I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

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RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

single pack for playing in our leagues mini 30 card deck tourney- Ho-Oh legend bottom
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Same mini tourny as Minimidget i pulled meganium prime and i was judging. and the other judge pulled kingdra prime.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Two HS Unleashed packs.
First one had Crobat Prime, 2nd had Raikou & Entei Legend bottom half.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I bought a RR box and 4 RR boosters. I opened the RR box, nothing special in it. The last of the 4 nonboxed boosters had a luxray lv x in it.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

At around Christmas time I went to Walmart and bought my friend and I a DP Collector's tin and I pulled:
1. Luxray POP 8
2. Magnezone DP Promo #32
3. Electivire SW
4. Ampharos POP 7
5. Probopass POP 8
6. Donphan SW
7. Dialga GE
8. Swalot LA
9. Leafeon MD
10. Porygon Z GE
11. Porygon Z LV.X MD
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Yesterday I bought a single random HGSS pack and turned to my friend saying "Wouldn't it be hilarious if I actually pulled a Donphan PRIME?" We're both still laughing.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

today just a half hour ago i got a garchomp x tin and got RH gengar from SF Machamp X and Staraptor fb x!!!!! was so suprised
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

@STEREOCHILD: Isn't that the way that it always happens? HAHA
@charmanzard979: I still can't believe that was out of a tin I'm never that lucky!!!!
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I got a box of just random cards(I think) at Target, I got 2 Suicune, 3 Raikou, and 7 Entei, along with a Rypherior lvl X ,and around 5 metal energy! Also 3 weeks after the HGSS prerelease, I had 3 Meganium Prime, 3 Typlosion, and 1 Typlosion Prime!
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

1 pack of HSU at leagues. Ursaring prime! Not the best, but hey, its a prime!

And 1 Promocroak pack for $7.

Traded for gengar x, AR x, 4 holos and 2 shinies. XD
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I just got my best 14 packs EVER,

10 HGSS packs
Lugia legend top
Lugia legend bottom
Ho-oh legend top
Ho-oh legend bottom
(how wierd i got 4 legend parts with no doubles)

Rev holos
Red gyarados
2x hitmontop
Double colourless energy
pokemon communication


also of mention
2 fisherman (i love fishermen)

4x Supreme Victors packs

staraptor FB
Staraptor FB LVL x
(i got the lvl x first and was like all i need now is the fb. then boom next pack)

REv holos
night teleporter
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I dragged out a randomely TRR pack from my box, and pulled out a Rocket's Articuno EX. :D
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

In just the past week I bought almost 20 packs of UL and HS packs combined and pulled:
Blissey Prime and Alpha Lithograph ONE in the same pack
Steelix Prime
2 Typhlosion Prime
2 Octillery UL
Lugia Legend Top and Bottom
Ho-Oh Legend bottom
Entei & Raikou Legend bottom
Raikou & Suicune Legend Top

Having the Alpha in the same pack as a prime has happened to me twice the first time was at the UL pre-release when i pulled T-Tar and Alpha TWO in the one pack.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Bought the SV Regigigas Blister pack and pulled mew ex from the holon phantom pack and garchomp c lv. x from one of the SV packs.

I also bought a giratina lv. x tin and pulled holo blastoise, holo alakazam, and the shiny swablu :D
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Out of the first pokemon pack i bought after coming back to the game I pulled a Starapter lv. X. I didn't know what lv x ment and my bro was like oh my god your soooo lucky!
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I won a pack from UL and opened a Zubat, Golbat, Crobat Prime, and a Rare Candy. Why can't things like this happen to me at Pre-releases?
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I bought 2 RR pack yesterday and hoped I'm going to pull Luxray GL or Luxray GL Lv.X. Well, I didn't get any of those cards, but I pulled Gallade Lv.X and Infernape Lv.X! :3 Not very great cards to play, but still Lv.X:es. I also pulled one Aaron's Collection.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I got a single HGSS pack on my little brother's birthday, in a goody bag. I pulled Donphan Prime

But was forced to give it to my brother. So I ordered 2 more.
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