• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

I need Magmar MT and Magmortar LV.X. I have 4x Energy Gain, 3x Power Spray, 4x Cyrus's, and Gatr Pri

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RE: /~*Need EX Legend Maker cards like there's no tomorrow!!*~\ I also want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Dusknoir X IFDS

Woops. Sorry about that. Well, you got anything "hiding" from your haves? Or can you trade a pokemon* or 2?
RE: /~*Need EX Legend Maker cards like there's no tomorrow!!*~\ I also want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Dusknoir X IFDS

CML dusky X
RE: /~*Need EX Legend Maker cards like there's no tomorrow!!*~\ I also want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Dusknoir X IFDS

do u have an trainers or eng plat
i have some lm cards
plmk by pm
RE: /~*Need EX Legend Maker cards like there's no tomorrow!!*~\ I also want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Dusknoir X IFDS

Giligan: I like Shaymin X Land Forme 1st ed. JPN IFDS.

yuyu: OK? PM'd.

Ben: No thank you. Not hiding any cards...at least cards not worth putting on my thread.
RE: /~*Need EX Legend Maker cards like there's no tomorrow!!*~\ I also want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Dusknoir X IFDS

Bump 1 until next Wednesday.

*Added Infernape X*
RE: /~*Need EX Legend Maker cards like there's no tomorrow!!*~\ I also want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Dusknoir X IFDS

I need...

Any DF ex's...

I GOT: Shay X land LV X.

RE: /~*Need EX Legend Maker cards like there's no tomorrow!!*~\ I also want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Dusknoir X IFDS

Mew * was just taken off the list because I won't be trading that. There really isn't anything I'd trade it off for at the moment...so no, thanks.
RE: /~*Need MORE EX Legend Maker!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Dusknoir X IFDS AND CLAYDOL!

i have these from your wants.

Legend Maker
Gorebyss RH
Bannette ex
Mew ex

Espeon ex UF

i want claydol
RE: /~*Need MORE EX Legend Maker!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Dusknoir X IFDS AND CLAYDOL!

Hmm...I'm pretty interested in the following...if they're mint, of course. :p:

Delcatty LM (holo or AH?)
Banette ex LM
Mew ex LM
Espeon ex UF (this one's a smaller want ATM)
RE: /~*Need MORE EX Legend Maker!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Dusknoir X IFDS AND CLAYDOL!

delcatty is the regular holo. Would you do

Banette ex
Delcatty (both mint)


RE: /~*Need MORE EX Legend Maker!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Dusknoir X IFDS AND CLAYDOL!

Hmm...could we do the Mew ex instead? I need that one a little more than the Banette.
RE: /~*Need MORE EX Legend Maker!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Dusknoir X IFDS AND CLAYDOL!

Have any call energies or warp points or rare candies for trade? Still trying to get your ex LM cards to you.
RE: /~*Need MORE EX Legend Maker!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Dusknoir X IFDS AND CLAYDOL!

Warp Points? I have 2 or 3. However, they are older copies of the new Munchlax and Bonsly one. (I have the Oddish to Oddish Warp Point art cards)

Thanks for getting back to me, I need the Wynaut pretty badly.
RE: /~*Need MORE EX Legend Maker!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Dusknoir X IFDS AND CLAYDOL!

CML for dusk X and CLAYDOL. I have
mew ex, SR pikachu (POP), and random rares, commons, and uncommons.
In rares, I have:

all fossils.
RE: /~*Need MORE EX Legend Maker!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Dusknoir X IFDS AND CLAYDOL!

EspeonROX said:
Hmm...could we do the Mew ex instead? I need that one a little more than the Banette.

thats fine. PM me to finalize
RE: /~*Need MORE EX Legend Maker!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: Dusknoir X IFDS AND CLAYDOL!

geo: Now that Julia is coming up all of a sudden having Claydol, it will be a battle between you and Juliacoolo who's getting the better deal.

Juliacoolo: Are the cards listed AH? What's the Pikachu? Is it this one? I need this Pikachu!


If the Mew ex is mint, and the Pikachu I need is mint, I can do the deal for Claydol...like this. IF THEY ARE MINT! (And English)

Mew ex
Pikachu {M} LM
{2 AH LM cards that you have}
Claydol GE
RE: /~*Need MORE EX Legend Maker!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: CLAYDOL!

Mew ex is world championship, and I have two of those pikachu.
RE: /~*Need MORE EX Legend Maker!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: CLAYDOL!

Oh...never mind then. World Champs mean nothing to me...sorry. I do need one of those Pikachu, however. Is there anything off my list you see?
RE: /~*Need MORE EX Legend Maker!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: CLAYDOL!

Not really. Can I do 2 pikachu and some other LM rares?
RE: /~*Need MORE EX Legend Maker!!*~\ I want $$$ and TWO ESPEON EX UF! H: CLAYDOL!

Nope. Sorry. I already PM'd geo.

I really want one of those Pikachu, though. I have some Bebe's I could trade. I have 2-3 Basic Dark Energy, and 2 regular Special Dark Energy too.
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