INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! It's Over!!

RE: INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! ROUND 2 ENDS January 2nd AT 9:00 PM EST.

CANT WAIT FOR THE SCORES *fingers crossed*! !!!!!
RE: INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! ROUND 2 ENDS January 2nd AT 9:00 PM EST.

bonsly1994 said:
If i'm out, then you all make it right? lol

Don't leave! Please stay in!!

Isn't that 5 people?

Score's will be coming in a minute!
Here are the scores:

Achmetha: 9 Points (Awesome!)
MK63: 9 Points (Awesome!)
LM: 9 Points (Awesome!)
bonsly1994: 7 Points (It's good, but not alot of fusion in it.)
MUCKSTER: 7 Points (It's good, but the back of the K-Mon looked cut off.)
Charizard88: 6 Points (You should have recolored the wings.)
Pokemon Noobiepie: 4 Points (You should have recolored the wings, and it looked a little messy.)
FPM:3 Points (It looked great, but that's really not a K-mon. All you did was add the Kirby's eyes.)
Sylar: 0 Points (Did not enter sprite.) (ELMINATED)
RE: INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! Scores are in!!

AWESOME!! Thanks INFERNAPE!! LM you and I are in the lead! WOOO Good job everyone!
RE: INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! Scores are in!!

INFERNAPE, sorry guys but i am going to resign form the contest. I had two really bad rounds, and don't feel I can save my position. I normally do alot better:( This is not a 'OMg a am a sour loser and don't want to play no more', I just feel that I can't save my position and in truth, I don't have enoguh time for spriting lately. In a way its not fair for me to carry on, I'm just embarrasing myself. I have a reputation as a spriter, and I'm ruining it now. Sorry guys, please take me off the list INFERNAPE. In a way a am either chikening out or being a sour loser, but I'm not angry. I deserv the position I have. I do not object to any scores I have, and thus, am not being a sour loser, as I accept my position. I really want t keep my rep safe.

* FPm syays goodbye and resigns.
RE: INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! Scores are in!!

Moneyking63: Your welcome!

Fire Pokemon Master: I completly understand. You are an amazing spriter, so please don't take this contest to seriously. You just had a couple of bad rounds. I don't think your a sour loser at all. Thanks for entering though!
RE: INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! Scores are in!!


Which should I submit?
RE: INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! Scores are in!!

I would suggest something, but that would be unfair considering I'm the judge.
RE: INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! Scores are in!!

Thiss'll be a bad round for me, never made a choa before...
O well woot! It's fune being in a contest!
RE: INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! Scores are in!!

Give it your best try!

RE: INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! Scores are in!!

I don't know what Chaos I should make...
I need to make a good Round on this one since I'm doing bad...
I need a Creative and Terrfic Sprite...
RE: INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! Scores are in!!

DOn't drop Bonsly1994 but if you have to but i think this is 5 now for sure and I made WHOO!!!!!! But I think I will do terrible in the next round though never made chao just like muckster. Oh well if i am out I am out I give it my best shot...
RE: INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! Scores are in!!

here is my first chao...


Hope this is good never made a chao and I am in bad shape at the moment with scores.

Sorry for the double post.
RE: INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! Scores are in!!

bonsly, you shouldn't leave, I understand if you have to, but you are one of the top 5 spriters on Pokebeach.
RE: INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! Scores are in!!

Charizard88: Cool!

Achmetha: I agree!

bonsly1994: PLEASE STAY IN!! WE NEED YOU!!
RE: INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! Scores are in!!

Hey INFERNAPE this is probably the last thing you want to here but could you please extend the round at least to saturday night. I have had tons of homework and I would really appreciate it! Alot of people dont have their sprites in anyway! Thanks!
RE: INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! Scores are in!!

Infernape is the scratch and sc=ratch or a scratch fusion?
OH, and it is aerodactyl and Charizard. Sorry forgot.
RE: INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! Scores are in!!

Ok I'm almost done sorry mine is going to be late, but since c88 and acthema are the only 2 that entered their sprites it seems alot of people will be late:p
RE: INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! Scores are in!!

Yea Im going to try to do mine in a litte just got home...
RE: INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! Scores are in!!

I didn't enter one.
This is my entry:
RE: INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! Scores are in!!

Ok so actchema entered hiw so now we wait even longer.