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I need Magmar MT and Magmortar LV.X. I have 4x Energy Gain, 3x Power Spray, 4x Cyrus's, and Gatr Pri

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RE: I want some Mother Gengar, Legend Maker and Gallade stuff. Have Mismagius GL X, Magnezone X, Pory-Z X, and E-Vire X!

O.O Whoa, not cool at all...dang. Sorry to hear that. Well, lemme see the trade we're lookin' at:

Shining Raichu
2x Espeon 4 (1 RH)
1x Gengar SF
1x Nidoran Female RR
1x AH LM Omastar
1x AH LM Wynaut
2x Raichu GL RR

E-Vire X
DP Dusknoir
DP Machamp
DP Drapion

OK...could I swap the Dusknoir for the Shiftry? I may need that in the future.

EDIT: Wants updated! I want your English Shining Cards!! (They're not valued highly, however, because they aren't that strong)
RE: I want some Mother Gengar, Legend Maker, and Gallade stuff. Have Mismagius GL X, Porygon-Z X, Magnezone X, and E-Vir

EspeonROX said:
O.O Whoa, not cool at all...dang. Sorry to hear that. Well, lemme see the trade we're lookin' at:

Shining Raichu
2x Espeon 4 (1 RH)
1x Gengar SF
1x Nidoran Female RR
1x AH LM Omastar
1x AH LM Wynaut
2x Raichu GL RR

E-Vire X
DP Dusknoir
DP Machamp
DP Drapion

OK...could I swap the Dusknoir for the Shiftry? I may need that in the future.

EDIT: Wants updated! I want your English Shining Cards!! (They're not valued highly, however, because they aren't that strong)

Sure, thats cool so it would look like this:
Shining Raichu
2x Espeon 4 (1 RH)
1x Gengar SF
1x Nidoran Female RR
1x AH LM Omastar
1x AH LM Wynaut
2x Raichu GL RR

E-Vire X
DP Shiftry
DP Machamp
DP Drapion

Thats cool with me! PM me if you wanna finalize.
RE: I want some Mother Gengar, Legend Maker, and Gallade stuff. Have Mismagius GL X, Porygon-Z X, Magnezone X, and E-Vir

HALT. If I throw in the Weavile DP, can you throw in a Nidoqueen RR? AND: please, make sure all of the cards are in mint condition.
RE: I want some Mother Gengar, Legend Maker, and Gallade stuff. Have Mismagius GL X, Porygon-Z X, Magnezone X, and E-Vir

EspeonROX said:
HALT. If I throw in the Weavile DP, can you throw in a Nidoqueen RR? AND: please, make sure all of the cards are in mint condition.

Sure, I can throw in a Nidoqueen, and all the cards are minty! :p
RE: I want some Mother Gengar, Legend Maker, and Gallade stuff. Have Mismagius GL X, Porygon-Z X, Magnezone X, and E-Vir

Shining Raichu
2x Espeon 4 (1 RH)
1x Gengar SF
1x Nidoran Female RR
1x AH LM Omastar
1x AH LM Wynaut
2x Raichu GL RR
1x Nidoqueen RR

E-Vire X
DP Shiftry
DP Machamp
DP Drapion
DP Weavile

Looks FANTASTIC. I'll PM you, thanks for trading!
RE: I want some Mother Gengar, Legend Maker, and Gallade stuff. Have Mismagius GL X, Porygon-Z X, Magnezone X, and E-Vir


1, until next Monday.
RE: I want some Mother Gengar, Legend Maker, and Gallade stuff. Have Mismagius GL X, Porygon-Z X, Magnezone X, and E-Vir

Hi the Walrein EX is in mint condition and I would trade it for your:
42-Chingling RH
65-Unown RH
88-Magby RH
36-purugly RH
37-Snorlax RH
40-weavile RH
55-mantyke RH
59-Rapidash RH
67-Unown C RH

You can CML for more as I am interested in all of those
RE: I want some Mother Gengar, Legend Maker, and Gallade stuff. Have Mismagius GL X, Porygon-Z X, and Magnezone X!

I do like the Espeon 4s you have...including the RH version. I also like the Lucario GL, Ho-Oh ex POP3, Holo Psychic Energy from HP, and the RH Aaron's Collection.

Is there anything else on my list you see?
RE: I want some Mother Gengar, Legend Maker, and Gallade stuff. Have Mismagius GL X, Porygon-Z X, and Magnezone X!

EspeonROX said:
I do like the Espeon 4s you have...including the RH version. I also like the Lucario GL, Ho-Oh ex POP3, Holo Psychic Energy from HP, and the RH Aaron's Collection.

Is there anything else on my list you see?
only saw the prerelease mothim so why don't you make an offer and we'll go from there.
RE: I want some Mother Gengar, Legend Maker, and Gallade stuff. Have Mismagius GL X, Porygon-Z X, and Magnezone X!

42-Chingling RH
65-Unown E RH
88-Magby RH
36-Purugly RH
37-Snorlax RH
40-Weavile RH
55-Mantyke RH
59-Rapidash RH
67-Unown C RH
Mothim Prerelease MD

Walrein ex LM
Espeon 4 x3 (1 RH)
Aaron's Collection RH RR
Holo Psychic Energy HP

Does this look good?
RE: I want some Mother Gengar, Legend Maker, and Gallade stuff. Have Mismagius GL X, Porygon-Z X, and Magnezone X!

I can't buy but can you CML for the Drawing contest Treecko?
RE: I want some Mother Gengar, Legend Maker, and Gallade stuff. Have Mismagius GL X, Porygon-Z X, and Magnezone X!

Hey John. Whats up? Do you have any Machamp LV X or Machamp or Uxie LA? If not I am interested in extra supporters and trainers you have. Just interested, and I can pay.

PS: Are you back in the game?
RE: I want some Mother Gengar, Legend Maker, and Gallade stuff. Have Mismagius GL X, Porygon-Z X, and Magnezone X!

CFOURCOLTSFAN: I dunno, what do you value the Treecko at?

Ben: Not much, lots of tennis. I do not have any of those cards, but...what kind of supporter's are you looking for? I can see what I have. I am not back competitively, my cousin is getting into it, so I'm staying in the trading business for him.
RE: I want some Mother Gengar, Legend Maker, and Gallade stuff. Have Mismagius GL X, Porygon-Z X, and Magnezone X!

Bump 2 until Monday.
RE: Probably some of the easiest Wants on the Beach. Have Mismagius GL X, Porygon-Z X, and Magnezone X!

Last bump until Monday. PLEASE check my Wants!
RE: Probably some of the easiest Wants on the Beach. Have Mismagius GL X, Porygon-Z X, JPN Dusk X, and Magnezone X!

I'm interested in your Cool Porygon. And I'm VERY interested in all 4 of your KidsWB Creator Cards. I need those for my collection!!

Also, I have these from your wants:

Legend Maker
#56) Lileep AH
#66) Tentacool AH

And I might have some more of your wants, but I don't know. I'll have to check my binder. ^^

Also, please check my list to see if there's anything you want for the Creator Cards!! :)
RE: Probably some of the easiest Wants on the Beach. Have Mismagius GL X, Porygon-Z X, JPN Dusk X, and Magnezone X!

Hello! I also like these cards from your Haves: (these are ALL from Secret Wonders)

Golduck RH
Mothim RH
Wormadam Plant Cloak x1
Blastoise holo x1
Salamence holo x1

and then the

Lileep LM AH
Tentacool LM AH

I don't think these cards can get you the Creator Cards, because I value them highly as well...I won them 4 years ago, and you know what they say, "memories are priceless." ...at least that's what I say. :p

PLEASE. Make sure all of these cards are mint, (meaning no scratches, ESPECIALLY on the RH cards,) so we don't have problems in the future.
RE: Probably some of the easiest Wants on the Beach. Have Mismagius GL X, Porygon-Z X, JPN Dusk X, and Magnezone X!

EspeonROX said:
Hello! I also like these cards from your Haves: (these are ALL from Secret Wonders)

Golduck RH
Mothim RH
Wormadam Plant Cloak x1
Blastoise holo x1
Salamence holo x1

and then the

Lileep LM AH
Tentacool LM AH

I don't think these cards can get you the Creator Cards, because I value them highly as well...I won them 4 years ago, and you know what they say, "memories are priceless." ...at least that's what I say. :p

PLEASE. Make sure all of these cards are mint, (meaning no scratches, ESPECIALLY on the RH cards,) so we don't have problems in the future.
Oh, wow! You won those? That's so awesome! :)

You were very lucky!! =D

I mostly want them for my collection. Although, if I'm able to attend NYAF (an anime convention) in September, I was thinking it would be really cool to get those cards autographed, hehe. XD But that's if I were actually able to get one of those cards, of course. :p

Out of those cards, my favorite Pokemon is Treecko, so if I had any chance at getting just one, I would try for that card.

Unfortunately, I don't collect cards from the D/P sets onward and I'm trying to get rid of the cards I do have from those sets, lol. But I wish I had more valuable stuff that you'd like.

As for the Cool Porygon, it's a small want, cause I need it for my collection of the Wizards promos. So we might be able to work out a deal for that, at least. ^^

But so far, that's the only thing I want, aside from the KidsWB Creator Cards. XD (Unless you have some of the cards from my wants list)

Also, speaking of KidsWB, I won a Pokemon Johto Journeys shirt from one of the contests they had. XD So yeah, I definitely know what you mean about memories being priceless. :)
RE: Probably some of the easiest Wants on the Beach. Have Mismagius GL X, Porygon-Z X, and lots of Shinies!

O.O Did you really? NICE. I was wondering what the heck a Target envelope was sitting in my mail, and I got 'em.

Oh, I also have:

Mew boxtopper HP.
Celebi black star Promo.
...and a have a Gabite Prerelease promo, if you want that.
RE: Probably some of the easiest Wants on the Beach. Have Mismagius GL X, Porygon-Z X, and lots of Shinies!

EspeonROX said:
O.O Did you really? NICE. I was wondering what the heck a Target envelope was sitting in my mail, and I got 'em.

Oh, I also have:

Mew boxtopper HP.
Celebi black star Promo.
...and a have a Gabite Prerelease promo, if you want that.
Oh, cool! You have the Mew boxtopper HP. Yeah, I definitely need that! =D

And I also, really need the Celebi black star Promo. I'm really glad that you have that card!! :)

Ah, a Gabite prerelease promo. That's cool. Sure, you can throw that in as well, if you want. I'm collecting all promos and prerelease cards. ^^

As for the cards you want, I think we can work out a deal! :)

However, I can't give you the Blastoise holo, because it's already being traded to someone. I can trade you all the other cards you want, though.

That reminds me, I need to update my trade list and put (trading away) next to my cards. That will make things a lot easier. XD

And like I said, I may have some more of your wants. But I need to check my binder. I'll do that later tonight. =)
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