Pokemon If members were Pokemon...

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Zyflair said:

Oh why not? Just don't expect much from me guys.

HP 160
Atk 90
Def 60
Speed 70
Satk 100
Sdef 90

Ability: Determination (MonkeyKing63 gains 1 extra stat point in his Speed and Satk for each damage point on his hp)
Type: Lighting/Ground
Tier: Uber (Yes, it's another one)

Standard Set: No idea...

MonkeyKing63 @ His Staff (from the Chinese Legend of the Monkey King, which weighs roughly 8.1 tons. Bone rush's attack power is multiplied by three. Also, Thunder's accuracy is 80% and has a 60% chance of paralyzing.)
Nature: Timid
Ability: Determination
EVs: 180 Hp 88 Atk 95 Speed 140 Satk 40 Sdef

-Bone Rush
-Debate (50% chance of success. The opponent cannot attack next turn, and it's IQ is below 150, deals 80 hp, regardless of level).

The unusual dual nature of Lighting and Ground calls for some trouble with many bad weakness. Nevertheless, MonkeyKing63's stats are impressive and calls for respect with its broken ability.

It's item is crucial to its success, as it's staff increases the power and consistency of Bone Rush and Thunder. Debate is an interesting move that takes advantage of many Pokemon. Reflect is also useful towards it's poor Special Defense.

Haha I love it! The best part has to be the legend of the Monkeyking (PS, yes it is Moneyking but people always call me Monkeyking for some reason and it kind of grew on me:))Thanks zyflair, I should have known of all people you would make me a pokemon :) I may just have to study up and do some member Pokemon of my own!
MylesPrower said:
It's MoneyKing63 xD
I actually did that on purpose to be honest. Didn't see how MoneyKing would've been a Pokemon. So I changed it :).
I seriously seriously seriously always thought it was Monkeyking and not Moneyking. ._.

Bacon, I'm wondering, are these supposed to be just members with realistic competitive articles or jokes? If it's the latter, either my humour sucks, or the articles don't have jokes. :S
Señor Noobnerd said:
I seriously seriously seriously always thought it was Monkeyking and not Moneyking. ._.

Bacon, I'm wondering, are these supposed to be just members with realistic competitive articles or jokes? If it's the latter, either my humour sucks, or the articles don't have jokes. :S

wow! * checks monkeyking's name* *rubs eyes*
wow, it really is moneyking :p

I guess the K from king has too much influence on the rest of your name and makes it look like your name is monkeyking :)
^Seriously, moneyking should change his name so Monkeyking. That would be funny. :p

Ability: Twisted Stache- Special Defense is increased
when HP gets low.
Location: Unknown Location
Item: May be found with the Golden Coin. It is worth
a valuable profit at any item shop.

Mega Punch
Pay Day
Stache Attack (90 damage- may paralyze the foe)

Stats (at level 100)

HP 336
AT 310
DEF 285
S. AT 250
S. DEF 250

"Wariopower likes to hide in shrubs
waiting for merchants to come buy
with coins to steal."

I just had to do one on my own bro, lol. :)
Yeah, mine have been quite serious... that's not like me at all! D:

I blame Spoon.

So... yeah, don't follow my lame examples and try and make them funny guys. :D
Spoon, the fulminating Pokemon

HP: 42
Atk: 42
Def: 42
Speed: 42
SpAtk: 42
SpDef: 42

Type: Metal/Psychic
Ability: Fulminating Drive (Each time Spoon is damaged by an attack its stats double.)
Tier: UU

Standard Set: UU sweeper

Spoon @ Focus Sash
Ability: Fulminating Drive
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 atk, 252 speed, 4 hp

-Extreme Speed
-Meteor Mash
-Swords Dance

Quoting for the epic.

It makes sense because, you know, he likes to rant and when ranting you fulminate...

Very funny Zilla.

Hp 100
Atk 100
Def 100
Satk 100
Sdef 100
Speed 100

Ability: Compliment (Each turn, 70% chance of the opponent lowers one random stat and gains a positive on their spelling/grammar rep.)
Type: Normal
Tier: OU

Standard Set
@ English book (Each turn, 30% chance of lowering speed, attack, and defense while gaining one Satk stat)
Nature: Nice

-Teach (Opponent gains a positive on their spelling/grammar rep., but cannot attack or retreat that turn)
PP 5/5, Accuracy 85%
-Analyze (All attacks, abilities, and items are 100% successful for three turns)
PP 10/10

Stall with this guy until the opponent's stats are horrible. XD
Pedro, the Mysterious Pokemon

"Thought to be the secret moderator of Pokebeach forums. Nobody knows who Pedro is or what he does, but it's rumored that he is so crazy he has to be locked up in a cage. He also apparently eats pidgeons."

Base stats:

HP: 40
Atk: 160
Def: 60
Speed: 65
Satk: 90
Sdef: 60

Type: Dark/Ground
Ability: Bird Eater (None of Pedro's attacks are resisted by flying types)
Tier: BL

Standard set: Oh no, it's Pedro!

Pedro @ FocusSash
Ability: BirdEater
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 atk, 252 speed


Unlike his fellow ground types, Pedro absolutely loves flying Pokemon. Earthquake will now be able to hit everything in the game apart from levitate users, and is your most powerful attack. It should be noted that this will now hit the likes of Moltres, Zapdos and Skarmory super effective, which is a huge bonus. Pedro likes Moltres the most, because it's already cooked.

Munch is Pedro's signature attack. At base 80 power with dark STAB, it does decent damage already. But as well as this, if this attack is used against a flying pokemon with less than 50% HP, it's an automatic KO and Pedro restores all of his health and PP. Pedro has little survivability, but the ability to re-use FocusSash in this way is an interesting bonus.

RockSlide is only recommended because Pedro has a very limited offensive movepool, and not much else can be used effectively in its place. It cements the fact that flying types are simply not safe around Pedro though. In 2v2 play, you may be able to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.

RockPolish doubles Pedro's speed and turns him into a sweeping machine late game. FocusSash is the recommended item because Pedro really cannot take a hit while setting up, and sash buys you a free turn (make sure to use rapidspin support from Myles so your sash is not broken by StealthRock).
Zyflair said:
Very funny Zilla.

Hp 100
Atk 100
Def 100
Satk 100
Sdef 100
Speed 100

Ability: Compliment (Each turn, 70% chance of the opponent lowers one random stat and gains a positive on their spelling/grammar rep.)
Type: Normal
Tier: OU

Standard Set
@ English book (Each turn, 30% chance of lowering speed, attack, and defense while gaining one Satk stat)
Nature: Nice

-Teach (Opponent gains a positive on their spelling/grammar rep., but cannot attack or retreat that turn)
PP 5/5, Accuracy 85%
-Analyze (All attacks, abilities, and items are 100% successful for three turns)
PP 10/10

Stall with this guy until the opponent's stats are horrible. XD

I think I may be the next english teacher on these forums. (Inside joke)
I like Analayze. It's effects are quite helpful. I'll make sure to do one for you, Zyflair. ;)
Zyflair @ Talking Stick- (Always attacks first in battle)
The Social Pokemon
Nature: Social/Kind

Stats: (At level 100)
HP 350
AT 325
DEF 270
S AT 240

Ability: Socialize- All physical attacks have 100% accuracy unless Zyflair is affected
by a special condition.

Perish Song
Hyper Voice
Popularity Punch- (Damage is determined by the number of Pokemon in the opponent's party. In double battles, the damage is increased.)

"Zyflair lurks in large and beautiful cities where there are is a lot of socialization. It likes to wear clothing, especially clothing with floral patterns (look at avatar :D)."

You post a lot and you're always in on the discussion (along with Sweet Dawn, lol). :p Hope you like it. You will unleash massive damage and strategy in battles. ;)
NO one made me :O :(...


Stupid Name Pokemon SuperPower pokemon

"Called Doc for short, Doc lurks in the shadows and strikes when necessary, with so much power that you will die. It is rumoured that when angry, he generally eats smaller members. He has the penultimate say, second to WPM himself, and will kill you if he dilikes you"

Base Stats:

HP: 80
Attack: 140
Defense: 68
Sp. Attack: 140
Sp.Defense: 76
Speed: 145

Types: Lightning/Psychic
Ability: Evil Weevil: If your opponent is shorter than you, they are knocked out.
Tier: Ubers

Standard sets

1: Special sweeper.

Doc @ Life orb
Ability: Evil Weevil
Nature: Timid
EVs : 252 speed, 100 HP, 156 sp.attack

Nasty Plot
Ice Beam.

Boltbeam gives ultimate tyoe coverage, with even a stab thunderbolt, and another stab psychic move.

Set 2: Physical attacker

Doc @ Life Orb
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Evil Weevil
252 Speed, 100 HP, 156 Attack

Swords Dance
Zen Headbut
Thunderpunch/Fire punch
Ice punch/Fire punch

Same as before, but with physical moves.
luckyluigi7 said:
Zyflair @ Talking Stick- (Always attacks first in battle)
The Social Pokemon
Nature: Social/Kind

Stats: (At level 100)
HP 350
AT 325
DEF 270
S AT 240

Ability: Socialize- All physical attacks have 100% accuracy unless Zyflair is affected
by a special condition.

Perish Song
Hyper Voice
Popularity Punch- (Damage is determined by the number of Pokemon in the opponent's party. In double battles, the damage is increased.)

"Zyflair lurks in large and beautiful cities where there are is a lot of socialization. It likes to wear clothing, especially clothing with floral patterns (look at avatar :D)."

You post a lot and you're always in on the discussion (along with Sweet Dawn, lol). :p Hope you like it. You will unleash massive damage and strategy in battles. ;)
In reality, I'm actually anti-social and I can't sing well. XDD

Thanks. I really like the customization... I can imagine me appearing in the front lines all the time:

"The opponent has six Pokemon!! One hit Knockout!!!"

That'll be fun.

Isn't the talking stick a microphone?
Not exactly. When someone is fighting to speak, a talking stick is given to the person whom may speak. :)
King Of Hax
The Four Leaf Clover Pokemon
Type: Grass/Flying
Ability: Serene Grace
Tier: Very Uber

Base Stats
HP: 87
Attack: 125
Defense: 79
Special Attack:127
Special Defense: 65
Speed: 129

Item: Kings Rock/Life Orb
Nature: Modest/Timid
EV's: 4 HP / 252 S Atk / 252 Spd
Seed Flare
Air Slash
Nasty Plot
Hidden Power Fire

Mixed Attacker
Item: Life Orb
Nature: Naive
EV's: 96 Atk / 252 S Atk / 160 Spd
Seed Flare
Air Slash
Sacred Fire (Move tutored by KG)
Silver Wind

Item: Choice Specs
Nature: Timid
EV's: 4 HP/ 252 S Atk/ 252 Spd
Leaf Storm
Seed Bomb
Air Slash

Choice Band
Item: Choice Band
Nature: Adament
EV's: 4 HP/ 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Meteor Mash
Sacred Fire
Wood Hammer
Body Slam

Item: Kings Rock/ Leftovers
Nature: Modest
EV's 100 HP/ 252 S Atk /152 Spd
Thunder/Body Slam
Air Slash
Seed Flare

Bulky King of Hax
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Impish
EV's 252 HP/ 100 Def/ 156 Spd
Sacred Fire
Bulk Up

As you can see, King Of Hax would be a very diverse, powerful, haxy Pokemon.
look at my {L} pokemon
shaymin secret strong land form
gratitude pokemon
sp. attack:999
sp. defense:999
ability: strong shaymin
shaymin will take half the damge as it will take!!!


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