Hey, if you're interested in the friend safari, please add yourself here: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/safari.phpCharizardX12 said:Hello!!! I'm new here. My favourite regions are Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos(yes basically all) Kanto and Johto I cherise the most. They were my childhood. But I also love all the others. Unovawas okay, but it had stuff that bugged me a bit.
Favourite Pokemon are: Charizard, Eevee (all other Eeveelutions), Latias, my Shiny Pachirisu, Garchomp, Meganuim, Piplup, Delphox, Gardivoir, Mew and Celebi.
My Friend Code is 5386-8615-6228.