So as you all probably know by now, Blastiose/Keldeo is the supposed BDIF when Boundries Crossed hits the states, but after the Garchomp/Altaria dissapiontment, I'm not setting high hopes. Mainly because of Shaymin EX. Now, I don't have to tell you that HorseBlast is entirely week to Grass types, and Shaymin EX has already found his way into one of the best decks of this format, Darkrai/Hydregion, and has also been known to enter into Empoleon and Darkrai/Terrakion Decks. Now, these are all great decks, two of them are in the running for BDIF, so does that mean that these decks, none of which are weak to Water types, and are very quick, are going to be out of the running for BDIF?