge
1 Escape Rope
1 Revive
1 Tool Scrapper

Energy (16)
4 Double Colorless
3 Fighting
3 Psychic
2 Fire
1 Grass
1 Water
1 Lightning
1 Darkness

As it relates to the scenario of Bouffalant and Terrakion to KO Cobalion, it's easier to pull of with since you can Hurrican one to Terrakion, but it doesn't 2HKO Cobalion. However, Cobalion doesn't OHKO Tornadus like it does Bouffalant, so you 3HKO it while it 2HKO's Tornadus.
I know thats an effective list bc i know you have won a couple cities and whatnot.. but that list scares me. I think too few pokemon and alot of energy. But Whatever works for you.
My updated list, post-Plasma Storm. It's been doing VERY well, I'm pleased to say.

2 Ho-Oh EX
3 Mewtwo EX
2 Terrakion
1 Landorus EX
1 Cobalion EX
1 Keldeo EX
1 Sigilyph
1 Bouffalant

4 Professor Juniper
4 N
3 Skyla
2 Colress
1 Dowsing Machine
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Ultra Ball
4 Energy Switch
4 Switch
2 Hypnotoxic Laser
1 Tool Scrapper
1 Energy Search

3 Fighting
2 Water
2 Psychic
2 Metal
1 Grass
4 Double Colorless

I'm doing very well with this list at league and playtcg. Of course there is always a way to make improvements. Cobalion EX is a great attacker in Ho-Oh.
It's winning me games. Also I don't know what to decide on my Ace Spec. Dowsing Machine is amazing late game, but twice I've had it in my opening hand with my only Supporter being a Juniper. Any way, please give me some feedback/ideas for my deck. Thank you!
MMAmonchan said:
I know thats an effective list bc i know you have won a couple cities and whatnot.. but that list scares me. I think too few pokemon and alot of energy. But Whatever works for you.

Yeah, I like having a lot of energy iust so I don't wind up discarding something important with Ultra Ball. Once everyone gets orginaized and knows what they're going to run for States, I'll probably adjust the attackers accordingly.
TPZ said:
It's winning me games. Also I don't know what to decide on my Ace Spec. Dowsing Machine is amazing late game, but twice I've had it in my opening hand with my only Supporter being a Juniper. Any way, please give me some feedback/ideas for my deck. Thank you!

In that type of list energy conservation and manipulation is going to be important. I'd suggest instead of computer search or even Dowsing Machine go with Scramble switch. This allows Mewtwo to switch to another Mewtwo and get double the power for some nice KO's.
Dowsing Machine and Scramble Switch are the best options in this. Dowsing Machine is awesome because Ho-oh often has issues with having enough resources to last through the game, and Scramble Switch is awesome due to it boosting the versatility of Ho-oh. It's really personal preference though, Computer Search, Dowsing, and Scramble Switch are all very good.
I'm debating between all 3. In my list I tried Scramble Switch, and didn't like it. Atm I'm trying to get my hands on a Dowsing Machine and try that out. But right now Computer Search is still my favorite, but I don't think it does anything special.

Btw is Cobalion really that good? Usually I try to avoid attackers that take more than 1 turn to charge up.
Cobalion wrecks a lot of decks set ups. Basically any deck that isn't Blastoise or straight Darkrai, runs 4 DCE, and rely on it. Cobalion EX is a great way to slow your opponent down at any stage of the game. Slows Mewtwo, Bouffalaunt, and Tornadus. Not to mention it can OHKO Sigilyph which can give me some trouble.

Anyway, on the ACE SPEC discussion, I tested all 3 last night on playtcg. Scramble Switch was not working for me. Maybe I just don't understand how to really play it, but early, mid and late game it never made sense to play. I'm think Dowsing Machine is the best ACE SPEC for Ho-Oh. But again I believe Pokemon created ACE SPECs for player preference.
TPZ said:
My updated list, post-Plasma Storm. It's been doing VERY well, I'm pleased to say.

2 Ho-Oh EX
3 Mewtwo EX
2 Terrakion
1 Landorus EX
1 Cobalion EX
1 Keldeo EX
1 Sigilyph
1 Bouffalant

4 Professor Juniper
4 N
3 Skyla
2 Colress
1 Dowsing Machine
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Ultra Ball
4 Energy Switch
4 Switch
2 Hypnotoxic Laser
1 Tool Scrapper
1 Energy Search

3 Fighting
2 Water
2 Psychic
2 Metal
1 Grass
4 Double Colorless

I'm doing very well with this list at league and playtcg. Of course there is always a way to make improvements. Cobalion EX is a great attacker in Ho-Oh.
It's winning me games. Also I don't know what to decide on my Ace Spec. Dowsing Machine is amazing late game, but twice I've had it in my opening hand with my only Supporter being a Juniper. Any way, please give me some feedback/ideas for my deck. Thank you!

I may have just bad luck, or something is escaping me, but when I run only 2 Ho-Oh, I can never get both of them discarded (One either eludes me during play or is Prize Carded and only gotten back late game) and rolling for Rebirth with just 1 gives me a major headache/heartache.

Do you ever have that problem with this set up?
I have problems discarding Ho-Oh's, and that's with three. I also have problems with flipping heads (even with three in there).
1. Play more Ultra Ball. I can't really think of another way other than playing the 4 juniper that you already should be running and the Computer Search/Dowsing Machine that you may be running.
2. No solution to bad flips.