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    Thank you!

I need Magmar MT and Magmortar LV.X. I have 4x Energy Gain, 3x Power Spray, 4x Cyrus's, and Gatr Pri

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RE: /~*Need MORE EX Legend Maker!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: CLAYDOL!

Do you have any rc?
RE: /~*Need MORE EX Legend Maker!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: CLAYDOL!

Eh...I do. Just not willing to trade them. Unless you gimme a good offer, at least.

Updated Wants! Knocked 3 off!
RE: /~*Need MORE EX Legend Maker!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: CLAYDOL!

Bump 1 until next Wednesday!

LOTSA pending wants now! CML!
RE: /~*Need Common and Uncommon AHs from EX Legend Maker!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Shiny Voltorb IFDS!

I just traded the pikachus. Do you want any other of my lm stuff?
RE: /~*Need Common and Uncommon AHs from EX Legend Maker!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Shiny Voltorb IFDS!

No thanks. Aw...I really wanted those. Oh, well.
RE: /~*Need Common and Uncommon AHs from EX Legend Maker!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Shiny Voltorb IFDS!

Do you want a mew ex from HP but you may not beable to trade as I live in the UK and also its not the best of conditions but definatly good enough to use
RE: /~*Need Common and Uncommon AHs from EX Legend Maker!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Shiny Voltorb IFDS!

I actually have one of those already, and yes, you are right. I can't send to the UK. Sorry! :(
RE: /~*Need Common and Uncommon AHs from EX Legend Maker!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Shiny Voltorb IFDS!

Hi, I have a few of your wants:

#66) Tentacool AH
#67) Trapinch AH
#93) Pikachu δ (I don't think this comes in AH)

Interested in:

#48) Gabite Prerelease (MT)
#42) Mothim Prerelease (MD)
#9) Gastrodon West Sea x1 Holo (SW)
#22) Arcanine x1 Rare (SW)
#27) Furret x1 (SW)

I live in Canada, is that okay?
RE: /~*Need Common and Uncommon AHs from EX Legend Maker!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Shiny Voltorb IFDS!

Eh...I can't send to Canada. The only thing that's possible, if you send an envelope with postage and everything written out to ship back to Canada. (Postage, envelope, etc., but I can trade a little more for that.)
RE: /~*Need Common and Uncommon AHs from EX Legend Maker!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Shiny Voltorb IFDS!

Bump 1 until next Saturday.
RE: /~*BIG UPDATE IN LEGEND MAKER WANTS!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Shiny Voltorb IFDS!

I Have:

1x Dustox ex
1x Walrein ex

1x Cradily
1x Luntaone
1x Muk
1x Mew
1x Pinsir
1x Wobbuffet
1x Kabutops
1x Lapras
1x Mew
1x Omastar
1x Lanturn
1x Tangela
1x Lileep
1x Weepingbell
1x Tentacool
1x Grimer
1x Pikachu

(if AH means HOLO then yes all of them are AH)

Interested In:

1x Dusknoir Lv X (SF)
1x Tytranitar (SF)
1x Shiny Voltorb (SF)
2x Bronzong (MD)
1x Claydol (GE)
1x Baltoy (GE)

and i was wondering AH is same as Holo, and IFDs is Platinum right?
RE: /~*BIG UPDATE IN LEGEND MAKER WANTS!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Shiny Voltorb IFDS!

I don't have any US stamps, only canada stamps but I don't think they work in the states.... O well, maybe next time :)
RE: /~*BIG UPDATE IN LEGEND MAKER WANTS!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Shiny Voltorb IFDS!

Sorry lilbandit. Wish we could trade! :(

Brianha: WHOA! Lots of cards I need, but this is the thing. Dusknoir Lv.X is pending for a Machamp X at the moment, but I've got nothing so far. Also, Shiny Voltorb are NOT SF, they are IFDS, Japanese. Same thing goes for the Tyranitar.

Claydol's gone as well. I have a Gardy X?
RE: /~*BIG UPDATE IN LEGEND MAKER WANTS!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Shiny Voltorb IFDS!

I have 2 Espeon EXs. One is mint, the other has a slight bend.
I looked at your list, and don't see much i need, but I'd be willing to sell them. I checked ebay, the cheapest ebay buy it now store sells it for 7.99. I'd be willing to sell them for 6.00... for 2, that's 12.00, but since one is damaged, i'd be willing to say an even 10.00?
Would you be up for that?
PM me if interested :D
RE: /~*BIG UPDATE IN LEGEND MAKER WANTS!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Shiny Voltorb IFDS!

Eh...not really up for buying, especially if one isn't mint. I like the mint one, however. I'll think about it. Lemme PM you.

What happened to the Luvdisc trade? -.-
Kinda left me hanging there.
RE: /~*BIG UPDATE IN LEGEND MAKER WANTS!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Shiny Voltorb IFDS!

Bump...until next Sunday.
RE: /~*BIG UPDATE IN LEGEND MAKER WANTS!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Shiny Voltorb IFDS and Glaceon X!

Bump 2 until next Sunday. I have Glaceon X up for trade now. Dusknoir X IFDS is supposed to be pending, maybe the trader backed out?
RE: /~*BIG UPDATE IN LEGEND MAKER WANTS!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Shiny Voltorb IFDS and Glaceon X!

Bump 1 until next Sunday.
RE: /~*BIG UPDATE IN LEGEND MAKER WANTS!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Shiny Voltorb IFDS and Glaceon X!

IFDS: Shiny Voltorb
Kids WB Pokemon Drawing Contest Promos (Torchic, Treecko, Mudkip, and Wurmple)

Legend Maker:
#3) Cradily AH
#7) Kabutops AH
#8) Lapras AH
#10) Mew AH
#11) Muk AH
#15) Absol AH
#16) Girafarig
#19) Lanturn AH
#20) Lunatone
#23) Omastar AH
#24) Pinsir AH
#28) Wobbuffett AH
#29) Anorith AH
#30) Cascoon AH
#34) Graveler AH
#35) Haunter AH
#37) Kecleon AH
#43) Sealeo AH
#44) Tangela AH
#45) Tentacruel AH
#47) Weepinbell AH
#54) Grimer AH
#56) Lileep AH
#63) Shuppet AH
#66) Tentacool AH
#67) Trapinch AH
#71) Wynaut AH
#72) Cursed Stone AH
#75) Giant Stump AH
#76) Power Tree AH
#78) Claw Fossil AH
#81) Rainbow Energy
#82) React Energy
#82) React Energy AH
#89) Walrein ex
#93) Pikachu δ
RE: /~*BIG UPDATE IN LEGEND MAKER WANTS!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Shiny Voltorb IFDS and Glaceon X!

I have a Espeon RH in mint condition, would you mind making a first offer seen as how I don't know how much you value it at? :3
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