BW/BW2 Hoenn in Black and White

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vaporchu8 said:
Two occurences do not make a pattern.

One occurrence in Pokemon makes a pattern. You clearly haven't been paying attention to EVERY GAME BEING THE SAME lol.

dmaster out.
dmaster said:
One occurrence in Pokemon makes a pattern. You clearly haven't been paying attention to EVERY GAME BEING THE SAME lol.

dmaster out.

HaHa this^

I like the formula they got, 2 games, a 3rd version, and remakes :)
I think Snorlax FTW had it right.
Hoenn Region in Isshu = No remake = Less $ for GF.

IIRC, they made a point of how this region wasn't going to have Pokemon from past games in the Isshu region--something along those lines. Going on this, would it not then be counterproductive to have the trainer going to another region?
Why would they stash in Hoeen in B/W when the remake of R/S/E will make as much money as B/W when they come out? Maybe the air port is a gym in disguise, you never know ;)
GalladeFreakone100 said:
The airport might not be useable at all like that space station in ruby and sapphire and emrald.
Well now there is new graphics and such and is the 5th generation. I think it would be possible to go in the airplane in the game. If they don't make is accessible to the rider of the player then I have no clue why they added that. Or it could be an abandoned airport and the player can probably find things hidden away there.
They won't because GameFreak knows they can make more money with a remake if they wanted Hoenn back. Pokemon is a cash cow. And I've already made a post about RS remakes.
Ice Arceus said:
Well now there is new graphics and such and is the 5th generation. I think it would be possible to go in the airplane in the game. If they don't make is accessible to the rider of the player then I have no clue why they added that. Or it could be an abandoned airport and the player can probably find things hidden away there.
If they wanted to gamefreak could have made the rokets/shuttles at the space station accessible to the player, but they didn't, so if they dont want to gamefreak does not have to make it accessible.
I like the abandoned airport idea though.
What if the airport is like the one in Call of Duty 0.o I'm GOnna DIEEE!!!!
yeah, I think itd be cool if at the end they repaired it and u could fly to other regions, and it was under consutruction throughout the game like pal park
Well, I saw a table earlier which made sense,
Gen 3 - Gen 1 Remake
Gen 4 - Gen 2 Remake
Gen 5 - Gen 3 Remake?, maybe in 2012+ we can expect it.
But no doubt we'll definitely be seeing it soon. (If 3 years is soon ;D)
I enjoyed my days in R/S/E, I'll definitely enjoy them more with updated graphics.
3D anyone? :D
I'd also enjoy a game with all the current Generations. I know it'd be HUGE, but it would be far from un-interesting.
Or maybe a 2 gen game series?
Gen 1 and 2 (Done.)
Gen 3 and 4
THEN, Gen 5 and 6 :)
BunZWorlD said:
Well, I saw a table earlier which made sense,
Gen 3 - Gen 1 Remake
Gen 4 - Gen 2 Remake
Gen 5 - Gen 3 Remake?, maybe in 2012+ we can expect it.
But no doubt we'll definitely be seeing it soon. (If 3 years is soon ;D)
I enjoyed my days in R/S/E, I'll definitely enjoy them more with updated graphics.
3D anyone? :D

This is what I originally thought, but then I realized, with GSC becoming DS games, all the regions have a way to link into the future, which makes me unsure of a remake.


All the gens are therefore linked, so I am unsure.
The Flaming Ho-oh said:
This is what I originally thought, but then I realized, with GSC becoming DS games, all the regions have a way to link into the future, which makes me unsure of a remake.


All the gens are therefore linked, so I am unsure.
Gen 5 isn't exclusive to the 3DS though, It's a DS game. :)
They didnt utilize the DS until 2007 when the DS was released 2004.
Emerald came out after its release, and FR and LG came out just before its release in September 2004.
So, technically the 3DS doesnt need to be used as of yet. If we look at it that way. ;D
Im using the NA release dates, not JP.
Being that Isshu is said to be far more industrialized than the other regions, we can assume that this "airport" will be up and runnning. Whatever it is, I'm sure it won't be under construction, as someone else had earlier suggested.

They could simply not allow you to reach it until later in the game, or it could be like the SS Aqua in GSC/HGSS where Elm must first give you a ticket to ride.

I'd also like to think that there is more of Isshu to the North...if anything, I hope we get the full map of Isshu with more on the game's storyline as promised this month.

(And by "as promised", I meant more on the storyline, since they mentioned nothing explicitly on the map -_-)
godzilla41 said:
Why would they stash in Hoeen in B/W when the remake of R/S/E will make as much money as B/W when they come out? Maybe the air port is a gym in disguise, you never know ;)

I already said that.

I'm glad someone else thinks that it could be a gym.
Forgot to mention before, but someone mentioned that the fair area had been confirmed to hold a gym. Although it actually has not been (please don't spread false info :D), I think that there probably is one. Where else will that roller coaster gym fit in? My only question then would be what pokemon could possibly be there? o_O
Fire_Master said:
Forgot to mention before, but someone mentioned that the fair area had been confirmed to hold a gym. Although it actually has not been (please don't spread false info :D), I think that there probably is one. Where else will that roller coaster gym fit in? My only question then would be what pokemon could possibly be there? o_O

Mime jr. and seels get it?
lol, I do, but yeah, I like GYMS to look like GYMS quiet frankly, I am unimpressed by this "gyms in disguise" thing everyone is going on about.
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