BW/BW2 Hoenn in Black and White

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vaporchu8 said:
So, I just wanna ask yall this:

If you are so sure that Hoenn will NOT be in B/W, what makes you so sure that R/S will be remade?

You can try to prove the people that are hoping for Hoenn to be visitable wrong, but you can't absolutely say that it isn't possible until the games come out. Likewise, you can't say that there will be R/S remakes this Gen, because nothing has been confirmed, and there is nothing that supports such a theory(as with the theory that Hoenn will be in B/W). Remember, until R/S remakes are confirmed, R/G's and G/S's remakes are not that viable of an arguement, since they don't make a pattern.

Gen 1 -- The starter games
Gen 2 -- The sequel to the starter games. They added Kanto in because there connected.
Gen 3 -- A fresh start with Hoenn, Then a remake for the nostigalic feeling we got from The Starter games
Gen 4 -- A game that is bringing back all the features that we loved in Gen 2 (Day / Night time, etc.), and then, to follow up on what Gen. 3 did, they add Hg/Ss

And I know everyone who is so persistent on this stupid ideal would just skip this question, what would you do if they did include Hoenn in B/W? What kind of story? It just wouldn't be the same!
vaporchu8 said:
So, I just wanna ask yall this:

If you are so sure that Hoenn will NOT be in B/W, what makes you so sure that R/S will be remade?

You can try to prove the people that are hoping for Hoenn to be visitable wrong, but you can't absolutely say that it isn't possible until the games come out. Likewise, you can't say that there will be R/S remakes this Gen, because nothing has been confirmed, and there is nothing that supports such a theory(as with the theory that Hoenn will be in B/W). Remember, until R/S remakes are confirmed, R/G's and G/S's remakes are not that viable of an arguement, since they don't make a pattern.

HGSS coming out does point to a remake, one appearance makes a pattern. First FRLG, then HGSS, next is ruby and sapphire remakes. It is practically confirmed.

There may be no solid in-game evidence, but there is something called logic which shows why Hoenn won't be in the game.

Here, I just copied my post from earlier in this thread, which I actually copied from another thread-

Here's some food for thought:
1.Combine regions in a game? No. Everyone saw how terrible HGSS were. Sure it gave us more places to visit, but ask yourself this, how quickly did you beat the Kanto gym leaders? I beat it in one to two hours tops. As your pokemon are already equal levels if not higher than the gym leaders, you have a relatively easy time throughout Kanto.

2. Pokemon is all about the money. Sure if such a collaboration would occur they would make a good bit of money. But by making remakes each generation, the money is flowing right into their accounts. 5 games a generation, 3 new region games, 2 remakes, going for 30-35 dollars a pop. Now that is a lot of money.

These reasons alone pretty much "prove" hoenn won't be in BW. And why should they be? Hoenn is still accessible, they aren't gonna put them in BW when you can still buy the games.

TheDarkLucario- people just don't get it do they? Let them keep their hopes, but they sure will be disappointed when it doesn't come true.
Somebody mentioned 'hoenn' taking up too much memory on the cards.

Each 'rom' file on the cards is 128MB, (since the inception of platinum), and each card can hold a maximum of 1GB, so by that logic I would say there is plenty of space for hoenn and indeed every region on one cartridge.

However, Hoenn and Isshu do not seem like a likely pairing. If, when we get the new games there are hints in there for Hoenn like there were in D/P/Pt for Johto, then we can begin to speculate on a remake .. but its highly unlikely that Hoenn will be in black and white
SQUIRTLETamer08 said:
HGSS coming out does point to a remake, one appearance makes a pattern. First FRLG, then HGSS, next is ruby and sapphire remakes. It is practically confirmed.

There may be no solid in-game evidence, but there is something called logic which shows why Hoenn won't be in the game.

Here, I just copied my post from earlier in this thread, which I actually copied from another thread-

Here's some food for thought:
1.Combine regions in a game? No. Everyone saw how terrible HGSS were. Sure it gave us more places to visit, but ask yourself this, how quickly did you beat the Kanto gym leaders? I beat it in one to two hours tops. As your pokemon are already equal levels if not higher than the gym leaders, you have a relatively easy time throughout Kanto.

2. Pokemon is all about the money. Sure if such a collaboration would occur they would make a good bit of money. But by making remakes each generation, the money is flowing right into their accounts. 5 games a generation, 3 new region games, 2 remakes, going for 30-35 dollars a pop. Now that is a lot of money.

These reasons alone pretty much "prove" hoenn won't be in BW. And why should they be? Hoenn is still accessible, they aren't gonna put them in BW when you can still buy the games.

TheDarkLucario- people just don't get it do they? Let them keep their hopes, but they sure will be disappointed when it doesn't come true.
Can someone who believes Hoenn will be in B/W give me 3 - 5 logical reasons! If no one answers this there avoiding the question because there is no proof!
Isshu said:
Somebody mentioned 'hoenn' taking up too much memory on the cards.

Each 'rom' file on the cards is 128MB, (since the inception of platinum), and each card can hold a maximum of 1GB, so by that logic I would say there is plenty of space for hoenn and indeed every region on one cartridge.

However, Hoenn and Isshu do not seem like a likely pairing. If, when we get the new games there are hints in there for Hoenn like there were in D/P/Pt for Johto, then we can begin to speculate on a remake .. but its highly unlikely that Hoenn will be in black and white

Yea i Know but with the 3d technology Will that make a difference???
TheDarkLucario said:
Can someone who believes Hoenn will be in B/W give me 3 - 5 logical reasons! If no one answers this there avoiding the question because there is no proof!

The only "evidence", and I am using this lightly, that they could list as to why Hoenn would be included would be:

1.There is a runway. (this makes so much sense)
2. the game won't have all the pokemon in it, so there must be a way to include them...hoenn. (Guess people don't realize that we can still buy R/S/E, FRLG, DPt, and HGSS. These games give us all the pokemon). BW is still compatible.

And to whomever stated that Nintendo doesn't want to make kids buy all these games to collect all the pokemon, may I ask you if you have every heard of money? You know, a piece of green paper with a president on it and some historical event/location?
SQUIRTLETamer08 said:
The only "evidence", and I am using this lightly, that they could list as to why Hoenn would be included would be:

1.There is a runway. (this makes so much sense)
2. the game won't have all the pokemon in it, so there must be a way to include them...hoenn. (Guess people don't realize that we can still buy R/S/E, FRLG, DPt, and HGSS. These games give us all the pokemon). BW is still compatible.

And to whomever stated that Nintendo doesn't want to make kids buy all these games to collect all the pokemon, may I ask you if you have every heard of money? You know, a piece of green paper with a president on it and some historical event/location?
Exactly people are just way too persistent. They've already stated they believe hoenn is in B/W, we both proved them wrong, and they just continue.
Snorlax FTW said:
I certainly hope that R/S/E would get their own game rather than an add-on in Isshu! I mean it's a good idea but I think R/S/E deserve their own game. =D


It is highly unlikely that Game Freak would revisit a previous region in a new generation's kick-off games. It is almost a guarantee that they will create individual games for the remakes, quite possibly on the DS's next system (If they ever decide to stop redesigning the damn thing and passing it off as a new system, that is.)
Hoenn isn't in B/W, that's final. It's not speculation unless you have something to actually go on, this is just spam.
It's hardly spam...It's brought up some interesting discussion, even though I don't think Hoenn will be in Black/White it was interesting to think about it.
Dizzard said:
It's hardly spam...It's brought up some interesting discussion, even though I don't think Hoenn will be in Black/White it was interesting to think about it.

It's kinda disturbing to think about it, there would be no point in going to hoenn. there hardly would be a story :p
I personally think it would be fun to go to Hoenn, I just made this thread to discuss the possibility of Hoenn being in B/W, not whether or not there would be R/S remakes or if Hoenn would NOT be in it. I just wanted to have some lighthearted discussion about the possibility. Now whether or not you think it's possible, isn't it an interesting idea? I still believe it's a possibility, and no matter what I say you continue asking for arguments, constantly ignoring some of the ones I have provided.
It's not likely though I say! There is no proof, so there is nothing to speculate on!
If they remake ruby and sapphire wont they have to remake fire red and leaf green? Blazing Fire Red & Overgrown Leaf Green?

Also about the gyms they might all be diguised.A gym dosent have to announce its self to everyone around by using the same boring brownish color.

I do not think hoenn will be in the same game as b/w and with money in mind will most probrably get its own remake.
Well, if there will be over 500 pokémon after this generation, it will not be a bad idea to add Hoenn to B/W, but i don't think it will happen. It was only because Johto and Kanto was the only regions when kanto was made in G/S/C, and that was never seen before. Today people will think it would be boring to put Sinnoh in B/W, but Hoenn is the only region that has'nt been showed on the DS system, so that could be a way, but i still don't think it will be in B/W. I think Hoenn will get it's own remakes after B/W and eventually a Grey version.
TheDarkLucario said:
It's kinda disturbing to think about it, there would be no point in going to hoenn. there hardly would be a story :p

It's possible to create new stories you know :p

Game Freak could make a point to it if they really wanted to
Dizzard said:
It's possible to create new stories you know :p

Game Freak could make a point to it if they really wanted to
Hoenn is all about three pokemon: Groudon, Kyogre, and Raquazza. And could you imagine Hoenn without Team magma/Aqua
Dizzard said:
It's hardly spam...It's brought up some interesting discussion, even though I don't think Hoenn will be in Black/White it was interesting to think about it.

It is spam. People are creating a topic about something which has need to be talked about. It is unecessary. There is not single bit of evidence/reason that has been shown for the idea of Hoenn to be incorporated. In fact, I have clearly given reasons as to why it will not happen. For those that try to give an argument as to why it will happen, I have ruled out those as well. In fact, these so called arguments for Hoenn in BW, are factless, and incorrect.

The runway will either be inaccessible, a gym, or a place to reach islands of of Isshu's shore or another place in Isshu. These are the only plausible explanations.
SQUIRTLETamer08 said:
It is spam. People are creating a topic about something which has need to be talked about. It is unecessary. There is not single bit of evidence/reason that has been shown for the idea of Hoenn to be incorporated. In fact, I have clearly given reasons as to why it will not happen. For those that try to give an argument as to why it will happen, I have ruled out those as well. In fact, these so called arguments for Hoenn in BW, are factless, and incorrect.

The runway will either be inaccessible, a gym, or a place to reach islands of of Isshu's shore or another place in Isshu. These are the only plausible explanations.
i dont think it will be in black and white because its made for the ds so they'll probably have migrating inn pal park again or something similar

hey does anyone know if taurous will have an evolution? o and i also heard or a rumor saying tht somepokemon were going to have stage 3 evolution but i dont belive it .
bpalmer357 said:
i don't think it will be in black and white because its made for the ds so they'll probably have migrating inn pal park again or something similar

hey does anyone know if taurous will have an evolution? o and i also heard or a rumor saying tht somepokemon were going to have stage 3 evolution but i don't belive it .

Those rumours are both false. Some stupid Swedish guy lied about it for attention.
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