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I need Magmar MT and Magmortar LV.X. I have 4x Energy Gain, 3x Power Spray, 4x Cyrus's, and Gatr Pri

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RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

Eh...no. If I was gonna get the Chu X, then yeah. But because I'm not, it's worthless to me.

All 15 JPN cards I own.
Power Spray
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

I will probably do that whenever I get my job :p

Are there any JPN X's in that?
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

No, it's most of the holos in there too.
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

I have 1x Gallade 4 RR (RH)
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

I think dialga G and espeon might be a little too much... maybe if you took out dialga G though..
RE: I FINALLY updated. [W]: SO. MUCH. EASY. STUFF. [H]: Uxie LA, lots of DP-GE.

Dialga G X
Dialga G
Dark Espeon
3 GE Beedrills
3 Dawn Stadiums
1 Premier Ball
1 Chimecho POP 4

WOW. I found ANOTHER Dawn Stadium. If I threw that in, would that be enough? I want that Dialga G! Dark Espeon is MINT right?

ace11: Great. Do you want anything? XP
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!

Opps, forgot your the mint kinda person. sorry, but both dialga G and dark espeon are not mint.
They have that 'scratched from being an a box with other cards' feel. I got them both in trades... so yeah.
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!


Just kidding. XD

Eh...I'll take out a Dawn Stadium, a Beedrill, and the Chimecho then. Is that good?
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!

You still have that Uxie? If you do, then please cml for it. I know from your wants I have at least 2 Gardevoir SW holos, a Furret SW holo, and probably some other stuff as well. Thanks.
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!

can you take out all beedrills and keep the chimecho and dawn stadium?
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!

p8ntchucker7: I saw the DGX, and the Blaziken FB LV.X.


Dialga G X
Espeon MD (please, mint)
3 Dawn Stadiums
1 Premier Ball
1 Chimecho POP 4

Look good to you? BTW, do you have anything from my Low Wants you could throw in? Gastly SF, Mankey SV, etc?
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!

I could do something like this:

My: Dialga G X
Espeon MD
Nidorino SW RH
Psychic Energy Holo (Promo version)

Your: Uxie LA
(Could use a few Warp Points from MD or DP, basic dark energies, and Night Teleporters)
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!

LegoMyFoot: You've got competition!!

p8ntchucker7: That looks nice, but are those cards minty fresh? They have to be perfect, because if they're not, it's unfair to LMF because he asked for the Uxie first I don't have any Warp Point ATM, or any of those other things. XD I can spare a Moonlight Stadium, though.

MAKE SURE DGX IS MINT!! No bends, no scratches.
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!

Yeah, I don't mean to step on anbody's toes. The Espeon and Psychic Energy are both mint. The Nidorino would be mint, but there is a line going down the bottom part of the card that is from production, not a scratch at all. Some RH's get them for some reason. And the DGX is still incoming, so I can't comment on its condition, although it better be mint or I'll be pissed haha.
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!

Great. If the DGX is mint, fantastic. It will most probably be a deal...if you could throw in something off my Low Wants list. :)
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!

I'll let you know as soon as I receive the DGX. Hopefully it comes tomorrow cuz I'm going to visit the gf for a few days. But I don't have any of you low wants. If you can add in anything off my wants list I could add an Absol SW RH.
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!

A Moonlight Stadium IF you do a Grimer SW RH. XD I need that. Is that mint?
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!

Competition? no way.

Dialga G X
Espeon MD (not sure about condition right now, but i have two)
Mankey SV x2
Rhyperior SV x1 (mint)
Haunter SF x1
Gastly SF x2
Palmer's Contribution SV x1
3 Dawn Stadiums
1 Chimecho POP 4

That sound good? And if not... I might, just might to be able to throw in my unlisted espeon figure I got in Spain... I also have more of your wants.
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!


This feels like Christmas Day. XD LMF, if you do that, I can throw in a Beedrill to be fair. Now that is the offer to beat.
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!


My: Dialga G X
Espeon MD x2 (1 RH)
Absol SW RH
Nidorino SW RH
Psychic Energy Holo

Your: Uxie LA straight up

And I'm going to be opening an SV tin tomorrow, so I'll see if I can get some of your low wants to add!!
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