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I need Magmar MT and Magmortar LV.X. I have 4x Energy Gain, 3x Power Spray, 4x Cyrus's, and Gatr Pri

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RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!

UFO Espeon ex
LA Uxie

RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!

2x Nidoqueen RR (RH)
2 or 3X Honchkrow G (one RH)

your porygon z lv. x
or counter
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!

I have 2 more lookers now, so If you need them....

My job will be in 1 1/2-2 weeks. So I can get these soon :p


Darkrai X Tin
Lookers xX

Jpn Cards
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!

EspeonRox- I have some bad news. You shoulda taken advantage of that killer deal while you had the chance. I have received and confirmed a much better offer for an Uxie on another site. So, sorry, but I'm taking that offer off the table.
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!

Shakespeare & emoto: No thanks.

ElectroManiac: Sounds good! I really hope you can get that job, I can get many more JPN cards!

zephilim: Offer me, I might be getting a better deal.

p8nt: It's all good, I might be getting a better deal than that. XD
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!

I already have it. Just waiting for it to be available. I should get 40+ a week!
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!

O.O That's awesome! You can buy me out... XD
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!

Yea, you and the others. 40+ for 2 days a week is good :p

I am gonna make you rich :p

But they better be MINT, lol. If I am buying I am going to heckle you to peices. It's just my thing. LOL
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!

They're mint, at least 99% of them are. I can get more cards too, so the offer will change and stuff.
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: Darkrai LV.X tin, EASY COMMON WANTS. I need your SW stuff!

Sorry E-Rox, I don't think I can top that offer, especially since my Tin Darkrai isn't mint.
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: SO. MUCH. STUFF. Need SW RH cards, Gallade 4 RR stuff, and LOTS more.

Alright then. It's all good. I've got another offer lined up for me. :)
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: SO. MUCH. STUFF. Need SW RH cards, Gallade 4 RR stuff, and LOTS more.

can you cml for weavile SW
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: SO. MUCH. STUFF. Need SW RH cards, Gallade 4 RR stuff, and LOTS more.

I like the:

1x Broken Time-Space (NON-RH)
2x Super Scoop Up
1x Gallade 4 RH RR (What's the misprint? This has to be mint.)

Make sure these cards are in good condition, especially the BTS and Gallade. The Super Scoop Up are from which set?

EspeonROX said:
I like the:

1x Broken Time-Space (NON-RH)
2x Super Scoop Up
1x Gallade 4 RH RR (What's the misprint? This has to be mint.)

Make sure these cards are in good condition, especially the BTS and Gallade. The Super Scoop Up are from which set?

I dont have a NH BTS only RH, SSU is the theme deck, Gallade 4 RH- the RR sign and the 4 sign are off-centered
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: SO. MUCH. STUFF. Need SW RH cards, Gallade 4 RR stuff, and LOTS more.

Eh....is the BTS scratchless? Decent condition?

EspeonROX said:
Eh...is the BTS scratchless? Decent condition?

BTS has really slight surface scratches. like you would need to look at it pretty closely.
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: SO. MUCH. STUFF. Need SW RH cards, Gallade 4 RR stuff, and LOTS more.

Alright. Sounds fine.

Could we still do that offer above?
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: SO. MUCH. STUFF. Need SW RH cards, Gallade 4 RR stuff, and LOTS more.

Could I buy it from you? also do you have anything else on my wants list that i could buy?
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: SO. MUCH. STUFF. Need SW RH cards, Gallade 4 RR stuff, and LOTS more.

I have some Dark Energy, but they're the older kind. I also have 3x Crobat G.
RE: HAVE AN UXIE LA UP FOR GRABS! [W]: SO. MUCH. STUFF. Need SW RH cards, Gallade 4 RR stuff, and LOTS more.

So how much would your Weaville SW, 3x Crobat G, and however many dark energies you have be?
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