RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.
I got 5 packs of Noble Victories, and got amazing pulls! I got Reverse Holo Terrakion, V-Blast Victini, Holo and Reverse Holo Landros (now I have both
), Golurk, a few that aren't rare but I like (Axew, Zweilous, Bisharp, Reverse Heatmor, etc.) and my best pull (in the pack with the Reverse Landros, so my best pack ever so far).....FULL ART VICTINI!!! I've only seen 2 of those pulled on Youtube. So now I have 2/4 Victinis (2/3 if you count the Holo and Full Art as one).
My record of getting Full Arts the first day I get each BW set hasn't been broken, and it has official been all of BW in 2011. I got Reshriam Full Art in BW, Thunderus Full Art in Emerging Powers, and Victini Full Art in Noble Victories. All on the first day I got each of the sets
! Now I just want Cobalion Holo, Haxorus Holo, and Cobalion Full Art, and I will have my top 3 favorite cards in my favorite set (who dosen't like Noble Victories?). My best pack is now a Druddigon from NV....2 legendaries in one pack, one a Full Art and one a Reverse Holo....Almost as good as when I got the entire BW Zekrom collection with 1 Zekrom tin (Holo Zekrom, Tin PROMO Zekrom, and Full Art Zekrom), so that was pretty good too. I also got UR BW Pikachu in the BW mini-binder box. I can't wait to get UR Meowth. I've been SUPER lucky with BW. My favorite gen (best Pokemon!).