Is the United States going to Default on it's own Debt?

Isn't there a rule against discussing politics on Pokebeach so we don't have people pointlessly arguing like this?

Also, I have to point out xxashxx that you are completely biased. It is not the fault of just the republicans, nor is it the fault of just the democrats. Both parties have made mistakes, but the biggest reason we find ourselves in these situations is that both parties are more interested in putting down the other than helping our country.
It's sad that President Obama hasn't come forward with a Plan to save the U.S. Economy. The whole world is telling us to raise the debt ceiling cause it would have a negative effect on the World Economy...
He is trying but the tea party republicans are not even trying and neither is Borhner If Borhner and the tea part fools got their act together everything would not be the way it is. It is the spending that the republicans do when there are or is no money that put us where we are.:(
Anyone else smell a troll?

Dude, would you PLEASE get your facts straight?

Boehner has tried to pass several proposals, including one yesterday. When he asked Obama what he would cut, Obama didn't have an answer. Obama is trying to get the money back by raising taxes, and Boehner is trying to do it by cutting government spending.

A deal has not been reached because Obama doesn't want to cut spending, and Boehner doesn't want to raise revenue.

Correct me if I'm wrong on any of this.
Ty W said:
Boehner has tried to pass several proposals, including one yesterday.
Nehehehehe. Boehner.

Something will get passed at the last minute if the Congressmen value their jobs.
Even if the house passes something, it will probably get vetoed, or won't even pass through the senate.
I don't think you understood me quite that well.

There is a stalemate between the two parties. One of two things will happen if this carries on for too long.
1. If the President truly cares about the country and wants what is best for the country as he was elected to do, then he'll stop trying to force his plan upon the U.S. and will be forced to let the other plan apply.
2. If the Congressmen value their jobs, then they'll let Obama's plan apply.

And if nothing happens? Big deal. Interest rates right now are as low as they were in the 50s. We'll just need to get used to it. If you're gonna cry about it, fine with me; I'll just go out and get a job to help support my family if it honestly gets that bad.
Chances of them coming up with something last minute is still pretty high. Chances of US government from being looked at like a childish group of selfish men after this entire incident is also incredibly high.

I don't care how people have been whining that the Obama adminstration is "worse" than the Bush one. The entire government system is far too involved in checks and balances, something that's clearly a failing method for someone as large as the US. Not enough is getting done because the president and the house are just constantly going at each other. Obama can't do anything if the house won't let him. You have to remember: who exactly has the power to create the laws?

Going back on topic with the debt ceiling, the arguments this issue is just ridiculous, especially with the so-called "balanced budget" deal by the Republicans. Newsflash: borrowing money and spending it helps get the economy going. Why else in the world would we have banks loans, stocks, bonds, and various investment methods? I give you money to help you improve your business, and you'll pay me back with some form of interest. Both sides benefit. Trying to get out and stay out of the red as the first priority will just have our economy sink even further. Yes, our debt is huge, but we can't completely concentrate on removing it.
Aj1234119 said:
Isn't there a rule against discussing politics on Pokebeach so we don't have people pointlessly arguing like this?

There is no flaming at the moment so no, for now the thread is fine.

A bit of old news but for those who didn't know, Apple has more money than the US government.
I still don't get how exactly we're in debt, especially if most of the people we're in debt to have most of our jobs and we're paying them.
Zyflair said:
The entire government system is far too involved in checks and balances, something that's clearly a failing method for someone as large as the US.

yeah, if the US was a dictatorship this issue would have been solved a long time ago am i right?
I'm just going to take your comment seriously: If US was a dictatotship, either the dictator get the problem solved or screw up trying to fix it. I'm not asking for a dictatorship, but the national governemnt as of now is just filled with internal conflict (as it's always been, really).
Zyflair said:
I'm just going to take your comment seriously: If US was a dictatotship, either the dictator get the problem solved or screw up trying to fix it. I'm not asking for a dictatorship, but the national governemnt as of now is just filled with internal conflict (as it's always been, really).

My point was it's much easier to point out flaws with the system than to provide an actually viable solution, no?

I honestly don't see the point of arguing this topic in the first place (which is rare), because not only are 2/3 of the people making posts grossly misinformed on the facts, but pointing the blame finger back and forth for hours really doesn't solve much either.
#1weavile said:
Obama lost over 36,000 followers on Twitter today!
Because they're idiots and think that everything is Obama's fault just like the typical American, that's why.
Ty W said:
For whoever said that Boehner wasn't doing anything, he just passed a bill...
And Senate shot it down in no more than two hours. Obama clearly wants bipartisan, so either the House will just give in and have some Democratic traits, or Obama approves a passed bill. From the looks of it, a 2/3's vote seems impossible, so Obama might as well be the deciding factor whether or not something gets passed.
"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion." - George Washington

I've never understood the point in having political parties.
Amt said:
I've never understood the point in having political parties.

I agree

Recently tweeted by Obama's staff: