I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

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RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

SeaLegend said:
Between my friends and I at 2 prereleases today we got:
2x Darkrai EX (1 FA)
2x Raikou EX (1 FA)
2x Kyogre EX
1x Tornadus EX FA
1x Groudon EX FA
1x Entei EX
and a Gold Catcher

Pretty good day I guess.

O_O You guess?! That's insane! Congrats on the pulls, I hope I do as well at mine tomorrow :)
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

First ever pre-release. It was super fun!

Out of 6 packs I got 3 holos which were Empoleon, Blissey, and Haxorus. All three are ones I really liked artwork-wise. So definitely a great day for me!
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Just came back from the pre-release today and i pulled not single EX. I pulled a RH Zoroark but ended up trading it. Combine that with the fact that i lost the last 2 rounds horribly and I was feeling pretty dejected. After i turned in my energy and got my 2 bonus packs i went ahead and opened those, hoping for Empoleon, or Ultra Ball, or something fun. Shiny Pokemon Catcher.

Cheered me right up.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Went to my Prerelease Yesterday and I pulled

My First N
Aerodactyl (sadly, no Old Amber Aerodactyl though)
2 Swanna's in the SAME pack (1 RH and 1 Rare)

From my 2 extra packs after I dropped out in 2 rounds:
Klingklang with Gear Lock
Excadrill with Mach Claw
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

had a great day at my prelease out of my 14 packs pulled a tornadus ex. but i wanted to buy some snacks and i had been thinking bout getting maybe 3 packs of next destinies, but i then though (there are only 5 next destinies cards i need and all are ultra rares, so a very small chance of getting any)....well they had a rule that you had a $5 min on debit/credit card purchases so i said add a pack of next destinies pointed to the one i wanted and low and behold pulled an FA EX mewtwo!! and prism energy....now i only need 4 ND cards

also 3 people pulled 2 ultra raes out of 6 packs, like a shiny and fa or fa and ex. but at this prerelease the to just dumped the packs from the boxes into huge shopping bags and then they grabbed 6 packs and gave to u. so im glad i got 1 UR and hey FA mewtwo is just awesome
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I pulled a Groudon-EX FA a my prerelease! Traded it for a Tornadus-EX, and I traded that + a Full Art Victini for a Tornadus-EX Full Art. I also traded for a Full Art Darkrai-EX and a Kyogre-EX, so I had a pretty good day. And hen I got home and checked the mail, and my 4 Full Art N had arrived! It was awesome!
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Someone I know at league pulled a Golden Catcher, FA Entei EX and some other EX (I don't remember which one) out of 8 DE packs!
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Out of my first 6 packs, didn't pull much of anything. Last two packs, I pulled a Tornadus EX FA. Traded it for a normal Mewtwo EX
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

After opening a combined total of 100 ND packs I finally pulled my first Kyurem EX. Not great, but crazy that it took 100 packs to do.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I opened the 2 packs I got from yesterdays pre-release. A holo Krookodile and holo Eelectross. I'm super happy with my pulls from this set. I'm doing much better than I was with ND. Havn't gotten any EX's yet but I'm cursed with bad luck in that category so I don't expect it anymore.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

At league in around march-ish. There were 4 packs left in the Next Destinies box (BTW next destinies was in REALLY high demand, and they kept running out of pack). This girl tooled her sister to buy all 4 of them. For some reason, she only bought 3. And my friend bought the last pack left in the box (and the whole store) and pulled an Mewtwo EX Full Art. The same man has since pull 2 more Mewtwo's in less then 30 packs (and I still haven't pulled one in about 36+ packs)... I am about to go to his house and kill him... Or I could just buy a Mewtwo.... Nah.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

In my Dark Explorers box I got an Entei EX, Darkrai EX, Tornadus EX FA, and a shiny Gardevoir. I also got a Krookodile and a reverse Krookodile in the same pack.

With my luck I'm surprised I got a shiny. Not as cool as getting two full arts would have been, but it's nice.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Pulled a Tornadus-EX today out of a few packs that I picked up at WalMart. Now just 2 more to go. :p
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

Got my box in today!

I pulled Entei EX, Kyogre EX, Tornadus EX FA**, and Shiny Gardevoir :D This is the second time in a row now where I've not only pulled just any shiny from my box, but the particular shiny I wanted the most, so I was super pleased.

Also got a nice collection of trainers, including RHs on most of them.

I was a bit worried while opening the box, though. I only pulled one regular holo in the whole first half of the box! The last 4 packs in my box were all holos, though, bringing me up to the right ratio. Sadly, I missed out on Venusaur, the regular holo I wanted the most.

Overall, I'm super pleased with the box, though.

** - I was jokingly expecting my FA to be Tornadus, since I ended up with 3 Japanese Tornadus EX FAs between my 2 Dark Rush boxes and 3 Umbreon packs. Lo and behold, it actually came true.
RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic.

I've yet to see anyone say they've pulled a gold catcher yet :eek: maybe I'll get one xD (shame my box was delayed until next week D: )
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