Pokemon If Pokemon was real

Do you know what would be cool? If pokemon were real, you should get a pokemon egg on your, lets say, 10th birthday, and depending on your character, you should get a certain pokemon.http://pokebeach.com/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif
dmaster said:
The government would control all of them because they have special powers.

Personally, I'd try to sneak a Gyarados but I don't have a pool or a lake to hide him in, so that's be hard. Maybe like Feebas in a fishbowl or something like that.

dmaster out.

I would have mewtwo so I would be so powerful the goverment couldnt take it away.

Xdogking said:
If Pokemon was real, we'd all be screwed. Arceus, Rayquaza, Ho-oh, Lugia, Hoppip...we'd all be dead.

Anyways, I would have a Honchkrow.

You forgot Mewtwo.
The government would have all the other Pokemon though...Mewtwo can't take them all down.

dmaster out.
If there was Pokemon (and the government didn't have all of them) I would get a Zorua. It would be fun to have around the house and you can disguise it in public.
id take a flygon. cause i think flying pokemon are epic. and itd be cool to ride on one and go to like other countries and stuff
yeah flygon would be cool but 4 me i would also like having a water type because they r my favorite
So hard to choose....I would LOVE to have Raikou just because it's so awesome, but Lugia, Darkrai, Shiftry, Dragonair, Reshi and Zek...dang. I think I'd definitely want Mamoswine, though. I'm just drawn to it for some reason, and I could ride around on it everywhere...OUTTA THE WAY, MAMOSWINE COMING THROUGH!!! XD It would certainly be useful when winter rolls around! :D
I would get a celebi so I could time travel and take the governments pokemon for my own.. Then I would get my Politoad.. FTW
ummm....all of them r nice...but i would like to have a SUICUNE...i like this pokemon from the beigining....its so wonderful n powerful...i would like to sit on its back and travel with him around the world:)
Yeah Darkrai would be my pokemon that I would walk around with to protect me. And to own noobs with.
i don't care if it's dangerous! but if i could have a pokemon it would be darkrai too! such a cutie! and then, i think the other pupils of the school i'm on would be scared! yes!
First of all everyone here wouldn't exist because the course of history would be different, people would use them for destruction( Terrorist sent out Electrode)m and it wont happen anyway, so be grateful your here :)
I would have a bunch of Spindas and name them by their patterns. Like one would be Spot on head.

I would also have a T-tar and pwn every1.
Yeah, i totally agree on most of the opinions. There's always this someone or some people bent on using the Legendaries for world domination. I don't know, maybe even creating a new world order. But, if this is really a Pokemon world, i'd want a Lucario bad. His telepathy would come in handy in translating what Pokemon are saying.