Wi-Fi Trades Kevin Garrett's Trading Station

RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

What pokemon do you want do you want shiny pokemon or what?
Oh and congrads on being a mod!!!
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

Well, what shinies do you have? I'll let you know if I'm interested in any. Thanks.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

I have a shiny groudon and a shiny metagros from H.D.V.B.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

Um whel I will be geting a shing deoxeys and a shiny tyranatar and a shing infernape and a shiny mew.And a couple more.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

Shiny Infernape almost peeks my interests. I'm still not sure, though. That could be a little unfair since Mewtwo is mcuh rarer.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

And a shiny salamence.
What shiny are you looking for i mite have it?
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

Intsead of Shiny Salamence and Shiny Infernape for Shiny Mewtwo. I'm asking if it can be Shiny Tyranitar and Shiny Infernape for Shiny Mewtwo?
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

They are? Oh, well. I can't change the IV's on them. Does this sound fair to you? Also, when are we going to trade because your DS is broken?
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

It sounds fair but on saturday on my dads birthat i can get a ds and on my birthay i get him something he wants.Butr if you would rather have a shiny lugia just tell me.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

Okay. Either Shiny Lugia or the two other Shinies. I'll let you know on your My Player Thread.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

If you pick the shiny lugia 1 is hacked at lv5 and 1 is legit lv100.