Wi-Fi Trades Instacheck Hotspot Thread

Call me a rube, but how does knowing your Shiny Value help you hatch shinies? How does I pokemon?
Added the above FCs and Hotspot is working again for now...

@Akwila Here is how knowing your shiny value helps determine getting a shiny or not

Each Pokemon has a randomly generated number as their shiny value between 1 and 4096. If this number is identical to yours, the pokemon becomes a shiny. Each egg has a shiny value too. If it is traded to a game with the same shiny value before it is hatched, then it has a 100% chance of being a shiny.

My shiny value is 2414. If a wild Absol appears with the value of 2414, it will be a shiny.
If I have a Bulbasaur Egg with the shiny value of 543 and traded it to Yakkov's game (which has the same shiny value), when he/she hatches it, it will be a shiny because it has the same shiny value as Yakkov.

Also, can someone trade so I can check Squirtle Eggs?
PokeChimpo said:
Are you still on for the egg check?

Yup. I can do it right now :)

EDIT: Squirtle/Bulbasaur Eggs

Bulbasaur (M) - Careful, Overgrow, 30\30\31\13\30\14 [2916]
Bulbasaur (M) - Timid, Overgrow, 13\11\19\12\5\24 [3134]
Bulbasaur (M) - Relaxed, Overgrow, 31\30\17\25\5\25 [918]
Bulbasaur (M) - Adamant, Overgrow, 31\7\15\29\30\10 [3637]
Squirtle (M) - Careful, Torrent, 11\4\24\3\13\29 [1663]
Squirtle (M) - Sassy, Torrent, 16\4\21\28\23\11 [1546]
Squirtle (M) - Jolly, Torrent, 12\4\22\8\9\29 [1453]
Squirtle (M) - Hasty, Torrent, 16\17\9\8\0\31 [803]
Squirtle (M) - Adamant, Torrent, 18\0\1\8\13\29 [1817]
Squirtle (F) - Jolly, Torrent, 14\7\1\8\28\0 [3305]
Squirtle (M) - Brave, Torrent, 14\2\8\24\13\0 [2102]
Squirtle (F) - Sassy, Torrent, 14\16\3\28\19\29 [995]
Squirtle (M) - Rash, Torrent, 16\28\2\2\13\29 [3669]
Squirtle (M) - Modest, Torrent, 16\28\0\28\13\27 [3873]
Squirtle (M) - Naughty, Torrent, 14\4\8\21\16\14 [3973]
Squirtle (M) - Hasty, Torrent, 12\18\19\8\19\26 [3173]
Squirtle (M) - Modest, Torrent, 14\14\22\8\13\25 [3569]
Squirtle (F) - Bold, Torrent, 14\27\9\16\13\1 [3425]
isnt this considered cheating of some kind? seems like this would be something along the lines of a cheating device. i know your not hacking the game but your using a program to get information you shouldnt have access too. besides, who wants a shiny they did all the work for to end up having to be hatched by someone else and that person getting their name on the OT (original trainer) line. also this seems like it will lower the value of shinies now that you can just trade the egg to someone with the same SV and get a guaranteed shiny. im predicting an influx of shinies would ruin its own market.

*[mod]Drohn[/mod]: I edited your post to remove the mentioning of specific cheating devices. *
PokeChimpo said:
I like shinies that I don't have to spend a month trying to find :)

defeats the purpose of finding/hatching/getting a shiny pokemon imo. but whatev's, just pointing out something, not saying this is bad.
Archael said:
isnt this considered cheating of some kind? seems like this would be something along the lines of a cheating device. i know your not hacking the game but your using a program to get information you shouldnt have access too. besides, who wants a shiny they did all the work for to end up having to be hatched by someone else and that person getting their name on the OT (original trainer) line. also this seems like it will lower the value of shinies now that you can just trade the egg to someone with the same SV and get a guaranteed shiny. im predicting an influx of shinies would ruin its own market.

While I can see why people wouldn't want this program, you are not cheating the game at all. You aren't changing anything or modifying the game whatsoever. You are just finding out if the Pokemon is shiny or not. I wouldn't mind someone else's name on the OT, I know I did all the hard work, and my Pokemon gets extra EXP :D

Added some users.
Figured Id post here to get some help.
Im looking for people with specific SVs to hatch my eggs.
Offering a Flawless Protean Naive Froakie in return if need be.
SVs Im looking for-

Please reply here or PM me if you can help. Thanks!
Car Keys (Klefki Eggs)-
Klefki (M) - Sassy, Prankster, 17\18\14\13\28\1 [1332]
Klefki (F) - Quiet, Prankster, 16\18\8\28\17\21 [3618]
Klefki (M) - Relaxed, Prankster, 31\3\27\28\19\11 [1567]
Klefki (M) - Modest, Prankster, 14\18\25\4\20\12 [1503]
Klefki (F) - Naive, Prankster, 24\1\8\12\28\29 [3058]
Klefki (M) - Calm, Prankster, 24\3\0\31\28\24 [177]
Klefki (F) - Timid, Prankster, 17\10\8\27\28\8 [996]
Klefki (M) - Relaxed, Prankster, 14\27\30\28\26\15 [2616]
Klefki (M) - Sassy, Prankster, 14\5\22\31\28\26 [3968]
Klefki (M) - Docile, Prankster, 17\25\25\10\19\17 [870]
Klefki (M) - Gentle, Prankster, 10\18\8\31\2\28 [417]
Klefki (F) - Naive, Prankster, 14\3\24\28\11\15 [1809]
Klefki (M) - Lax, Prankster, 1\3\13\14\19\15 [2464]
Klefki (M) - Quirky, Prankster, 14\3\25\19\2\14 [1217]
Klefki (F) - Naughty, Prankster, 17\18\8\15\3\15 [3068]
Klefki (M) - Adamant, Prankster, 14\18\8\17\21\16 [1966]
Klefki (M) - Naughty, Prankster, 17\15\26\1\19\15 [1966]
Klefki (M) - Jolly, Prankster, 14\30\25\28\13\27 [674]
Klefki (F) - Quiet, Prankster, 16\18\8\28\17\21 [3618]
Klefki (M) - Jolly, Prankster, 1\16\4\28\28\29 [1361]
Klefki (F) - Bashful, Prankster, 20\18\25\30\18\15 [3613]
Klefki (M) - Rash, Prankster, 17\23\25\9\27\15 [1375]
Klefki (M) - Sassy, Prankster, 17\3\7\31\14\29 [1502]
Keys & Bats

Klefki (F) - Bashful, Prankster, 14\18\26\31\28\31 [1046]
Klefki (M) - Mild, Prankster, 14\15\26\28\31\29 [3618]
Klefki (F) - Impish, Prankster, 17\12\30\27\28\15 [2809]
Klefki (F) - Brave, Prankster, 17\18\8\9\24\13 [607]
Klefki (M) - Quirky, Prankster, 14\20\1\28\13\29 [818]
Klefki (M) - Careful, Prankster, 17\18\3\23\27\15 [2344]
Klefki (M) - Hardy, Prankster, 14\18\9\3\19\28 [4]
Klefki (M) - Naughty, Prankster, 17\3\25\10\5\15 [2614]
Klefki (F) - Calm, Prankster, 5\18\4\31\26\29 [3791]
Klefki (F) - Hardy, Prankster, 15\3\8\18\7\29 [1494]
Klefki (M) - Naive, Prankster, 9\31\29\28\19\29 [315]
Klefki (M) - Sassy, Prankster, 14\23\25\28\12\15 [2320]
Klefki (M) - Rash, Prankster, 14\9\22\26\19\29 [3680]
Klefki (F) - Lonely, Prankster, 14\7\25\31\7\17 [3133]
Klefki (F) - Jolly, Prankster, 26\18\11\28\26\29 [2298]
Klefki (F) - Quiet, Prankster, 14\6\25\8\28\12 [2272]
Noibat (M) - Serious, Infiltrator, 21\14\9\31\29\8 [1709]
Noibat (F) - Mild, Infiltrator, 29\5\9\31\6\17 [3958]
Noibat (F) - Modest, Infiltrator, 29\25\8\31\1\25 [2725]
Noibat (F) - Sassy, Infiltrator, 29\6\9\21\9\25 [1984]
Noibat (F) - Relaxed, Infiltrator, 5\14\6\31\1\20 [2042]
Noibat (F) - Modest, Infiltrator, 4\14\8\31\20\29 [561]
Noibat (M) - Hardy, Infiltrator, 24\14\9\31\3\21 [1374]
Noibat (M) - Calm, Infiltrator, 29\11\8\31\22\20 [584]
Noibat (F) - Brave, Infiltrator, 21\18\9\10\19\24 [199]
Noibat (M) - Careful, Infiltrator, 14\18\18\12\19\2 [567]
Noibat (F) - Gentle, Frisk, 27\18\15\5\19\29 [799]
Noibat (M) - Relaxed, Frisk, 29\5\9\16\28\20 [859]
Noibat (M) - Serious, Infiltrator, 31\14\11\31\18\20 [482]
Reggie McGigas, I got a shiny for you: www.reddit.com/r/SVExchange/comments/1qsr85/my_shiny_value_is_1709_looking_for_a_few/

I really shouldn't be doing this for you though. Please search reddit yourself if you want shinies.

Note: I only searched three of your given SV:s.