BW/BW2 If you could make B/W perfect, what would you do?

Gleafeon said:
I mean,for Cut you could use,sword maybe?


That's how people cut trees. A sword wouldn't make it a few inches into the bark.

Gleafeon said:
well,it gets boring after the Main Storyline

That's how most RPGs are I'm afraid. Presumably the replay value is supposed to come from all the PvP action you're supposed to be getting, but I'm guessing judging by how all the older games fared, Pokemon's PvP isn't that enticing.


I must be mad. But we might just see it in future games. Who knows? Gamefreak is definitely capable of miracles with the advent of Gen 5.

i can probably think that they could at least put a pokemon gym so you and your pokemon can get more HP,PP,stamina,balance,and power. if they can do THAT i would be VERY impressed
They should have a gym, in which, there isn't a main type, but pokemon that excel in a certain stat like attack or defense or HP.
Gym rematches. Maybe with old pokemon. The first gym would be a triple battle, with the three monkeys and the starters.
Have pokemon naturally do hms.
A fire pokemon would have flames for light in a cave.
Any cutting move (leafblade, nightslash) could cut trees and theyd never grow back.
Or atleast forgetable so it can be
*teaches emboar strength*
*moves boulder*
*teaches emboar wildbolt again*
Nursey: holds up to 6 eggs, one pokemon (magmortar, camperupt, etc).

Again kyruremu needs 2 formes. Coldflare form is ice/fir, Freezebolt is ice/elc.
Major plotlines for every legend. As in big 3 day mission. I want the musketeer trio to be roaming for a bit. Meet them in route 1 but are protected. Appear to attack plasma a few times, and end up helping you.
Seven sages need pokemon to fight with.
Dive needs to last forever. Have some scuba diver trainers, tons of ruins, a few hidden islands, a place like the underground.
I just want more......individuality. Here's what I mean:

-Customizable, or at least a variety of trainer sprites would be insanely awesome.
-Actually being able to feed and groom your monsters. I actually thought by now they'd do something like that (besides the stupid poffins/Pokeblocks). Grooming and feeding would be two separate mini games. Then you can also buy special items that die your Pokemon a certain color, instead of just catching shinies. And grooming and feeding would affect their moods and conditions in battle. No Pokemon clothes though.

I'm just sick of everyone having the same trainer sprites, the same Pokemon sprites. Right now, the only distinguishable features are names, gender, and normal vs shiny. We don't need Pokemusicals, or game corners.....leave that crap out and make mini games!

Ooh, ooh, and being able to ride your Pokemon around! I want to ride a Rapidash! It would just be a bit faster than running.
^Isn't a bike faster than running?
And Pokemon is about battling monsterss, not taking care of pets. The whole feeding and grooming thing is for other games. I for one would be annoyed if I had to take care of my Pokemon.
How aren't they like pets? I mean, you have to take care of them in SOME way. Just look at the anime. Besides, in one of the Digimon console games, you have to feed them, wash them, and even pick up after them. Why can't we do that in Pokemon? I don't understand how we're suppose to "bond" and "love" our Pokemon if we're not even being responsible owners. They're just like animals- at least based off of how they're describes in the show.

But then again, I've grown up with pets my whole life, so that's just my animal owner instincts kicking in.
Valtron said:
you have to take care of them in SOME way. Just look at the anime

The anime and the game are not one and the same. If the game doesn't involve caring for your pokemon, then that's just the way it is. Ultimately the game has always designed pokemon as collectible assets, the pokemon in the game were never perceived as virtual pets. Even aspects like happiness is just a hidden meter used to fulfill evolution criteria or to influence the damage of return/frustration

The anime is sort of based on the game. The game by itself, has its own mechanics and style. For instance, Ash in the anime has never had to challenge the elite 4 and champion when he gets to the pokemon league.

I agree with Shadow Arceus. The fact that the game already has such a high emphasis on griding thanks to the EV system and the high level cap makes me not want to have my 6 critters suddenly become even more high-maintenance things that need food, water, and love. Besides the idea of 'love and care' is mildly ironic in a setting where domesticated pokemon spend nearly all their lives in a PC or in a pokeball, unable to move around freely, trapped in a technological limbo.
Pokemon are just mindless machines made to work and do whatever is required by us.-TR
I dont see why we should. Itd be fun to have the option to pet it. But feeding and taking care of "business" is just pointless. I want to pet my garchomp to but i dont wanna feed it everyday, etc etc.
That stuff somes from pokecenters
Love is friendship but thats easy.
Alternate coloring is pointless. Takes all the fun of getting shinies. Pokemon already have personalities etc leave them as is. Why would you groom them? So they can look pretty while they set fire to a pikachu?
Ehh you will probably get over the names. Besides, it wont matter unless you plan on not evolving them.
Id make a simeatoenous (bad spellin) release so w dont have to hear pointless whining about ugggh unova has isshus, i liked tsujaru more even though i had no idea what it meant.
I think if I could make B/W better I would think instead of nurse Joy/ect you should do it your self kinda like if a pokemon has a burn you use your stylist to drag an ice pack/ect also if there is a poison you can give it a shot or take its temperetere.Also a pokemon training academy so you and your pokemon can get used to each other.Maybe they could do a actuel pokebeach like you and your pokemon could play in the sand or swim in the water and catch wild ocean pokemon.
What id like to do with my pokemon is play. Like above, id want to go to a beach to have fun. Maybe itd be by type, so if i brought a banibara, itd have fun in the snow and not melting at a volcano.