Is anyone else worried about the next few sets?

LostGar is gonna be like Jumpluff, its gonna take a big name player such as Chris Fulop to make it big and make everyone believe its BDIF when in reality its probably only 3rd best at best.
i will say this once.


well, compared to all the hype it's getting. it's also likely that there will be a text change.
Every lostgar player is missing one key fact. What? Lostgar is gonna win everything! Nobody remembers that Dialgachomp is tier 1, and BDIF to some. The deck shuts off Lostgar completely. Early game DGX will shut down Mew Prime unless somehow they can Lost zone it (Unlikely if you run 3-1), even if they do, they can't play it anyway! Deafen shuts it off! And then if they try and use Cursed Drops or whatever they'll just Turn/Warp NRG/Healing Breath it off and continue.

Oh yea, and BW will make Garchomp SV tier 1. Just sayin.
Im not to worried about pokemon catcher because anything they use with it (luxray, garchomp, gyrados, blah blah blah) can just get revenge killed...most of the time.

LostGar is going to be BIG. even if it fails its going to be big. thuse many people will be running counters and those counters wont do good against any other deck except LostGar thus....everyone loses...if LostGar fails. i personally cant wait for a slower meta...if only it would come sooner.
dmaster said:
I'm extremely worried with the release of Lost World but probably even more important, Pokemon Catcher. Combined with these new Rules, this game does not look good IMO.

dmaster out.

Umbretar and DialgaChomp can counter LostGar easily, the deck is beatable get a grip you guys. Pokemon Catcher (Gust of Wind reprint) is crazy good however Vileplume UD and Spiritomb AR are very excellent checks against it. Deafen Lock from Dialga G might seem like a good idea to prevent Lost World from being played but in a Premier Event you'll either win or lose depending on how many prizes both players have.

As for the new Rules for Black/White Base Set, we don't know how TPCi and PUSA will handle it. We'll just have to wait and see as time comes later in the next few months. Hopefully it won't go through the kind of significant changes that Japan went through. Changing "Poke-Powers" and "Poke-Bodies" to just "Abilities" would cause ALOT of Card Erratas to be made and that's something I don't think PUSA and TPCi wants to risk doing. Take for example what they did back in the HGSS sets when they decided to get rid of the term "Goods" to still say "Trainers".

As for the Rare Candy Errata to where you can't use it on a Basic Pokemon that you just played makes sense to prevent less Donks in the metagame and it seems to work over in Japan since they got their B/W cards before we will. Playing Trainers and Supporters on your first turn though, even though it might seem like straying away from Donks itself it still feels like you're gaining an unfair advantage against your Opponent. For better or worse I suppose.

I hope they don't mix Trainers, Supporters, and Stadiums as one Card Type like it was back in the Base Set, Jungle, Fossil days of the TCG. It would cause alot of Ruling problems for the game itself and make cards that are already borderline good to become broken and that's something we don't want in the Pokemon TCG where everything seems to be balanced except for SP's of course.

Tyraniking said:
Oh yea, and BW will make Garchomp SV tier 1. Just sayin.

Because of Excadrill no doubt, it's 2nd attack Drill Liner works so well with it despite costing {F}{F}{F} for 80 damage, the 2 retreat is easily taken care of by Dodrio UD for Retreat Aid. Combine that with Lost Remover and it's energy manipulation shenanigans at your disposal. If only Tangrowth CoL were as consistent but it's not unfortunately.

DNA said:
...Considering that Umbreon can only OHKO Gengar with 2 Spec Darks and a Belt, and that Hurl into Darkness targets the hand, I wouldn't be so sure about your statement.

Moonlight Fang has nothing on Gengar Prime or Mew Prime using Gengar Prime's Hurl into Darkness attack. Your best bet is running a Mesprit LA tech for Psychic Bind to prevent the LostGar player from sending your Evolutions to the Lost Zone with Omastar MD's Primal Swirl If they run that tech, other tech's might include Slowking HGSS for Second Sight, shrink their hand with Judge and then Second Sight them to where they draw into a useless card every turn until you reach your win con.

If you're running Tyranitar Prime or Absol G Lv. X you'll still have an advantage against Gengar Prime. Your best bet is using Tyranitar Prime's Megaton Tail for 240 damage against Gengar Prime, all it takes is 2 Dark and a Double Colorless, that's basically a 3 turn setup granted you get the Stage 2 out on time.
^lol, I'm sigging that.
The problem is that people are worried about not knocking it out fast enough to stop 6 of their Pokémon from going to the Lost Zone.
Look i went aginst lost gar before and i won two out of two times and there is a chance that lost world will be replaced with another stadium card.
^you dont play lost world till you can win. it would be stupid to play it T1 because....yes it can be replaced by another stadium
@ShineVini: Thanks Mr. Condescending. Excuse us lowly Pokemon players for caring about something other than girls, work, sports, etc.

Also, I love that post that says Gengar can just be knocked out. I never thought it could be that easy. :) Makes me a lot less worried now; if I can get one Pokemon set up I should be able to do something against it, and if they had energies attached then they lose all that too. Omastar MD is irrelevant since next format it'll be gone. Sure, maybe it'll be ran for Nats and States and whatnot, but it is still a Stage2 tech that gets stopped easily by Vileplume/Spiritomb. They can't play their fossil because it's a trainer. :)
@ Card Slinger J

Garchomp SV will be amazing next format. They pick up an enegy, you lost zone and discard there's with Crush Hammer and Lost Remover. Not to metion the solid HP, DCE usage, colorless cost, free retreat, tanking, and high damage. I play it now with Machamp and umbreon as techs, but I will probaly be swiching them out for some amzing dark type to help counter Gengar. Or even better, DCL so I can lost zone a DCE and use their lost world for the win :p.
ive been thinking weather or not to run more judge or looker to keep lost world out of there hand. if they want to mess me up ill do the same lol
@Card Slinger J, you shouldn't have to be forced to play specific deck counters to win a match IMO. That doesn't make the game fun.

Same thing with Spiritomb/Vileplume. Every deck will be forced to play some kind of Trainer Lock. That's not fun either.

dmaster out.
Think that someone said something similar to this in an earlier post, but as far as I'm concerned 3 (or possibly 4) things can happen concerning Lostgar.

1. Many players will start playing Lostgar, but the deck only wins a handful of tournaments, either because the deck still needs a bit of tuning, or just because some players still don't know how to make the best use of their deck. As a result, Lostgar quickly becomes either a lesser played competitive deck or even a rogue deck, although it might regain popularity a few months later.

2.The deck wins several tournaments, with roughly the same number of wins as tier one decks such as LuxChomp or Gyarados. Lostgar decks increase in number, but not by an obscene amount, and it's still possible for other competative decks to be successful.

3.The deck is completely broken, with Lostgar decks most of the tournaments. In this case, POP will (hopefully) decide that the deck is too powerful for the format, and Lost World gets banned from competitive play (either permanently or until cards which help Lostgar matchups are printed) . Many players will be angry, some will quit altogether, and the metagame returns almost to the way it is now.

4.The deck is completely broken and POP does nothing.....Lostgar takes over. Your best bet is to hide in a corner and dry your tears with your unplayable Garchomp C LvX cards.
dmaster said:
@Card Slinger J, you shouldn't have to be forced to play specific deck counters to win a match IMO. That doesn't make the game fun.

Same thing with Spiritomb/Vileplume. Every deck will be forced to play some kind of Trainer Lock. That's not fun either.

dmaster out.

I see your point now, I remember back when I was playing Yu-Gi-Oh! in 2003 when Chaos Emperor Dragon and Yata Lock decks were dominant and there were hardly any good counters against it that were proven successful until those cards got banned. The power creep in that TCG almost made it impossible in some sense I suppose.

Part of the problem with Yu-Gi-Oh! in the last decade was due to Konami and UDE "banhammering" almost every good card in the game because you could literally play them for free without having to pay any kind of cost or use of a resource system whatsoever. My question is why UDE and Konami just errata the cards instead of banning them and restricting them to 1 per deck? That's where the problem lied which lead to countless erratas and rule changes that messed everything up having the game take a terrible turn for the worse despite getting better by some degree.

I hope the same thing doesn't happen to the Pokemon TCG, however like I said If worse comes to worse they can always ban Lost World like they did with Neo Genesis Slowking and Sneasel in the past though I much rather prefer Lost World getting errated to where it's not quite as broken as before but that's just me. Yes it's been a very long time since TPCi banned anything in the Pokemon TCG however back then Wizards of the Coast was in charge instead of Pokemon USA, hopefully they've learned from Wizards of the Coast in terms of that.

Every Research & Development Team and Rulings Correspondent should take it to heart.

TragicTheSaddening said:
3.The deck is completely broken, with Lostgar decks most of the tournaments. In this case, POP will (hopefully) decide that the deck is too powerful for the format, and Lost World gets banned from competitive play (either permanently or until cards which help Lostgar matchups are printed) . Many players will be angry, some will quit altogether, and the metagame returns almost to the way it is now.

Why would they quit Pokemon If Lost World gets banned? It just proves that the card itself was too broken for the format If it is proven that way at least. If you care more about your cards getting banned than the stability of the format you're playing in there's obviously something wrong with you. Sure there's money involved but when power creep is left unchecked mistakes will do that to you whether you like it or not, in the end it's the card designer's in Japan's fault but like I said mistakes happen in TCG's. No need to quit the game over spilled milk.

I still think whenever a card becomes too broken that instead of banning it they should errata it to where it's not quite as broken as before, qnetykz could probably make a better argument regarding this topic than I did just now but then again I haven't heard from him in about a month so yeah...
Card Slinger: Nonono just plain Garchomp. Lost Remover and Crash Hammer will not only make Speed impact hit harder but it will disrupt NRG like crazy, and if that doesn't work, Pokemon Catcher to feed off of weaker Pokemon without energy.
I can tell you first hand experinse playing aginst lost gar its not a game changer. Like if you have no pokemon in hand hurl in to darkness wont do any thing.