I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

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RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I pulled a Darkrai EX and Shiny Archeops in my prerelease! :p
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I got 1 Pack of DE at league yesterday... Pulled an FA Raikou EX. That makes a total of 2 FA EXs in 10 packs for me... not as crazy as a friend of mine who went to prerelease and pulled 2 Darkrai EX in his 8 packs.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I pulled a RH Ultra Ball and Raikou EX (non-FA) in one pack at PR.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Bought first set of 7 packs from Wal-mart. Got a Darkrai EX and Shiny Gardevoir. Oh man I also had one from the pre-release. Definitely pleased with that.

Then I bought 3 booster boxes... (never doing that again unless I'm rich but even then I don't think I would) I pulled

Box 1: Tornadus EX, Entei EX and Raikou EX full art
Box 2: Raikou EX, Groudon EX and Entei EX full art and Shiny Archeops
Box 3: Darkrai EX, Raikou EX and Tornadus EX full art

Man the pull rates are so bad... EX's are already overpriced and I can kinda see why. This is kind of absurd... unfortunately didn't get Groudon and Kyogre Full art, which are the ones I really wanted. Eh. Guess I didn't need to buy a box. Got mad rare candies though.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

My brother and I opened two Dark Explorers boxes today.

Kyogre EX
Tornadus EX
Raikou EX FA
Golden Pokémon Catcher

Kyogre EX
Tornadus EX
Raikou EX FA

I may have gotten the Pokémon Catcher but he got every worthwhile trainer. :p
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Got my box of DE for my birthday, first pack= FA Raikou EX and then Groudon EX and another Raikou EX and Golden catcher. Pretty good box if I do say so myself :D
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Opened my case:

6 Darkrai EX (4 FA, 2 Reg.)
3 Raikou (1 FA, 2 Reg)
1 Entei EX (FA)
1 Tornadus EX (Reg.)
4 Kyogre EX (Reg.)
1 Groudon EX (Reg.)
1 Shiny Archeops
1 Shiny Gardevoir
2-4 of each Trainer RH

Such a good case <3
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Opened a box of Dark Exploeres. It must have been a (if not the) Raikou box. 2 Raikou EX and a Raikou EX FA. I needed two of these, but I kinda wish I had gotten another regualar ex, except Entei as I got one of those already. Though I did get the Shiny Catcher...not the most wanted on my list but apparently the most expensive shiny.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Not much of a player, more of a collector. Still better that way as its the most expensive one. Besides I'd rather use a regular Collector (holo or not) over a really expensive card as long as that alternative exists as it does in Collector's case.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Zorua said:
Opened my case:

6 Darkrai EX (4 FA, 2 Reg.)
3 Raikou (1 FA, 2 Reg)
1 Entei EX (FA)
1 Tornadus EX (Reg.)
4 Kyogre EX (Reg.)
1 Groudon EX (Reg.)
1 Shiny Archeops
1 Shiny Gardevoir
2-4 of each Trainer RH

Such a good case <3

Wow. Even a case of 6 boxes you didn't full a full set? Still... 4 full art Darkrais is pretty epic. One of them is worth enough to get you both Kyogre and Groudon Full Arts.

Still the box ratio is pretty upsetting... With an Arceus and Undaunted box I was able to pull almost the entire set from one box. To me, that's how it should be since I don't want to spend more than 200$ on cards. But then again I did buy the boxes when they were out of print, so maybe sometime in the future when all these EX's are worthless, the boxes will come with more than just 2 and one full art. Or not and the EX's remain expensive but not as much as today.

...like Lugia ex and Unseen Forces boxes... can't find a close to gem mint card and can't find a box less than 400$. No way I'm spending that much on a box.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I think boxes are printed for only a certain period of time, if you a buy a box years later it is same ratio since it was made years ago(by that point). Im getting 1 dark explorers box in june, sadly i can not afford a case (u must have a great job!). I did buy 2 boxes of unseen forces (when it was around the newest set) and could not get all the freaking unowns....only got 1 shiny (suicune) and it took years to get all unowns through trades and i I am STILL missing shiny entei. pulled a lugia EX from the 1st box, still have it today as mint as it was out of pack (sorry its not for trade though)
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