I'm not sure if my Swinub has AncientPower, but is at Lv. 29. That means it can still evolve. Plus, all you need is a Heart Scale if it doesn't have Ancient Power. If your interested, I'm looking for Ditto's with IV's of 30+, Porygon's evolving items, and the many TM's I have listed on the first page.
I'll trade you a clone of my Timid Ditto (IV's listed in my Player Thread) for a Female Adamant/Jolly Magikarp w/ atleast 3 IV's (not including SpcAtk) above 28.
3 IV's above 28? I'll have to make sure the Ditto is good enough to breed for that kind of Magikarp. I'll edit this once I take a look at your My Player Thread.
I don't need a Modest 31-31, I already have one. How about this, would you be able to get me a Chansey, Bold Nature, With IV's of 31 in HP, SDef, Def. It okay if they are all not 31, but 28+ would be good.
Oh, wait a minute, then it couldn't have the Fire Red Tutor move Seismic Toss. Hmmm, what other Ditto's and things to you have to offer with good IV's?
I'm almost to the Safari Zone in my Fire Red anyway. Let's see, do you have a Staryu with good IV's? That would be something that I would be interested in.