Is Delcatty (PL) Needed in MewPerior?

Is Delcatty Needed?

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I've done a lot of testing with Delcatty in Mewperior, but I feel like it doesn't help as much as everyone thinks. Everytime I Hard Crush I have ALWAYS done at least 100 damage, usually more. Just having a heavy energy line seems to work better than relying on Delcatty's power because it can be locked by Psychic Bind or Power Spray. Plus, Delcatty is an easy target and can be difficult to get out. I was wondering if anybody agrees or disagrees with me. (Please don't comment if you have never actually played the deck yourself.)
I never played the deck, but I'd say it's very helpful. Either way, I'd rather be dealing for sure 100 instead of possible 0.
I agree with mr.619, I have never played the deck either, but I think it's better to do a guaranteed 100 damage then to take the risk of doing less.
You should already be getting about 150 a turn, no need for delcatty, instead put more energy in the deck.
^Actually, I have playtested it, and 36 energy gets me 150 damage almost every time. The deck runs great, and has no problem with getting knockouts. Delcatty might make it a bit more predictable, but it slower to set up, and can be locked like cypher pointed out. I just think it isn't worth it.

I placed 3rd at cities against a really tough group. The only reason I lost was because of an inadequate DGX counter. My deck has never lost due to not enough damage.
Yeah, if you get less than 150 damage, you're really unlucky. Or your deck's not good enough. No need for Delcatty, it's just wasted space imo.
36 energy is how everyone I know runs it. That's 24 spots for everything else

4 mew
2 rhyperior
4 smeargle
2 unown q

4 rescue energy
4 collectors

and whatever else you wanna run.
My preference is seeker/dialga PL for energy return. Delcatty can be sprayed (and dialga also) but once delcatty damages itself, its easy pickins for gengar. Dialga can take a shadow shot then seeker him back up. You could use the same idea with delcatty though, but it takes a turn to evolve.
Plus dialga can be searchable with collector.
No Delcatty or Dialga, you should be doing 150+ each turn and it will take up more spots and will be just get locked/sniped.
Dialga PL gives you a 150 guarantee. There's nothing wrong with that. It doesn't ruin consistency. How do you lock dialga? If mesprit is used, just don't play him. Sniped, the only one who can snipe him is blastoise. Yea chomp can do it with 2 bat drops but they aren't going to waste 2 turns to do that.
Ive talked to people who actually play test this deck to no end, and I will guarantee you that playing the deck with around 20-24 energy with a 2-2 delcatty line is far superior to anything else.
You only need

4 mew prime
4 smeargle
2 unown q
3/4 rypherior X

4 collector
4 palmer's
(can add in 4 energy returner)
And the rest is energy.

First, Delcatty is a stage 1, but in Mewperior, pratically everything is basic. You sure don t want to run a 2-2 line of Delcatty, as you are going to waste 4 energies. If you run a 1-1 line, you will never get it out. The tactic of the deck is to do massive damage by turn two. Plus, as you are discarding 5 cards per turn, there is a high probability that you skitty or your delcatty (or both) get discarded. Or, you want to waste another turn just to bring a skitty and NOT attack, because you are scared to discard you 100-damage-each-turn.

Oh, plus, if you use it too often, you will get damage counters on yourself, which will one day makes you opponent Crobat drop to get 2 prize (mew has 60 hp, it is already a dead pokemon.
Delcatty is absolutely, no question about it, necessary in MewPerior. Take it from the group that created it! Not only does it guarantee 100 per Crush, but it provides sustainability for the deck as well. Add in the fact that it ups your basics count, and provides a good Garchomp X counter as well, and it is a NO brainer. You need need need it.
Finding the correct search for a stage 1 that is consistent is not an easy task. Plus a dialga G counter. Of my play testing, delcatty was tough to get out. PM cpeterik , we can chat
After reading every comment in this thread again, Ive come to realize that only cpeterik know what they are talking about. Just adding in more energy is one of the most terrible ideas Ive heard of. That just opens the door for inconsistency, and terrible starting hands. The deck only needs 20-24 energy total to do fine it you run 2-2 Delcatty with 1 Dialga and 4 Seeker with some Vs. Seeker. Really guys, watch people who consistently top cut with the deck, and pay attention to how they play it over the theorymon of "MOAR ENERGYZ MEENZ MOAR DMG!!!"
I would rather play 4 energy returner. It don't top deck the energy, but you get 4 energy to the deck and it's a trainer.
