Is anyone else worried about the next few sets?


Ultimate fail!!
With Lost World coming out in the next set and effectively a reprint of gust of wind coming out the set after, is anyone else worried about the way the game is going. In my opinion, after the next set come out (I can't remember the name :p), it will be play LostGar or lose to LostGar with no other option...

What is everyone else's opinion...
Lost Gar only works if it can set up T1 or T2, not to mention Lost world MUST be in play. If you can snipe before it even gets that bad your fine. They can only have one stadium at a time. They cant have a BTS active and a Lost World active. Its nothing to worry about really. Lost Gar depends on so many things that it can be defeated.
I am a little nervous. Gust of Wind means you can't run anything that depends on the bench for power, since it will die too easily. Lost World means you can't run anything that can't set up right away. It's going to get a lot harder imo.
@G_i_P: Umm. You only play Lost World when you can win. You don't have it in play all game.
Personally I'm just tagging along so to say this season just to get a feel for next year. Last year I was competitive, this year not too much. Mostly since I got a new job and won't be able to get time off for Nats/Worlds, so I'm prepping for next season. And to be honest, I have no fear what so ever for the next couple sets. So far I have seen nothing from the scans or anything that can make me worried. I already feel I have the next format figured out. As for this format, its just like GG all over again, but this time its LuxChomp. Gotta remember we're moving towards a slower format, so you all have to wipe your memories of this fast pace that you all got accustomed to.
@festizzio, unless it's a Vileplume or you have Gothruzelle or Spiritomb active. Then it's fine (of course, for the active ones, Cyclone Energy does hurt).
I'm personally not, I'm pretty ready for Luxchomp to stop being so popular. I also don't think Lostgar is so great because of it's dependence on Seeker.
Not really. Lost World will be bad. No one will realize ot untill after states because it's still overhyped.
Lost world is in my opinion going to have to fight with LuxChomp for the BDIF. It does have a ton of options, and while you guys are pull out what seem to be holes in the deck, a good player can easily take you out before you even know it with this deck.
...Considering that Umbreon can only OHKO Gengar with 2 Spec Darks and a Belt, and that Hurl into Darkness targets the hand, I wouldn't be so sure about your statement.
Ive played a lostgar deck already and I get umbreon set up superfast and I run pluspower so I ended up getting OHKOs every turn
I'm not. Here's why:

Hypothesis A: Lostgar smashes into the format. Few counters exist. Lostgar wins most S/P/A. Format is wrecked.

Hypothesis B: Lostgar arrives. It is a dud. People who payed $100 for a playset of Gengar Prime now quit. Lostgar fades into the distance like Rampardos, Eevelutions, Glistomb, and Salamence...

Hypothesis C: Lost it very hyped when Lost World is released. It win a few S/P/Ts. It becomes an okay deck like Magnezone or Regigigas. Makes minor effect on format. Everyone is happy.

I think that Hypothesis C is most likely to happen.
I am very worried if you build it correctly, and have some skill lostgar is a very good deck. I believe it will dominate until everyone starts playing counters. As for the gust of wind reprint that was a much worse decision.
I'm extremely worried with the release of Lost World but probably even more important, Pokemon Catcher. Combined with these new Rules, this game does not look good IMO.

dmaster out.
Catcher isnt bothering at all.. anyone can play the card, and it can fit in any deck. you can just play switch if you are that worried...
^The pick a Pokemon they can KO.

Or Warp Energy. I think Pokemon Catcher will lead to extra Vileplume. I'm worried about Catcher too. Everyone will realize that LostGar is awful after states, so no worries about that.
or those few people will make a great lostgar list and it will get out all over.. im guessing thats what happens.. besides, i play mew.. i hope they are dumb enough to play catcher