BW/BW2 Kyurem Speculation Thread

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Luigi08 said:
(Speculation) This may include Gichisu finding a book about the Tao Trio legend which has him direct N (whos real name will apparently be revieled in the 3rd version according to a GF official, Im pretty sure it was Junuchi Masuda in an interview) to capturing both Reshiram and Zekrom to bring forth the original dragon/Kyrem in new form(s).

Ya, maybe N will befriend Reshiram and Zekrom to try to bring back Kyurem, and you know how Reshiram and Zekrom only reserect from the Light Stone and Dark Stone if a hero is holding it, what if Reshiram and Zekrom half to appear before the God Stone, so Kyurem can reserect from it. This is just another theory.
Here's MY

Kyurem is the absolute absence of both Yin and Yang, known as Wuji. In the third game, you're able to catch both Reshiram AND Zekrom, creating a void. Your options: Release them both, or defeat/catch Kyurem. We all know what choice will be forced upon you due to the game's script.

This may end up being shifted to post-national dex, since something of this magnitude will undoubtedly make it too easy to sweep the champion (or the Kyurem event itself stalls until post-nat. dex.)

It is very possible that Victini could be involved in this, and possibly tie Arceus into it (I know I'm sick of it too.) Since Arceus is 'God' that may have something to do with this 'God Stone', I have no idea if that's something one of you made up, or it really is in the game. Probably will be called "Alpha Stone" in english...
That would explain why Victini is at the beginning of the Unova dex, since Victini seeks the assistance of the most powerful one to play a hand in fixing things.
Kyurem WILL have at least one more forme... one that doesn't look so decrepit. Or, just maybe, it will be like the movie Darkrai that knew Palkia and Dialga's signature moves for some random reason, only this time it's Kyurem's corruption of such moves.
Arceus arrives, yells "HEY! Knock it off! You're buggin' the world.", zooms off, turns out Pikachu dies, then there's a big teary scene, followed by Pikachu coming back to life and everyone's happy again (that last bit was a movie only part...)

Pretty much, Nintendo will think that it sold before, so it'll sell again. I'd buy it.
I have this feeling Arceus may be only tied to Sinnoh stuff, and it's whole "created the universe" fluff might just be mythology (kind of like how there are several different creaton myths in our world), making it not a god but rather simply a really powerful legendary.
Either way, It isn't impossible. But why is Victini next to it in the national pokedex?
I do understand the whole concept of different beliefs, but since Arceus is proven to have created the controllers of time and space itself (proven in the most recent Arceus event, when traded to HGSS [GAH that cutscene was long]) what's stopping him from being a literal god?

I did say it would be far fetched.
No, no, I completely understand that. With Reshiram and Zekrom having masters, Kyurem could easily come in with its whole absence of energy.
But what would make you capture the other legendary? N flies away with the other legendary at the end of Black and White...maybe Grey wouldn't end there?
I think the idea of Kyurem being the original dragon that split to become Reshiram and Zekrom has merit, viewing Kyurem as sort of a husk, a shell that shouldn't exist anymore but somehow does.
Luigi08 said:
(isnt grey spelt g-r-e-y, not g-r-a-y?)

I did a little bit of searching and apparently in America, it's spelled Gray and in England it's spelled Grey. Both mean the same thing however, so I wonder which one they will choose...

dmaster out.
^ the website has nothing to DO with pokemon...
i'm not sure that when it comes out, it'll stay like that, i'm a firm believer that it will be pokemon gray.
Well if there is a Pokemon Gray version then the website URL will probably be something else since the one that Extreme Pokemon Fan provided is already reserved. We will just have to wait and see what news we get of the third version game.
@Yoda it doesn;t have anything to do with pokemon, because they haven't released the game yet. Its reserved, meaning nobody can use it except the owner.

@dmaster if they even come out with one
Has anyone considered the fact that they might not include the whole 'eating people' thing in the english version because it might be too violent?

It's like how they don't show certain episodes of the anime in America, because they're deemed 'inappropriate'.

Just sayin', it's marketed for kids.
^ neighbors think that when a pokemon faints, they go 'Yay! I killed it! I killed the pokemon!' and scream that while running around the house. I honestly don't think it would make that big of a difference if a pokemon ate a couple of humans here and there.

Also, about the website, I heard that the owner of that company is on the head pokemon team or something like that.

Sevus said:
I think the idea of Kyurem being the original dragon that split to become Reshiram and Zekrom has merit, viewing Kyurem as sort of a husk, a shell that shouldn't exist anymore but somehow does.
Considering that Kyurem seems to represent the absence of energy/Yin and Yang, that actually does quite make sense.
Wait...that means...
Reshiram and Zekrom came FROM SPACE
moon level confirmed in Gray

My guess is that if this theory is true, Kyurem could be the whole representation of "Nothing can have a big impact" or something like that. Teach the kiddies to treat things well that they thought were unnecessary and all that.
Hmm... Maybe "eating" could be "sucking in" or "absorb"?Eating not only means,um,chewing on things.Either way,if that is true,maybe it uses the power from the Pokemon and PART of the Life Force of humans,so it can be stronger and stop being so weak,rocky,slow and can adapt to the gravity of the earth like Pokefan4000 said? (Well,this would be the same case if its true that Kyurem eats humans and Pokemon,but by eating,I think it only gets nutrients,instead of power and,um,Life Force....)
I cannot believe I have just made an account for this site just to give my opinion.
Maybe Kyurem will not have one, but THREE forms, one is a gray Reshiram and another is a gray Zekrom. And finally his final form, as the true dragon that once ruled Unova. Then again though, my opinion might be too much.
Or maybe in a triple battle if you use Reshi, Zekky, ad Kyyie they will merge to become the original dragon, but will make the trio exactly how you had them before.

Exceedingly unlikely.
Sorry to get of topic, but did anyone realize how Kyurem's tail looks like a plug(like for an outlet), and those things on the tip of Kyurem's wings look like lightbulbs, could this be resembling Zekrom's electricity?
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