bwaaaa said:Are there any reasonably expensive (like >1$) non holo rares e.g. vileplume.
1Pokemon_Master said:why is rayquaza/deoxys legend so expensive compared to the other legends?
dolphinluv2010 said:How much is the 1st Edition Error Ivy Pikachu worth? I'm ready to start the hunt for this card, but I want to make sure I'm not paying more than I should.
Delta said:Is T.V. Reporter as expensive as Pojo says it is?
Delta said:Thanks :]
Can I also ask how much would a Light Machamp be worth from the Neo Genesis collection I think?
.::n00bmuffin::. said:It was really shortprinted and hard to find. There are very few of them out there...I think I've heard something like 1,000 exist, but don't quote me on that.
The-Kaiser said:What is normal English Wizards Ancient Mew worth i got maybe 1 thats still in its plastic wrapper and few in NM to Very Good outside of the wrapper
.::n00bmuffin::. said:Around $4-5 unsealed, $7-8ish sealed iirc