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I need Magmar MT and Magmortar LV.X. I have 4x Energy Gain, 3x Power Spray, 4x Cyrus's, and Gatr Pri

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RE: Probably some of the easiest Wants on the Beach. Have Mismagius GL X, Porygon-Z X, and lots of Shinies!

sorry not interested anymore i am going to pre-release if i need it after will let u know
RE: Probably some of the easiest Wants on the Beach. Have Mismagius GL X, Porygon-Z X, and lots of Shinies!

Tell me what you get there, I might trade you for the cards you get at the Prerelease. Thanks!
RE: Probably some of the easiest Wants on the Beach. Have Mismagius GL X, Porygon-Z X, and lots of Shinies!

1st bump until next Wednesday. 100 refs! W00t!
RE: I WANT YOUR GASTLY SF, SECRET WONDERS, & LEGEND MAKER CARDS. Have Porygon-Z X, Magnezone X, and ex cards!

I'm really interested in your Magnezone Lv. X. I have a Torterra Lv. X?
RE: I WANT YOUR GASTLY SF, SECRET WONDERS, & LEGEND MAKER CARDS. Have Porygon-Z X, Magnezone X, and ex cards!

So do I. :p I don't see anything else you have that I need, but could you possibly buy it?
RE: I WANT YOUR GASTLY SF, SECRET WONDERS, & LEGEND MAKER CARDS. Have Porygon-Z X, Magnezone X, and ex cards!

EspeonROX said:
So do I. :p I don't see anything else you have that I need, but could you possibly buy it?

Nah, can't really buy ATM. Sorry.
RE: I WANT YOUR GASTLY SF, SECRET WONDERS, & LEGEND MAKER CARDS. Have Porygon-Z X, Magnezone X, and ex cards!

Oh, OK. Thanks anyway.
RE: I want some Mother Gengar, Legend Maker, and Gallade stuff. Have Mismagius GL X, Porygon-Z X, and Magnezone X!

EspeonROX said:
CFOURCOLTSFAN: I dunno, what do you value the Treecko at?

Ben: Not much, lots of tennis. I do not have any of those cards, but...what kind of supporter's are you looking for? I can see what I have. I am not back competitively, my cousin is getting into it, so I'm staying in the trading business for him.

Okay sure, nice to hear from you! Ummm...I need like RR, Bebe, essentials really, including energy (yes like 35 of each type). I can pay if you got them.

BTW: You get the tourney invite? Jacob is coming too, I thought it would be fun and J.Chen, Feng, E.Chen, R.Tan, and many others are coming, so we hope you can make it :)

RE: I WANT YOUR GASTLY SF, SECRET WONDERS, & LEGEND MAKER CARDS. Have Porygon-Z X, Magnezone X, and ex cards!

Hey Espeon, please CML for Porygon ZX and/or Magnezone X. Thanks! :)
RE: I WANT YOUR GASTLY SF, SECRET WONDERS, & LEGEND MAKER CARDS. Have Porygon-Z X, Magnezone X, and ex cards!

Ben: I got the invite, but I have plans for that day already made. Thanks for the offer though. What do you need specifically? I do not have any Roseanne's or Bebe's tradable at the moment, gimme a list of Energy you need.

darksoulSP: I want:

Dialga G X PT
Dialga G PT x2 (if you have them, not listed, RH preferred but it doesn't matter)
Crobat G PT (how many do you have? I need 3.)
Gastly SF x3
Haunter SF x3
SP Energy RR RH
1-1-1 line of Empoleon PT, non-RH, please.
Gallade 4 RH x2 (if you have them, or foil x1 would be just as good)

Please LMK!

BTW: I have 4x Scizor MD if you want those. :)
RE: I WANT YOUR GASTLY SF, SECRET WONDERS, & LEGEND MAKER CARDS. Have Porygon-Z X, Magnezone X, and ex cards!

Bump 1 until next Friday. Updated Haves slightly, as well as the Wants.
RE: I WANT YOUR GASTLY SF, SECRET WONDERS, & LEGEND MAKER CARDS. Have Porygon-Z X, Magnezone X, and ex cards!

Please CML for PGZX, Thanks!
RE: I WANT YOUR GASTLY SF, SECRET WONDERS, & LEGEND MAKER CARDS. Have Porygon-Z X, Magnezone X, and ex cards!

How much would you spend for it.
RE: I WANT YOUR GASTLY SF, SECRET WONDERS, & LEGEND MAKER CARDS. Have Porygon-Z X, Magnezone X, and ex cards!

Bump 2 until this Friday.
RE: I WANT YOUR GASTLY SF, SECRET WONDERS, & LEGEND MAKER CARDS. Have Porygon-Z X, Magnezone X, and ex cards!

Bump 3 until this Friday.

Bump 1 until next Friday.

I did some MASSIVE DP-MD updates, so please offer me if you even have 1 of my Wants.
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SW cards, Gastly SF, and a BUNCH of easy stuff. [H]: Magnezone X, Pory-Z X, and LOTS of DP-M

check me for,

Entei RH
Raikou RH
Suicune RH
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SW cards, Gastly SF, and a BUNCH of easy stuff. [H]: Magnezone X, Pory-Z X, and LOTS of DP-M

I don't see anything for the Dogs, but for Celebi: check my Wants.
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SW cards, Gastly SF, and a BUNCH of easy stuff. [H]: Magnezone X, Pory-Z X, and LOTS of DP-M

anything just for Entei then or both Entei and Celebi?

as far as I know I didn't see that I had your wants.
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SW cards, Gastly SF, and a BUNCH of easy stuff. [H]: Magnezone X, Pory-Z X, and LOTS of DP-M

If you don't have any of my Wants, then sorry. I can't make a trade. :(
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