I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

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RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Well this isn't a pull from new packs but I thought it could go here. I was sorting some cards I have to get ready to sell and I found 14 RareCandy: 2 from Ex Sandstorm 10 from Great Encounters 1 Pop 8 and 1 Unleashed
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

1 pack of Noble Victories, just got it in the mail. I'm looking through it, junk like Petilil, Blitzle, my holo is a second Blitzle and....FA N. Aw yeeeaaaaaaaaah.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I got 5 packs of Noble Victories, and got amazing pulls! I got Reverse Holo Terrakion, V-Blast Victini, Holo and Reverse Holo Landros (now I have both :D), Golurk, a few that aren't rare but I like (Axew, Zweilous, Bisharp, Reverse Heatmor, etc.) and my best pull (in the pack with the Reverse Landros, so my best pack ever so far).....FULL ART VICTINI!!! I've only seen 2 of those pulled on Youtube. So now I have 2/4 Victinis (2/3 if you count the Holo and Full Art as one).
My record of getting Full Arts the first day I get each BW set hasn't been broken, and it has official been all of BW in 2011. I got Reshriam Full Art in BW, Thunderus Full Art in Emerging Powers, and Victini Full Art in Noble Victories. All on the first day I got each of the sets :D! Now I just want Cobalion Holo, Haxorus Holo, and Cobalion Full Art, and I will have my top 3 favorite cards in my favorite set (who dosen't like Noble Victories?). My best pack is now a Druddigon from NV....2 legendaries in one pack, one a Full Art and one a Reverse Holo....Almost as good as when I got the entire BW Zekrom collection with 1 Zekrom tin (Holo Zekrom, Tin PROMO Zekrom, and Full Art Zekrom), so that was pretty good too. I also got UR BW Pikachu in the BW mini-binder box. I can't wait to get UR Meowth. I've been SUPER lucky with BW. My favorite gen (best Pokemon!).
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Over the weekend I pulled a Gothitelle and a Catcher out of 3 packs :D

Gothitelle's are just attracted to me.

NV box should be here soon, cant wait to see what I pull from that.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Erlier tonight at league, I got 2 EP packs and 2 NV packs, what did I pull? FA Tornadus, RH Eviolite and RH Hydreigon!

EDIT: I forgot to mention that same night, I watched my friend open two packs of NV and he got a Kyurem and a FA N! (I have to say, I'm somewhat jealous)
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

On my way to league today I went to Target looking forward to buying NV packs. They didn't have any... So I went to the Walmart to see if they had any... They didn't :'( So, I saw a lone Unleashed pack and decided to buy it and a Serperior tin. I pulled a Lanturn Prime in the UL pack and a FA Reshiram in the tin. Woot!
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Finally got an EP FA in a Samurott tin, then straight after got FA Vitini in my first NV pack.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Pulled a Tornadus, Bianca, and an Interview's Questions today.

BTW, why do I never see Interview's Questions on any pro decklists?
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Finally got my Noble Victorie booster box and got some great pulls and almost finished the set.

1 Kyurem
1 Leavanny
2 Landorus (1 RH 1 Holo)
2 Conkeldurr (1 RH, 1 Holo)
1 Cobalion
4 Eviolite (1 RH)
1 Hydreigon
3 Rock helmet
3 N (1 RH)
1 Bisharp Holo
1 SR Meowthe
2 Eelektross (1 RH, 1 Holo)
1 RH Victini (ability)
1 Holo Victini (V-create)
1 FA 'N'
1 FA Terrakion
Bunch of other non-Holo rares (Druddigon, Carracosta, Jellicent, Confagrigus, Chandelure, Cryogonal, V-blast Victini, Seismitoad, Vanilluxe, Accelgor and others)

Overall a great box and I only need 8 cards to complete the set.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Just got a NV blister and pulled these cards:

Landorus (Reverse)
Ability Conkeldurr
Bad Reuniclus
Full Art N!!
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I got 16 packs of BW3: NV! ^-^ I pulled

Kyurem RH
Hydregion ( 1H, 1RH)
Leavany H
Volcarona RH
Cobaion FA
Virizion RH
Victini ( fire) H
Victini ( psychic) RH
Eviolite x2
Heatmor RH
Elektross H
Bisharp (steel) H
Bisharp (dark)
Haxorus H

Plus TONS of those RH common cards lolz

To date I now how all the BW3 cards except 14 Victini, 56 Beeheeyem, 73 Terrakion, 84 Cobalion, and 97-99 FA plus the SR Meowth.

I was totally after the Victini FA and the Meowth SR.... :p Oh well, thats life! Not bad pulls for 16 packs :/
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Got my Booster Box for NV today, and overall I got a pretty good haul!

Notable Highlights:
Full Art Victini
Full Art Cobalion
2 non-FA Fliptinis (1 holo, 1 RH)
3-4 Eviolites and Ns (can't remember exactly) (also 1 RH of each)
All Holos except Virizion, I think; I still need to sort through them, since I got sidetracked doing other stuff.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Ummm...uhh...I did not get a Noble Victories box...but, I did buy my first tin in forever! Went for the Reshiram tin today.

Out of the four packs, the only cards that were half-decent were:
-RH Zekrom
-Professor Juniper
-Serperior (Royal Heal Ability)
-Sick Fire and Grass Energy.

Including the Reshiram Promo...do you guys think I got my money's worth? I paid $16.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

So I bought a Victini box and got:
Klinklang :/
Cool metal energy
RH Mandibuzz
2 Sawk :mad:(((( (Why is that thing a rare?)
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

got an NV box :D

Here's the breakdown of good stuff:
FA Cobalion >:}
FA Victini (not an N but not bad)
Victini (1 of each, and 1 RH of the rare one)
2 Kyurem (1 RH) (both in the last 3 packs)
4 N
3 Eviolite (gah)
5 Super Rod (1 RH)
5 Eelektrik (1 RH)
3 Durant (gah again)
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

NV box

Cobalion FA
Virizion FA >:[
Secret Rare Meowth :D
RH Archeops
2 Regular Archeops
2 Durant (1 RH)
5 N (1 RH)
5 X-Transiever (1 RH)
Lots of the fossil trainers
3 Eviolites
Cobalion RH
Terrakion regular and RH
Virizion RH

Funny thing, RH Virizion and FA Virizion were in the same pack. Hoping to get another box soon, really loving the set.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I won 2 boxes of NV. No FA N. No FA Cobalion. No FA Victini. Only one Hydregion. Only one Cobalion. :(

Yet another reason why I only buy singles.

Although, I did pull three Kyurem, 10 N (2 RH), and 9 Eviolite (1 RH) which is great.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Bought 6 packs from Walmart today and pulled:

RH Fliptini
RH Eviolite
FA Virizion

all within my last 3 packs:)
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Bought 5 packs of NV at Target today (For 4.19 a piece D: So if you buy packs in increments of 10, your actually paying for 1 pack that you dont get)

Hydreigon Holo
Virizion Holo
Conkeldurr Holo
3 Rocky Helmets

My pack selecting skills have not failed me yet again
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