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I need Magmar MT and Magmortar LV.X. I have 4x Energy Gain, 3x Power Spray, 4x Cyrus's, and Gatr Pri

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RE: I want stuff. Please check my list! Have LEAFEON X, Magnezone X, Dusknoir X IFDS, and E-Vire X!

Unfortunately, no. :/

I'll take as many as you are willing to trade. I prefer Psy and Fighting, but I like all kinds! :p
RE: I want stuff. Please check my list! Have LEAFEON X, Magnezone X, Dusknoir X IFDS, and E-Vire X!

Poop. :p That's OK. I do like the following off your list:

Infernape PT (and their Pre-Evolutions if you have them)
Empoleon PT (and their Pre-Evolutions if you have them)
Torterra PT (and their Pre-Evolutions if you have them)
Leafeon MD (Leaf Guard)

I don't know how much I can get for the Energy cards, but I do have some Super Scoop Up as well.
RE: I want stuff. Please check my list! Have LEAFEON X, TSD, Magnezone X, Dusknoir X IFDS, and E-Vire X!

How many energies and what kind do you have?
RE: I want stuff. Please check my list! Have LEAFEON X, TSD, Magnezone X, Dusknoir X IFDS, and E-Vire X!

Hey john! Long time no chat!

Anyways, I was wondering if you had any GBC pokemon games? IF so, I could buy it! LMK!

Also, can you check your email? Jacob and you will hopefully like it.

RE: I want stuff. Please check my list! Have LEAFEON X, TSD, Magnezone X, Dusknoir X IFDS, and E-Vire X!

darksoulSP: Here's a list:
7x {G}
2x {R}
1x {W} I thought I had more...it will take a bit more sifting through my cards to find 'em.
5x {L}
1x {P}
1x {F}

Ben: I do have a few GBC games, but unfortunately, I am actually lending them to a cousin and playing them myself.

Email? I will look into it.
RE: I want stuff. Please check my list! Have LEAFEON X, TSD, Magnezone X, Dusknoir X IFDS, and E-Vire X!

Bump 2 until tomorrow.
RE: I want stuff. Please check my list! Have LEAFEON X, TSD, Magnezone X, Dusknoir X IFDS, and E-Vire X!

Espeon, how about my 1-1-1 Infernape PT and 1-1-1 Torterra PT for your 12 holo energies (not counting Lighting, as I have plenty!)
RE: I want stuff. Please check my list! Have LEAFEON X, TSD, Magnezone X, Dusknoir X IFDS, and E-Vire X!

12? Eh...that's a lot...could we cut a few? Like in the {G} area? I like those... :) BTW, are your cards 100% mint and not RH? I prefer non-RH at this time considering those cards.
RE: I want stuff. Please check my list! Have LEAFEON X, TSD, Magnezone X, Dusknoir X IFDS, and E-Vire X!

Hm... How many Grass would you like to keep? And they are not RH.
RE: I want stuff. Please check my list! Have LEAFEON X, TSD, Magnezone X, Dusknoir X IFDS, and E-Vire X!

Great. Uh...at least 3. :) And, they are mint as I asked?
RE: I want stuff. Please check my list! Have LEAFEON X, TSD, Magnezone X, Dusknoir X IFDS, and E-Vire X!

So 1-1-1 Torterra PT and 1-1-1 Infernape PT (yes, both are mint) for your 4 Grass, 2 Fire, 1 Water, 1 Psychic, and 1 Fighting Holo energies. (Total of 9)
RE: I want stuff. Please check my list! Have LEAFEON X, TSD, Magnezone X, Dusknoir X IFDS, and E-Vire X!

Hmmm...sounds like a decent deal. Could you throw in one card? A Gastly SF? Or Nidoran F RR? I'm thinking of building a Mother Gengar deck for fun.
RE: I want stuff. Please check my list! Have LEAFEON X, TSD, Magnezone X, Dusknoir X IFDS, and E-Vire X!

yes my Celbi* is ment. is the Umbreon EX ment? and do you happen to have x2 Umbreon EX?
RE: I want stuff. Please check my list! Have LEAFEON X, TSD, Magnezone X, Dusknoir X IFDS, and E-Vire X!

Can you do my
Glaceon Lv.X

For your
Leafeon Lv.X

LMK thanks
RE: I want stuff. Please check my list! Have LEAFEON X, TSD, Magnezone X, Dusknoir X IFDS, and E-Vire X!

umbreonchamp: Sorry!! I forgot to get back to you. I have only 1 Umbreon ex willing to trade. It is 98% mint. If I had 2, *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*, what would I be able to get?

Nice banner by the way.

SrSpoony: Sorry, no thanks.
RE: I want stuff. Please check my list! Have LEAFEON X, TSD, Magnezone X, Dusknoir X IFDS, and E-Vire X!

thanks. and i would throw a rockets sneasel EX in. you can also check out my thred and see what else i have,or you can ask for some stuff i might have it.
RE: I want stuff. Please check my list! Have LEAFEON X, TSD, Magnezone X, Dusknoir X IFDS, and E-Vire X!

I'll just stick with the Celebi*. It's from EX Crystal Guardians right?

Ready to finalize?
RE: I want stuff. Please check my list! Have LEAFEON X, TSD, Magnezone X, Dusknoir X IFDS, and E-Vire X!

yes its from crst gaurd. yeah Pm me but dont give me your addy yet. okay?

it says your qouta has been filled and will not let me pm you.
RE: I want stuff. Please check my list! Have LEAFEON X, TSD, Magnezone X, Dusknoir X IFDS, and E-Vire X!

EspeonROX said:
Hmmm...sounds like a decent deal. Could you throw in one card? A Gastly SF? Or Nidoran F RR? I'm thinking of building a Mother Gengar deck for fun.

I can do the Nidoran Female RR. Give me a PM of the fianlized deal and your address! :p
RE: I want stuff. Please check my list! Have LEAFEON X, TSD, Magnezone X, Dusknoir X IFDS, and E-Vire X!

Sorry, lemme delete my overly large inbox, and PM you umbreonchamp.

darksoulSP: Sounds good, lemme get rid of the junk in my inbox.
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