Wi-Fi Trades Kevin Garrett's Trading Station

RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

ill trade for swinub if it can still evolve and porygon
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

do you have swinub with ancient power?
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

Do you want Porygon, or are you willing to trade a Porygon?

I'm looking up Swinub right now.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

wait does swinub have ancient power? If so im interested!
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

I'm not sure if my Swinub has AncientPower, but is at Lv. 29. That means it can still evolve. Plus, all you need is a Heart Scale if it doesn't have Ancient Power. If your interested, I'm looking for Ditto's with IV's of 30+, Porygon's evolving items, and the many TM's I have listed on the first page.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

I can get as many T-bolts and Flamethrowers
Can I get Bagon w/ good attack IV's w/ Naughty Nature?
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

I'm more interested in TM's like Stone Edge, Earthquake, Roar, Aerial Ace, Toxic, and U-turn.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

I'll trade you a clone of my Timid Ditto (IV's listed in my Player Thread) for a Female Adamant/Jolly Magikarp w/ atleast 3 IV's (not including SpcAtk) above 28.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

3 IV's above 28? I'll have to make sure the Ditto is good enough to breed for that kind of Magikarp. I'll edit this once I take a look at your My Player Thread.

I updated my battle records.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

If you can give me a 31-31 Ditto in one of the following Natures: Bold, Jolly, Timid.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

Even though, which IVs do you want in 31? Otherwise, I could have a go but my DS needs to recharge first but itll only take like 5 mins now.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

It depends which Nature you give me.

Jolly: Speed and Attack

Timid: Speed and Special Attack

Bold: HP and/or Defense and/or Special Defense

I probably don't need a Bold Nature though. Timid or Jolly would be best.

What Nature would you like the Abra to be?
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

I don't need a Modest 31-31, I already have one. How about this, would you be able to get me a Chansey, Bold Nature, With IV's of 31 in HP, SDef, Def. It okay if they are all not 31, but 28+ would be good.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

Then that was pretty fast lol. Ill try the Chansey but I cant ensure you it will be anytime soon.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

Oh, wait a minute, then it couldn't have the Fire Red Tutor move Seismic Toss. Hmmm, what other Ditto's and things to you have to offer with good IV's?
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

I dont know. Im going to need to calculate. I can get the Seismic Toss Chansey. I have FireRed and LeafGreen.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

I'm almost to the Safari Zone in my Fire Red anyway. Let's see, do you have a Staryu with good IV's? That would be something that I would be interested in.