Collecting "How Much is This Card Worth?" / "Is This a Good Trade?"

Was this a good trade? I went to a phantom forces prerelease yesterday, and out of my eight packs, I pulled a dialga ex, m manetric ex, and Gengar EX full art. I traded The dialga for lysandre's Trump Card Full Art, and I traded the Gengar Full art for an Entry in the booster draft which was 25 dollars, and this was so ironic..... I pulled another full art gengar EX, and a holo gigalyth, I ended up getting first place, out of 6 people (one of which dropped out) and I got 3 packs for winning and I pulled a holo feraligatr. So what do you guys think?
Pokemonlover903 said:
Was this a good trade? I went to a phantom forces prerelease yesterday, and out of my eight packs, I pulled a dialga ex, m manetric ex, and Gengar EX full art. I traded The dialga for lysandre's Trump Card Full Art

From the competitive point of view, Dialga is more playable than Lysandre's TC, but more from a collector's view, an EX for a FA is acceptable.

Pokemonlover903 said:
and I traded the Gengar Full art for an Entry in the booster draft which was 25 dollars, and this was so ironic.... I pulled another full art gengar EX, and a holo gigalyth, I ended up getting first place, out of 6 people (one of which dropped out) and I got 3 packs for winning and I pulled a holo feraligatr. So what do you guys think?

Well, since you got another FA Gengar out of that, I guess it was a fair deal. Also, I wouldn't value FA Gengar as high as $25, but it's close enough.
About the Phantom Forces cards, do you think the price will drop once the set is released and has been out for a bit? I'm only looking to buy 3 cards from this set (Manectric FA, SR M Manectric and SR Dialga), and the best price I saw for pre-sale ones was $20, $25, and $30 respectively and $75USD seems like a lot for 3 cards, so I was wondering if it was worth waiting until the set had been out for a bit to see if the price goes down?
MegaCharizard said:
$75USD seems like a lot for 3 cards

You clearly don't want to build Virizion/Genesect...

But about you question, yes, they will definitely decrease. How much? That's the real question. Prices stated this early are given based on a card's hype, mostly, so prices will probably settle by the time we have the first big tournament after the set becomes legal.
Anyone know what a holo crystal Charizard from Skyridge would be worth? Got my friends old Pokemon cards and he had a bunch of Skyridge.

Appears to be in excellent condition (on the condition scala thingy).

If they are both holographic yes. Usually EX cards are holo but if not then no unless it is a card error. If it is a card error don't do the trade because error cards are worth a whole lot more usually if not now it will be in a few years or so.:)
JdmKicks94 said:
Would this be a good trade?


Charizard EX FA
Charizard EX XY17
RH Charizard LTR


M Charizard EX #69

His part is worth more, so it wouldn't be a fair trade based on money value and imo a good trade is a fair trade, so no it's not a good trade.
Though you'll get more than what you give.
Why would it not be a good trade? 2 Charizard cards for a better Charizard that is better? Why not? Just wondering since usually a 2 for 1 is a good trade in most cases. Why not for this trade?:)
XY17: $4.50
LT Rev: $2.50
FA: ~$18

M Charizard EX 69: $30+.

The person giving the three cards is coming out ahead because two of the three cards are not worth very much while the one card received is worth much more. That's why.
Ouch really. Ok. I was not going by price value though. I was going by regular trading. If it is a price trade I would add a 3rd card that is worth about $12.00 then for the trade.:)
RE: Pokémon Card Misprints Database - Post An Image When You Report

So I opened my Elite Trainer Box today and got 1 holo and this was it.

RE: Pokémon Card Misprints Database - Post An Image When You Report

Wow it looks like it was gauged to be cut wrong. When you set a printer or cutter that is done by a robot you have to set dimensions as if you would when editing a photo or picture. To do this type of thing you need to know how to do robotics well. Looks like they have new staff at their plants now so that could be why it was cut like that. Most people are kids doing these jobs roughly around the mid 20's or 30's. If they are new they are still in training and this could be why it happened like that. You have to set degrees and dimensions before the cuts can take place. If they are programmed wrong then the blades will cut at those levels. Unfortunately. The graph for the blades were not properly set before cutting so this was the result and was missed during sorting. When you have hundreds of thousands of cards flying around this can easily be missed.:)
RE: Pokémon Card Misprints Database - Post An Image When You Report

Well, that's a... nice and fully developed explanation you have there, ash. :p

And let me say that's a very big miscut! D: Might be worth a it more(specially since it has some playability), but it's hard to tell. Not something to get rid of, definitely! :D
RE: Pokémon Card Misprints Database - Post An Image When You Report

Yeah in order to have things precise you need to know robotics since the factory has the saws or cutters run by computers. On the computer you type the dimensions and the degrees before the cutters start cutting the rows of cards. All you do is type the numbers and the blades do the rest. The numbers for that cut were typed wrong. That was why it was cut like that. You also may have to set the blades in a crop as well as the angles and depth. If all these factors are off even a little bit you will have a miss cut or in this case an out of place cut.:)
RE: Pokémon Card Misprints Database - Post An Image When You Report

It appears there are black dots where it's supposed to be cut as well... Oh well I actually think it's special, and since it's the first English Gourgeist I've gotten I might put it in my binder.

Also I find it interesting the bottom is all yellow so maybe it was on the bottom of the sheet.
RE: Pokémon Card Misprints Database - Post An Image When You Report

Yeah that is because the cutter blades were typed into the computer diagnostics incorrectly XD.:)
What do you guys think about trading Genesect EX for a Seismitoad EX and a Flying Pikachu #25 promo card? T&T's price for Genesect seems way high (which is the case for most cards there), as they're selling it for $10+ than what it goes for on eBay. I'd just like some advice before finalizing anything. Thanks.
Keep the Flying Pikachu. They are very hard to get. I have never seen one for real but yeah trade the other cards XD but not the Flying Pikachu unless you have more than one and make sure you don't trade it for any crappy or cruddy cards.:) Rule of thumb when trading. If you have one card do not trade it. If you have 2 of the same card trade one for another good card this includes commons and uncommon's. If you have 3 or more of the exact same card you can afford to give it away for free.:)