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    Thank you!

I need Magmar MT and Magmortar LV.X. I have 4x Energy Gain, 3x Power Spray, 4x Cyrus's, and Gatr Pri

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RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need Bayleef MT!

EspeonROX said:
I can trade everything you need there, but a little hesitant on the DP Infernape. I don't have the PokeRadar RH or any of the other 2, sorry! Darkrai is Holo. I don't see anything on your list, but I can sell those cards to you at a reasonable price. You can make an offer, or check my wants for anything you might happen to have. I also need Marshtomp EX Emerald and Swampert EX Emerald. Thanks!

ok, one last thing..got any RH Magmar (MT)??
if not, it's cool.

How about you just LMK a price (+shipping) and we can go from there :)
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need 1 Feraligatr MT!

No shipping price. And I don't have a Magmar RH MT. -.- I can do...

RH Magmortar (MT)
RH Infernape (MD)
RH Infernape (DP)
Darkrai (MD) (x2 or x1?)

For all of these, I can do $11.00. If there are 2 Darkrai, that would be $13.00.
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need 1 Feraligatr MT!

Bumparoo!! (1, until 12-11) I have a lot of stuff incoming, so check my Wants and see if you have anything, people!
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need 1 Feraligatr MT!


Typhlosion MT


Azelf LA

RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need 1 Feraligatr MT!

Here's a counter:

No. I have 2 Typhlosion MT, RH, and I need a holo one. Azelf LA...that's pending, and probably gone in the next day or two. Too slow! ;)
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need 1 Feraligatr MT!

I have a Feraligatr MT I could trade you. Do you want to throw it for Typhlosion MT in with the trade we've already got?
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need 1 Feraligatr MT!

Sure! But this is ONLY IF the Feraligatr MT is holo...
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need 1 Feraligatr MT!

Do you have any spare Azelf LA, besides the RH one I mean?
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need 1 Feraligatr MT!

No. That's the only one.
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need 1 Feraligatr MT!

Hmmm...I have the Feraligatr you need, and many other cards you need.

CML and I will want any of The Gardy SW line including the LV X. LMK what you see, thanks!
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need 1 Feraligatr MT!

Nothing. I'm getting that in the mail soon, and if you "happen" to have those cards, list those out.
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need 1 Feraligatr MT!

Bump 2.
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need RH Entei SW!

Now I do not have so much.

Charizard ex FRLG
Wartortle BS

CML (wants) for those, thanks, from PB's wisest member. :>
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need RH Entei SW!

CMT for 2x Darkrai MD.

dmaster out.
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need RH Entei SW!

T-Tar: Nope. Wartortle is in the works.
d master342: Hm...do you buy? I'm also VERY interested in Groudon ex CG if it's mint.
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need RH Entei SW!

But I have Charizard ex...
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need RH Entei SW!

EspeonROX said:
T-Tar: Nope. Wartortle is in the works.
d master342: Hm...do you buy? I'm also VERY interested in Groudon ex CG if it's mint.

Yes, it is Mint, but it's not worth an Ex. I'll look some more if I need anything else.

EDIT: I see 2x Pachirisu, 2x Togekiss (only with Togepi and Togetic), and 4x Gyarados. Wanna offer?

dmaster out.
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need RH Entei SW!

I can do this:

(Pachi are gone, I will update)
Togekiss GE RH (IF I have one, probably do, just gotta check)
Togetic GE
Togepi GE
Darkrai MD
Gyrados MT RH
Gyrados MT
Dark Gyrados TRR throw-in. :p

Groudon ex CG?

T-Tar: It's not mint, and I don't need it ATM. Not too high of a want.
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need RH Entei SW!

2x Darkrai and 2x Togekiss (doesn't have to be RH), then yes.

dmaster out.
RE: Have a bunch of old cards you wanna get rid of? I WANT THEM!! HUGE Want list UPDATE! Need RH Entei SW!!!

I have:

RH Entei SW
Feraligatr DF Lightning
Venusaur SW (Holo, will trade my RH one for the holo)
Deoxys Attack Forme

CML for:

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