BW/BW2 If you could make B/W perfect, what would you do?

REMATCHES!!! When you hatch a Pokemon, you can't really train it because you can't rematch the Gym Leaders! They're an important part of getting your Pokemon expeirence! You'll be undertrained and its a pain to keep killing the same types of Pokemon over and over! Also yor Pokemon should still get expierence when you catch wild Pokemon!
When you beat the Champion, YOU GET TO BE THE CHAMPION. You can have "Champion Duty" and stay in the room and NPC's come and challenge you.
@Gardegon yeah I used to think about that when I had diamond when I beat Cynthia i was like cool I'm the champion, who's gonna challenge me? And then next time I went to the league I was like Hey I'm the champion! You said it yourself Cynthia!
When you beat the Champion, YOU GET TO BE THE CHAMPION. You can have "Champion Duty" and stay in the room and NPC's come and challenge you.

Frankly I'd rather have a battle frontier for that. Standard battles (including the ones fought at the League) aren't that fun once you hit the higher levels. The frontier poses a guaranteed challenge due to level standardisation between you and your opponent.
I'd put the Fame Checker, Teachy TV, Help System and "Previously on your quest" features from FR/LG in. They'd basically make ANY game perfect.
Id like a battle revolution for this game ;) oh yer oh bring brock and dawn into the actual game (and anime);) oh and bring misty back in anime.
or like, a wifi "king/queen" feature, where you can challenge the "king/queen" and whoever wins is the new king/queen, and so on.
well if you have noticed all of the generations are based around the same thing getting your first pokemon by a professor then you use it to catch more.. maybe they could of mixed it up a little bit? Maybe a new way to get your first pokemon? Maybe even a whole new theme? like instead of just being like "hey i want to be a trainer let me get a pokemon" they could maybe like pick them from a special training center or something. Just a thought.