Is P!P Going to Break Sableye?

I'm well aware of that. It just wasn't nearly as good as it was back in the HP days - in fact, if anything, it looked really watered down.
I think they should just do an early rotation. If P!P rotates to AT LEAST SV on, then every donking card in the game will be rotated.

-Errata'd Candy- No evolutions
-BTS- Gone
-Sableye- Gone

And everything else just doesn't have the potential to donk. At least that I can think of, every card left just doesn't have the capability to donk, especially with situational donks (like Garchomp C). Just don't start with 50 HP basics, and you're good no matter what (start with Smeargle) .
Jahikoi said:
I think the best option might be just to play Tyranitar with 4 spiritomb and 4 of your own sableye if they don't ban it.

yeah have fun trying to start with 2 spritomb to there 1 sableye. all it takes is turn 1 regi move = your done. unless you play a TON of basics with high HP and i mean alot.

besides. they will just seeker up your evolutions your trying to set-up. not hard to do
Can someone fill me in on Plox? I wasn't around for that.
Gardevoir SW + Gallade SW

Use Gardevoir to copy your opponent's used-up Supporters (effectively giving you two Supporters per turn) and to lock up your opponent's Poke-Powers completely. Gallade SW was used for the power aspect, gaining power the more prizes you flip face up - capable of OHKOing any threats to the deck.
I don't think that if a rotation occurs, it will be RR on. The reason I say this is the league promo coming out is BTS and special dark. Why would they release a league promo to have it unplayable?
Agreed that sableye will be a problem. We may have to suffer thru till fall before the madness ends.
Jahikoi said:
I think the best option might be just to play Tyranitar with 4 spiritomb and 4 of your own sableye if they don't ban it.

yeah have fun trying to start with 2 spritomb to there 1 sableye. all it takes is turn 1 regi move = your done. unless you play a TON of basics with high HP and i mean alot.

besides. they will just seeker up your evolutions your trying to set-up. not hard to do

Most sabledonk decks don't run any supporters other then one Seeker. Most don't even run regice at all. Even if they do, without trainers having even one tomb active will make it very difficult to get what they need to move the tomb. Unless they are very lucky on their opening draw.

Also, I think everyone is worrying too much about this. Any donk deck works but loses when it goes first and loses to trainer lock. I know the format allows trainers on first turn but I am sure the community will come up with something to make running sabledonk a major risk at any of the remaining tourneys (nats and worlds).
The reason I say this is the league promo coming out is BTS and special dark.
It's Houndoom UD and Special Darkness Energy. There's no BTS promo.
snorlax71 said:
I don't think that if a rotation occurs, it will be RR on. The reason I say this is the league promo coming out is BTS and special dark. Why would they release a league promo to have it unplayable?
Agreed that sableye will be a problem. We may have to suffer thru till fall before the madness ends.

If it was RR-on, BTS would be out either way. Just because they release a card, doesn't mean they can't make it go out right away.

I can guarantee 110% SOMETHING will happen to Sableye.
mr.619 said:
I can guarantee 110% SOMETHING will happen to Sableye.

Maybe they will Overconfident's base damage to 90. I feel that Pokemon should do something with it, but honestly, with all of the questionable decisions they have been making lately, I have about 0% faith in them.
K this thought just occured to me this second so it might sound kinda crazy, but what if they eretta'd Overconfident to something like this:

Overconfident 10. If you've not done anything else this turn other then draw a card, this attack's base damage is 40.

This could work because first off, Sabledonk decks would just not work at all, since you'll be playing trainers. Also, it won't cause a disadvantage to other decks that currently run Sableye for impersonate (such as Sablelock or (if I remember correctly) Gyarados). It also reduces the probability of a Overconfidonk that's possible now. Suppose you have a hand making it possible to win with a donk. You go first, set up for the donk, and then your opponent now has a chance to set up to survive. If they can't then you win.

As for what I think about Sableye just now. I still don't think Sabldonk will win every tournament mainly due to it struggling in top cut (mabye a few battle roads and possibly a national somewhere), but it will be a very annoying deck to play against, which is enough of a reason to fix something. There was an interesting article on the Magic the Gathering site a few days ago where someone said that one of the most powerful cards in their standard format ("Jace the Mind Sculptor") won't be emergency-banned because, even though most of the best decks use 4 of this card, the current standard format is still fun for most people. They also compaired it to when they emergency-banned a card in the past because it made turn 3 wins highly likely for some decks.

Right now, I think it's very unlikely that anything will be done regarding Sabledonk, which is kinda annoying, but not the end of the world.
Tragic: The other thing about Magic is that most of the "old" dev/maintenance team (the ones that made the game what it is) are gone now. It's a lot of rookies, and a lot more marketing-driven development, which is why I left, quality has gone through the floor. Sure from an objective standpoint pokemon is much worse, but it's my nostalgic happy place.

Nah, it's not the end of the world. There are only battle roads and two majors left in the season, and honestly, we can just skip those. Play triples, play emperors, come up with a way to play rotation battles, play extended, play unlimited, play golden age, play block formats, these are ALL solutions to the broken game right now.

P!P does not say we can't keep playing pokemon. What they MIGHT say depending on what happens Monday is "if you play standard competitively the game will not be fun". Doesn't mean we can't go make our own fun. It's like that clown who decided to challenge my Charizard deck; "oh I've got a new deck now" he says, because I don't really want to play casual games against speedDos. He breaks out Gyarados anyway, and even off of his slow start and fistful of misplays, wins easily, simply because it's a 9-1 matchup. Players like that are jerks; sure, do it in a tournament where I'm paired against you randomly, but unless I'm trying to improve a specific matchup, I have no reason to play my autoloss in a casual game! Let's match decks in a more interesting way.

It would've been nice if they kept additive weakness in the game instead of going back to double weakness. While even additive weakness is a very game-shifting phenomenon, double weakness is game DEFINING in a lot of matchups. Sure, "that's pokemon"...but it's also bad game design, and I'm not sure what drug-addled fool in Japan decided it was a good idea. I guess like Magic, the original team has since retired on their earnings from the game's success, and it's probably a bunch of marketing guys and rookie game developers keeping it afloat. We'll see if that improves as they gain experience.
TragicTheSaddening said:
Overconfident 10. If you've not done anything else this turn other then draw a card, this attack's base damage is 40.

If you haven't done anything else, you couldn't have attached an energy. Maybe a different wording?

Maybe no Pokepowers first turn? That would be great! No Flash Bites.
Guys, stop yelling. Keep it cool, ok? This new Sabledonk deck is just like the Lostgar one, where everyone (even me) was saying that it will dominate, but look now, nobody play it (unless in a Vilegar deck as a big tech, but...). We are good players and we play with math. Normally, you have 70% of the chance to start with a Sableye or Flip on heads, and win the game. But as this deck will be a big problem, a lot of players will play Spiritomb or Sableye, which will decrease the probability of winning. A lot of players are playing Vilegar now, and the number will increase. Do you really want to run a deck like this one and have a 50% win or 50% lose (or less)(If so, you don't even need to play this deck, as you already know you are going to have for example 5 win 5 lose)? Unless you are really lucky, you can't really win a tourney, because there will always be one with a Vilegar deck (Not only 1). More, why would you want to play this deck if you know you can't win the Tournament, and you can't have fun in the matches? Are those the only 2 reasons why do you go play? (Unless if you really hate everyone and you want to make everyone piss off and kill you after :p)
I played a Sabledonk deck yesterday and out of the 10 times we played. 8 times I got donked and the other 2 times he decked himself out, all before I even drew a card. Sabledonk is really good and seems like it would be a good fun deck, but for tournaments it wouldnt be fun. I predict a rise in Vilegar and VilePluff to counter Sableye
vile gar wouldnt effect it to much. you wouldnt have a vileplume up fast enough and the only was is a continues spiritomb start and that doesnt always happen.
When something doesn't even give you the chance to win, then it's broken. This is probably a terrible example, but whatever: This really reminds me of the Yada Lock when I played Yugioh a few years back. What it did was pretty much equivalent of sabledonk except you can do it at anytime of the duel and it was a lot simpler to do, because it only used 3 cards.(If you really want me to explain how it worked, then I will) It pretty much turned the game into who ever could afford those cards would win. So they banned two of the cards and limited the other to 2 per deck I think.

Now I'm not an expert with the tcg, so take everything I say with a grain of salt, but I personally think donks shouldn't be eliminated from game, but doing it in one turn, with your opponent sitting there helpless, isn't an ideal game at all.