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I need Magmar MT and Magmortar LV.X. I have 4x Energy Gain, 3x Power Spray, 4x Cyrus's, and Gatr Pri

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RE: I want some Mother Gengar and Gallade stuff. Have LEAFEON X, Mismagius GL X, Magnezone X, and E-Vire X!

I have Nidoran RR (Male) x1 and Nidorina RR x2! What would you offer me for that.
RE: I want some Mother Gengar and Gallade stuff. Have LEAFEON X, Mismagius GL X, Magnezone X, and E-Vire X!

zephilim: I like the:
Gengar SF
2x Espeon 4 (1 being RH)
AH Omastar LM
AH Wynaut LM
Gallade 4 LV.X RR English

I can trade a Mismagius GL Lv.X too, if you're interested in that...wanna shoot me an offer?

ElectroManiac: Nidorina? Or Nidoqueen? I might be getting those soon, but what do YOU want?
RE: I want some Mother Gengar and Gallade stuff. Have LEAFEON X, Mismagius GL X, Magnezone X, and E-Vire X!

Nidorina. I might have a Nidoqueen somewhere... I could throw some more things in.

I want your SW Plusle or D&P Shiftry (IDC if it is RH)
I would rather have the Shiftry, but if I throw in some more things, could I get more?
RE: I want some Mother Gengar and Gallade stuff. Have LEAFEON X, Mismagius GL X, Magnezone X, and E-Vire X!

Well, I could do a Shiftry DP for a Nidoqueen RR and...one other thing off my Wants.
RE: I want some Mother Gengar and Gallade stuff. Have LEAFEON X, Mismagius GL X, Magnezone X, and E-Vire X!

Anything else? I can't seem to find it. CML for it please, I would be glad to throw in lots of things.
RE: I want some Mother Gengar and Gallade stuff. Have LEAFEON X, Mismagius GL X, Magnezone X, and E-Vire X!

Go through the washer? Lol...

Anyways thanks for checking. You got any gamecube games...actually...do you have ANY games you don't want? I will buy them.

PS: Jacob may come over soon. You come?
RE: I want some Mother Gengar and Gallade stuff. Have LEAFEON X, Mismagius GL X, Magnezone X, and E-Vire X!

Nope. The cartridges at the bottom with the metal are rusted. :(

Uh...I have a few, but I doubt they'll go for much.

It's 11:00 when you last posted, so I don't think that's really gonna work. :p

ElectroManiac: Then...sorry. Nothing else.
RE: I want some Mother Gengar and Gallade stuff. Have LEAFEON X, Mismagius GL X, Magnezone X, and E-Vire X!

Well the Gallade 4 X is on hold at the moment, and I don't need a Mismaguis X maybe all the other things you want for one of your lesser Lv.x's?
RE: I want some Mother Gengar and Gallade stuff. Have LEAFEON X, Mismagius GL X, Magnezone X, and E-Vire X!

OK then...do you have a Nidorina RR or some Rare Candy, Roseanne's Research, or POV?

I'm also interested in the English Raichu GL RR.
RE: I want some Mother Gengar and Gallade stuff. Have LEAFEON X, Mismagius GL X, Magnezone X, and E-Vire X!

EspeonROX said:
OK then...do you have a Nidorina RR or some Rare Candy, Roseanne's Research, or POV?

I'm also interested in the English Raichu GL RR.

Don't have any of those trainers at the moment, but I have a few Nidorinas and Raichus. I could throw them in.
RE: I want some Mother Gengar and Gallade stuff. Have LEAFEON X, Mismagius GL X, Magnezone X, and E-Vire X!

I'm sorry, I don't need a Nidorina RR. :p I like the Raichu, how many do you have? Let's see how this will look like ATM.

2x Espeon 4 (1 RH)
1x Gengar SF
1x Nidoran Female RR
1x Nidoqueen RR
1x AH LM Omastar
1x AH LM Wynaut
?x Raichu GL RR

E-Vire X

I do not need the Gallade 4 anymore...at least for now. Do you have any holo {P} Energy or Haunter RR? I'll need 2 of the Haunter and Xx of the {P} Energy.
RE: I want some Mother Gengar and Gallade stuff. Have LEAFEON X, Mismagius GL X, Magnezone X, and E-Vire X!

Well, I have 2 Raichu GL, no Holo Psychic energies ATM and do you mean Gengar GL? Or Haunter SF?
RE: I want some Mother Gengar and Gallade stuff. Have LEAFEON X, Mismagius GL X, Magnezone X, and E-Vire X!

Gengar SF...and/or Haunter SF.
RE: I want some Mother Gengar and Gallade stuff. Have LEAFEON X, Mismagius GL X, Magnezone X, and E-Vire X!

Bump 1 until next Saturday! Help me get my Wants! :)
RE: I want some Mother Gengar and Gallade stuff. Have LEAFEON X, Mismagius GL X, Magnezone X, and E-Vire X!

Sorry it took me so long, I totally forgot I had posted over here. As to the SF Gengar I only have the one already in the deal. LMK if you wanna keep going.
RE: I want some Mother Gengar and Gallade stuff. Have LEAFEON X, Mismagius GL X, Magnezone X, and E-Vire X!

OK...I don't think I'll trade an X for

Gengar SF
2x Espeon 4 (1 being RH)
AH Omastar LM
AH Wynaut LM

It's not fair on my end. Anything else you see on my list?
RE: I want some Mother Gengar and Gallade stuff. Have LEAFEON X, Mismagius GL X, Magnezone X, and E-Vire X!

Bump 2 until Saturday.
RE: I want some Mother Gengar and Gallade stuff. Have LEAFEON X, Mismagius GL X, Magnezone X, and E-Vire X!

Well...bump 1 until next Saturday! Where ARE you zephilim?
RE: I want some Mother Gengar and Gallade stuff. Have LEAFEON X, Mismagius GL X, Magnezone X, and E-Vire X!

OMG I am sooooo sorry! I completley forgot I had posted over here!

Well I'm not sure if you noticed, but I added a Shining Raichu and Arcanine EX to my haves list, so LMK if your interested in those. If so maybe we could so something for your Leafeon X and Electivire X. LMK, and again I'm sorry. :p
RE: I want some Mother Gengar and Gallade stuff. Have LEAFEON X, Mismagius GL X, Magnezone X, and E-Vire X!

Leafeon X is gone, I have to update that. I like BOTH of those cards!! Are you interested in a Magnezone X?
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