BW/BW2 If you could make B/W perfect, what would you do?

Animated trainer sprites. It looks a bit odd that this completely still trainer sends out all these moving Pokemon.
NO pokemon musicals,

and i would like to have seen battle frontier, safari zone and berries.

and more post E4 areas


Emerald and soulsilver, besides the first and second gen games, were my favorites because of all the post E4 stuff you could do.


those flying trio pokemon, elemental monkeys, and the garbage bag pokemon are the ones i hate the most in this gen.
ShinjiSan said:
Emerald and soulsilver, besides the first and second gen games, were my favorites because of all the post E4 stuff you could do.

Well every story has to end somewhere...

I think for Emerald, it wasn't really that much of post E4 stuff... one simply tended to get so engrossed in trying to snag those battle symbols at the frontier that it seems like a ton of time invested into that little place alone. Of course it wouldn't be possible if the battles there weren't challenging to begin with (which is why I said gyms need to be more like the frontier).

Having to choose between 8 gyms or 5 frontier facilities, my vote is firmly with the latter.

About Kanto in Gen II... it was nice I guess... kinda wished the story carried on into Kanto though... Team Rocket was already defeated before Kanto was even unlocked, and back then there was no huge plot device involving the subjugation of a legendary pokemon (something the newer generations love to shove into their stories). For the most part of it Kanto was just a place to get 8 more badges...

ShinjiSan said:
NO pokemon musicals
tbh, even back then when the 'musicals' were contests and pokeathlon, I already didn't like them... they just felt like something extra tacked on to try and lengthen the replayability.

I say lengthening the replayability should be done by making it a lot easier to train pokemon after you clear the storyline, because if grinding and more grinding is all that awaits on the horizon, I think shoddy battle is a better alternative.

Even to a certain extent, the Frontier was a grind-fest. On top of having to defeat truckloads of trainers, you had 2 levels of each symbol to win. I think that was a bit of overkill. I'd rather cut to the case and have to fight 10 difficult trainers upfront rather than grind through 20 easy trainers and then face 10 difficult ones before reaching the frontier brain.
^New eveelutions definetly. And I agree that the battle animation sprites for some could have been a little more detailed. Some of them are just, well, stupid.
XieRH said:
Even to a certain extent, the Frontier was a grind-fest. On top of having to defeat truckloads of trainers, you had 2 levels of each symbol to win. I think that was a bit of overkill. I'd rather cut to the case and have to fight 10 difficult trainers upfront rather than grind through 20 easy trainers and then face 10 difficult ones before reaching the frontier brain.

Ugh yeah, I totally forgot about this. I found this highly annoying as well, it just took FOREVER and killed most of my motivation. I mean, I did them all in Emerald except the pyramid, but in HGSS I didn't even bother :/ Especially stuff like the battle hall. 50 consecutive battles and then 170?! I wasn't even gonna attempt that -.- They need to focus on quality rather then quantity with the next BF.
Gym Leader rematches.

No Old Pokemon in the game.

No PokeShifter

No Dream World. Just keep the third ability for some Pokemon.

Chillarmy is found earlier.

Grass types, like Churine and Marakatchi, are able to learn more than just Grass and Normal attacks.

Pokethon, not Musicals.

No event legendaries. Just make them obtainable in the game in hard ways.

Pokemon found in those shaking grass, cave hole, water whirlpool, etc can be found normally.
JacobeTheElf said:
^New eveelutions definetly. And I agree that the battle animation sprites for some could have been a little more detailed. Some of them are just, well, stupid.

Totally agree, I was expecting a Steel and Flying eeveelution. Also the one Pokemon's(TDL's Avvy) pre-evolutions battle sprite was sickening.
@Bippa201: Not to start a flame war or anything, but why no old Pokemon? That would take away tons of replay value(and the games mascot).

And the Dream World is actually really fun, it would take even more away from the game if this feature wasn't there.
Tarazuma said:
They need to focus on quality rather then quantity with the next BF.

I think that's something they need to focus on for every game :p

I mean think about it, the game has ALWAYS been about quantity.

There's hundreds of pokemon and attacks, items, etc.

...and most of it is typically not used.

Seriously, IMO one single potion that heals 50% of max health beats having 4 grades of potions to cater to the sheer health difference between a Lv1 and a Lv 100.
I think they're perfect in every way except for some of the Pokémon and the lack of the VS. SEEKER AND POKERADAR Thats gonna kill me. Now I have to breed all my 5th gen. shinys!
If I could make Black and White perfect, or at least better , I'm going to start with the Pokemon themselves

What certain Pokemon should be typed:
  • Futachimaru- Water/Fighting
  • Daikenki- Water/Fighting
  • Gigaiath- Rock/Steel
  • Shibishirasu- Water/Electric
  • Shibibiiru- Water/Electric
  • Shibirudon- Water/Electric
  • Melodia (Voice Forme)- Pure Psychic
  • Melodia (Step Forme)- Psychic/Fighting

Pokemon that should have had a pre-evolution:
  • Emonga
  • Crimgan

Pokemon that should have had an evolution:
  • Kuritan
  • Aainto

Pokemon that should have had an opposing counterpart in the other version:
  • Zorua- Black exclusive, Psychic type counterpart in White
  • Zoroark- Black exclusive, Psychic type counterpart in White

Pokemon that don't deserve to even exist, or at least have better designs, stats, and/or movesets:
  • Gear
  • Gigear
  • Gigigear
  • Maggyo
  • Baruchai
  • Barujiina

Features that should be implemented:
  • Berry Trees
  • Pokeathlon
  • Safari Zone
  • VS Seeker
  • PokeRadar

Features that should be removed:
  • Pokemon Musical

Other things:
  • Remove the seven doddery old men known as the Plasma Sages and replace them with Admins that you battle
  • Make Zorua obtainable in game, and via an egg much like Riolu was in D/P/Pt
Masterge77 said:
Make Zorua obtainable in game

I wish this applied to every pokemon, in every game.

Sometimes I think the business model for Game Freak is outdated. After 5 generations, they still have things like event pokemon, or version exclusives. With a national dex of over 500, I doubt anyone left would still want to "catch them all" unless they were really hardcore.

I sort of understand the ideology behind this model because pokemon was always centered around the idea of "collectible assets", in this case, the pokemon themselves. However I'm more of a selective collector in the games, I've always collected only legendaries, as well as party members that do battling. Everything else is either a temp or a HM slave.

Masterge77 said:
Pokemon that don't deserve to even exist
I have a huuuuge list of this :D

It's more of a "personal dislikes list" though. As far as existence is concerned, my opinion is that the franchise has enough and that it's time to stop tacking on a hundred more every few years. To some it may seem like new fresh stuff, to me, it's a sign of the franchise getting bloated. I mean... out of each hundred new additions... how much do you even BOTHER with when it comes down to playing the game... battle wise, it's inevitable a select few will shine over the masses, and everything else is either novelty pokemon or things you just plain don't care about. I felt this way about a lot of Gen IV pokemon, and the same sentiments for Gen V too.
I like the idea of new monsters, but what I'm really sick of is reusing old types and not adding enough new type combos. I think one game should be comprised of just all the remaining unused type combinations, with a few of the other good type combos without many reps (like dark/fighting) and then I'll be satisfied. Technically, Digimon still has Pokemon beat in terms of a massively bloated creature database XD

But yeah, XieRH is right, they do make it horribly unbalanced. I think that if they are going to make so many new monsters, make them all GOOD, and not have anything besides legendaries and the "psuedo-legendary" standing out above the rest. I'm sick of the same crappy formula of "normal/flying type birds" "small furry normal types" "novelty grass and water types" ect. It's all just worthless filler, and I hate having to use temps.

I'd also choose a better alternative to HMs, such as field moves, or key items, or an extra "HM slave" party slot that wouldn't affect the normal party slot. Something, ANYTHING, other then crappy non-deletable moves FORCED onto you just to progress. Thus eliminating the need for "HM slaves".

So all that would be left is a bunch of good monsters with good types that may specialize in some areas, but non particularly dominating the others, and you would be free to choose based on design. Which is what I do anyways, even if my favorites suck in battle (like Hypno T-T) But one of the reasons I love Gen 5, is because there are a TON of monsters I love in both design and stats, and for the first time ever I've had to make multiple teams XD Unlike gen 4, where I either hated everything pre-national dex, or they were unsuable in battle, and I couldn't form a team before the elite 4, which is why I just skipped those games.
XieRH said:
I wish this applied to every pokemon, in every game.

Sometimes I think the business model for Game Freak is outdated. After 5 generations, they still have things like event pokemon, or version exclusives. With a national dex of over 500, I doubt anyone left would still want to "catch them all" unless they were really hardcore.

I sort of understand the ideology behind this model because pokemon was always centered around the idea of "collectible assets", in this case, the pokemon themselves. However I'm more of a selective collector in the games, I've always collected only legendaries, as well as party members that do battling. Everything else is either a temp or a HM slave.

Yeah, I agree, event Pokemon pretty much killed the whole "Gotta catch em all" thing, making it so you have to use cheating devices to get them all, I prefer to get my Pokemon through legal means, event Pokemon should be available in game from the start, mainly via a password, or via difficult means that not even the game guides will tell you, or better yet, through a card input system similar to that of Spectrobes, in which you get four cards with each cartridge, and you have to trade with other people to get the cards you want, heck, they could even put one of these input cards in with each booster pack of Pokemon cards you buy....
Tarazuma said:
I'd also choose a better alternative to HMs, such as field moves, or key items

lol yeah a boat that fits in your backpack would be a nice replacement for surf.

I'm dead serious. As good as Surf is, I don't want to have to force it on my pokemon (I had this delimma with my swampert in emerald right up till I managed to reassign surf to my acquired milotic)

Key Items would work so much nicer. It worked beautifully with the desert goggles in Gen III

FLASH --> flashlight
STRENGTH --> er... strength potion. idfc pokemon has potions. It will fit in.
SURF --> A boat or a segway with a surfboard and propellers instead of wheels. Or swimming lessons taught by the SWIMTUTOR who only accepts lessons once you have That Certain Badge
DIVE --> diving suit
ROCK CLIMB --> climbing rope
DEFOG --> blargh, defog is just another flash. Scrap defog
WHIRLPOOL --> upgrade your segway to negotiate whirlpools
FLY --> I think the sheer convenience of this HM makes it worth it to still have as a pokemon move. Alternatively, private helicopter/learjet key item...

The way gamefreak designed HMs as moves that can't be overridden, it's no surprise the concept of HM-slavery came about. It's what any rational player would've done.

Masterge77 said:
event Pokemon pretty much killed the whole "Gotta catch em all" thing

Everything goes back to quantity. It wasn't so big an issue when it was only Mew. Then came everything else. By Gen III we were seeing more than one event pokemon per generation, and it just snowballs from there because it's all cumulative: everytime you enter a new generation, you have to deal with "catching 'em all" again. It's not like there's some global account system that tags your captures across generations just so you don't need to repeat the capture process over and over with past pokemon...
What do you mean no rematches? I HATED that about hg/ss and I would have expected GF to have picked up on their fan's dislike of this. I'm sure they got at least some hate mail.
More move tutors.
and offtopic: @frostwind, sure man, I coppied it off of UrbanDic anyway. I would appreciate it if you acknowledge that you got it from me(only slight hippocracy, hope I spelled that right)

and why can't we have an option of after a certain gym if we have a compatable pokemon we can use a HM without having to teach it to a pokemon?
Really deep 3D graphics and more freedom. I would also like the Pokemon League to be similar to the anime where you battle trainers to get to the ext round and eventually if you win you get to challenge the elite 4 & Champion.
Of course,I would bring back the Vs. Seeker and the Gym Leader rematches...I mean,they have taken out the Vs. Seeker for HG/SS,so it would be time for it to appear again in BW >_< And the only way to train is by the E4...Other thing I would change is that Dive could be usable on more areas,and for unlimited time just like in RSE.Those are the things the games lack.Everyone needs,the Vs. Seeker.I need to Dive in more places for unlimited time. X_X

I shouldn't forget more plot after the E4.
Also,some weekly/monthly missions,because,well,it gets boring after the Main Storyline <_< (Um,I know there are High Link missions,but they just dont seem enough)
And like most people said,THAT SOME HM'S ARENT IN THE GAME ANYMORE,PLEASE.Some HM's are pretty useless and just waste space:Cut,Rock Smash,Flash,Defog,Whirlpool.
I mean,for Cut you could use,sword maybe?
For Rock Smash a hammer.
For Flash,ovbiously a flashlight
For,a electric fan? XD
For Whirlpool...Well,for Whirlpool IDK

Yeah,those are things I would like to put in the game.
And Musicals arent bad,what is bad of the Musicals is that,well,you cant tell what controls you need to do a Musical. >_>