Is anyone else worried about the next few sets?

Apparently not being able to search it out doesn't either. In any way (other than like Poke Drawer +)
Why does it have to be Old Amber? Why not a Helix/Dome Fossil and a Fossil Excavator? Preventing damage against Lostgar is pointless anyway, as they place damage counters.
Azelf Master said:
Hypothesis A: Lostgar smashes into the format. Few counters exist. Lostgar wins most S/P/A. Format is wrecked.

Hypothesis B: Lostgar arrives. It is a dud. People who payed $100 for a playset of Gengar Prime now quit. Lostgar fades into the distance like Rampardos, Eevelutions, Glistomb, and Salamence...

Hypothesis C: Lost it very hyped when Lost World is released. It win a few S/P/Ts. It becomes an okay deck like Magnezone or Regigigas. Makes minor effect on format. Everyone is happy.
This is perfect. Totally accurate and eloquent with good examples.
I think it'll be B though.
From what I've heard (albeit from rumours), in Japan, there are people who haven't lost games at all using Gengar (gone something like 49-0) and MewGar/LostGar is completely dominating the format.

I think it'll be a good thing if SP goes but not if it gets replaced by another gimmick.

However, I have heard of people trying Gengar counters (for example: Absol Prime). I know that with Absol Prime your are basically just getting them closer to winning but if there is a way you can keep Pokemon out of your hand and slowing down Gengar then I think it may be a viable option. By the way I've tested Umbreon UD against ordinary Genagr and it didn't go so well so I'm assuming that it won't go so well against Gengar Prime either...
Personally, I think a couple of mods can fix many decks to be much more competitive against lostgar (should it be good).

If you are wet your pants scared of Lostgar, you can always run a deck wtih 7 pokemon. That'll teach them. (Yeah, right)

The B/W stuff does bother me at all. It should be a fun era.
@Card Slinger J
First off, sorry to everyone that this is responding to a post made about 10 posts before this one. When I said that some people would quit, I don't mean every single Lostgar player, or even just the Lostgar players who perform well with the deck. I meant the minority of players that'll build the deck purely as a way to become a top player in their area, and even then probably only 20% of them at the most.
For example if a player (especially one who's current performance is below average), spends however much it costs to build a Lostgar deck, and begins to perform well with the deck, and then it gets announced that lost world is banned from competitive play, that player may feel cheated, or just angry in general because their investment of Lost Worlds and Gengar Primes are now almost worthless, and quit because of it.
I can see your point as to how this is an unlikely scenario, as (thankfully) there's only a small number of players who behave like that. I also agree with you that doing something like that is stupid. If you put competitiveness behind the "fun factor" in your priorities when it comes to any card game, you're going to be hugely disappointed. Also, an eretta on Lost World could work well into making Lostgar a powerful, yet still balanced deck, but I think that if POP takes any action, it'll most likely be a ban.
Garchomp said:
From what I've heard (albeit from rumours), in Japan, there are people who haven't lost games at all using Gengar (gone something like 49-0) and MewGar/LostGar is completely dominating the format.

Wow, mostly this is due to their format being HGSS-On while ours is slightly different with the DP and Platinum sets included. That does take the first four DP sets out of the equation but that could still be a huge difference compared to our metagame and Japan's current one.

Garchomp said:
However, I have heard of people trying Gengar counters (for example: Absol Prime). I know that with Absol Prime your are basically just getting them closer to winning but if there is a way you can keep Pokemon out of your hand and slowing down Gengar then I think it may be a viable option. By the way I've tested Umbreon UD against ordinary Genagr and it didn't go so well so I'm assuming that it won't go so well against Gengar Prime either...

Absol Prime over Absol G Lv. X? That makes sense since Rising Rivals isn't legal in their format. Even though Umbreon UD is slightly decent against Gengar Prime as a tech (possibly needing that 2 Special Dark
and Expert Belt boost for 140 damage with some Unown DARK techs) it's still solid in other matchups as well especially Gengar SF in VileGar. Sure they can use Shadow Room which bypasses Moonlight Fang however it can stop Poltergiest dead in it's tracks since it's targeting Umbreon.
@CardSlinger, when the LostGar deck dominated in Japan, they were running a DP-On format. Thats when people had those supposed "49-0" streaks with the deck. I haven't heard anything out of Japan for their new format at the moment. Apparently there really isn't a top deck since there is no news of such
The possibilities that Lost world will be banned from Competitive Play are HIGH!!! (Due to the deck being broken).
lostgar is going to DOMINATE the format in dout that there going to ban. They only ban when a deck wins EVERY tourney which wont happen.
Truthfully, I think it will win most States, but not all of them.
Someone will think of a good counter, and that will win the rest of the States.
Muddy68 said:
Truthfully, I think it will win most States, but not all of them.
Someone will think of a good counter, and that will win the rest of the States.

Umbretar is still a good counter against it at the very least, at least I think so but then again I haven't actually tested the matchup out yet and when I do I'll know for sure.
what about Drapion X? sure it takes 2 darkness + a DCE to do it's thing, but 80 damage + triple poison 140 at the end of their next turn against a gengar prime is a nice OHKO, it also 40 damages one of the bench and prevents gengar from retreating to get rid of poison. as well as if they have a gengar X out it still OHKO's it while preventing its poke-power since it gets poisoned. sure it's a little flippy, but a guaranteed OHKO and then they have to send someone else out before your turn. which they'll not want to send out a gengar, cuz then it'll get OHKO'd before they can even attack, and you'll also be preventing a retreat.

warp energy, switch, warp point, SSU, and leveling up if they hadn't already are the only ways around it. but that only helps for one turn. and if they level up and level down your Drapion, it still has 100HP (or 110 depending on which one you are using, but the TM one has resistance to psychic Vs weakness to psychic on the SF one) and likely wont get KO'd.

then there is always the Sneasel that was banned in Neogenesis that was reprinted in UD. I would play the neogenesis one with the UD one outside of the deck for reference. just for fun of using a previously banned card.
Yes, im worried. Come on, all they did is reprint cards. I think until Black and White comes out, we are screwed. They are probably running out of ideas.
here's my prediction:
there will be another filler set to make sure that the B/W cards don't come out in this format. and to all I think that lost gar is enormusly good at what it does but there are ways to counter it, so I think it will become a plesently good deck (not broken just good) that will change the format for the better. do I think it will make an effect on the rest of the season, no it will win a good amount of states (I dare say giving luxchomp a good run for its money) but that will only because SOOO many people will try it. Feel free to tell me off if I'm wrong