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I need Magmar MT and Magmortar LV.X. I have 4x Energy Gain, 3x Power Spray, 4x Cyrus's, and Gatr Pri

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RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: CLAYDOL, lots of DP-GE.

Jace: Yeah. PM me to finalize.
Medaforcer: Great: I could use 4 of each. I could also use a Power Spray, 3 Energy Gains, and an Uxie if you have one. Someone else is in the running for my Claydol, it's a battle now. :p
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: CLAYDOL, lots of DP-GE.

EspeonROX said:
Jace: Yeah. PM me to finalize.
Medaforcer: Great: I could use 4 of each. I could also use a Power Spray, 3 Energy Gains, and an Uxie if you have one. Someone else is in the running for my Claydol, it's a battle now. :p

Oh how unfortunate. I can't spare a single Uxie at the moment. I forgot I was asking for Claydol too! I thought I was asking for a Blaziken PT in this thread. xP

I do have that Gardevoir X though!
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: CLAYDOL, lots of DP-GE.

i have
#83) Arcanine ex
#86) Dustox ex
#87) Flygon ex
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: CLAYDOL, lots of DP-GE.

EspeonROX said:
PKB: Great. Do you have any Crobat G or Honchkrow G?

richkid5000: I'm slightly interested in the Gengar SF, and a little in your Nidoqueen RR RH. Are those cards mint? Make sure Nidoqueen is scratchless. I can trade a Ho-Oh and 2 of my Absol for those cards.

I have 2 Hichy G.
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: CLAYDOL, lots of DP-GE.

Then...uh...that's not really enough. I maybe getting 4 already, (that goes for you too, Medaforcer) so I'm gonna hold off the Honchy G unless they're RH and mint.
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: CLAYDOL, lots of DP-GE.

EspeonROX said:
Then...uh...that's not really enough. I maybe getting 4 already, (that goes for you too, Medaforcer) so I'm gonna hold off the Honchy G unless they're RH and mint.

Alright, it's all cool.
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: CLAYDOL, lots of DP-GE.

Great, I like the Gardy X, but I'm gonna need a little more than that. DANG! I really wish you could trade an Uxie: that would increase your chances of getting him.

j2dar8: I like the Arcanine ex and Dustox ex. ARE THEY MINT? (Wow, I'm getting crazy about this) What do you want from me?
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: CLAYDOL, lots of DP-GE.

No, bottom of 55th page. :p
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: CLAYDOL, lots of DP-GE.

Oh sorry. Ok so how much do you calue the Beedrill and weedle? Also what about the GHQ?
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: CLAYDOL, lots of DP-GE.

On a much lower scale, I am interested in any Combusken GE you have. :)
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: CLAYDOL, lots of DP-GE.

$6.00 for everything. (2 Beedrill, 4 Weedle). I don't need the GHQ, for now.

Medaforcer: I have...2. 1 is RH, I believe. XD Fail right there. Maybe you could add something for our Claydol trade.
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: CLAYDOL, lots of DP-GE.

EspeonROX said:
$6.00 for everything. (2 Beedrill, 4 Weedle). I don't need the GHQ, for now.

Medaforcer: I have...2. 1 is RH, I believe. XD Fail right there. Maybe you could add something for our Claydol trade.

Well, I do have a Gallade 4 Lv. X?

If all else fails for the claydol how does crobats for combuskens sound?! :D
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: CLAYDOL, lots of DP-GE.

EspeonROX said:
$6.00 for everything. (2 Beedrill, 4 Weedle). I don't need the GHQ, for now.

Medaforcer: I have...2. 1 is RH, I believe. XD Fail right there. Maybe you could add something for our Claydol trade.

Ehh IDK I will see what else I can get.
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: CLAYDOL, lots of DP-GE.

Gallade 4 Lv.X
Gallade 4 RH

Claydol GE?

LMK or counter. :]
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: CLAYDOL, lots of DP-GE.


Gardevoir Lv.X


Shiny Vulpix
RH Trapinch SW

Lmk or counter.
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: CLAYDOL, lots of DP-GE.

Brawler: Hmm...is the Gardy X mint? I'm really picky about this guy. Could you throw in a Gallade 4 RH or Theme Deck Holo? LMK.

Medaforcer: I have 3x Combusken GE, 1 is RH! *.*

To all Claydol wanter peoplez:

I want an Uxie. XD I don't really need the Gallade 4 LV.X much, because I already have 1 decked. If you can sweeten your offers a little bit with more of my Wants, then we can talk. I mainly want an Uxie LA with the deal.
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: CLAYDOL, lots of DP-GE.

Please CML for Claydol, thanks!
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: CLAYDOL, lots of DP-GE.

stumpy271: I didn't see anything, sorry. Unless you have something big off my Wants, LMK.
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: CLAYDOL, lots of DP-GE.

Hey nice job!
I need your shining vulpix.
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