BW/BW2 Kyurem Speculation Thread

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I think Xous' 2nd route is the one that will happen.
Btw, about that God Stone. Why is it "God"? Reshiram and Zekrom's stones are called "Light" and "DarK". But this one is called "God". I think that theory that Kyurem was the single dragon that split into Reshiram and Zekrom is very believable. Maybe, that single dragon was a god-like creature, hence the stone is called "God". And when it "split" (I don't think it was its body that split), it became weak. Also, black + white = gray, reshiram is white, zekrom is black, kyurem is gray - I can't be more obvious... Maybe in the 3rd, Kyurem will steal energy or whatever from reshiram and zekrom to gain power and recover its original look. And it will rule over Reshiram and Zekrom since it is the original being, the "God"... I don't know... It's just an ideia...
its current appearance is oddly asymmetrical and seems "incomplete", though this is up to opinion.

I think its just a perspective issue combined with how the right wing is bent, both in the overworld sprite and frontsprite. The backsprite of Kyurem shows its wings are more or less still identical.
If Kyurem was that powerful single dragon Pokemon that hepled found Unova's Nation, I guess it could be considered a God Pokemon? Plus, this would also explain why it looks so broken, cause when it split into two dragons, it could have gotten damaged, and what we see now of Kyurem could be what was left of him when the seperation happened? So thats mabye why they called the Stone the God Stone, because Kyurem is considered to be a God? Also Serebii had a page on the God Stone, and the description said it is a phantom stone, what could that mean? Does anyone have any ideas?
Wheres the webpage where the word "phantom" is mentioned?

All I can see is the word god stone. Even the katakana name of the item literally reads 'god stone'
I would really dislike the idea that Kyurem will get another forme(s). I think it will be overdone and like "Oh, where have we seen this before?" I would buy the third game "gray", if they have a different storyline, like if team plasma uses kyurem to get what they want, or kyurem does stuff to zekky and reshi.
I would buy it if the entire storyline was different. I'd love it if the 3rd version acted like a sequel to the events of BW. Some of the loose ends hadn't been resolved yet.
Alright, I've got an opinion. I apologize greatly if this doesn't have to do with the current conversation, but I don't feel a need to go through six pages of speculation to make my own.

I can't exactly remember where I read it, but I remember reading something that said that Kyurem was based off of a creature that came from a meteorite and ate people at night or something like that. If you look at Kyurem's sprite movements, you can easily see that its movements are quite...rocky. It moves a lot, but when it does, it can't move too much. Since the gravity on earth is more than it is in space (or at least the moon, I'm NOT saying this thing comes from the moon), Kyurem could just be adjusting to the gravity on earth, or the fact that it could have coated itself in the meteorite. Since Kyurem's movements are like that, Kyurem could have possibly just come out of the meteorite when you encounter it. Or maybe it IS the meteorite, and just gave itself a form when it crashed onto Unova. If this is the case, then I'm guessing the alternate form could have fallen somewhere else or exposed to some sort of thing that makes it do something, I dunno. Maybe it'd be an Ice/Dragon type with a very, very rocky appearance. It would trade speed for more bulk and power.

For now, I'm assuming that you're encountering Kyurem soon after it crashes into Unova. But what if it crashes far before you originally find it? Kyurem could have more time to get used to the gravity and such and make some improvements to its body as a result. It could be a bit faster.

Or, what I find to be most logical, in my opinion...because Kyurem is an Ice type, the rock it came from could possibly be a comet. You could possibly find it in Gray in control of its own comet. Since comets are known for being very fast, it could be...well, very fast.

I don't know, those are just my thoughts in a nutshell.
I'd love it if the 3rd version acted like a sequel to the events of BW.

That is a really cool idea. We could see Kyurem after it has adjusted to life on Earth, and has started to make its own modifications to Giant Hole-possibly covering it with snow and ice to make it better suited for itself. It could force Kagome Town to move so they don't freeze to death, and you have to brave the cold and stop Kyurem from doing this. Meanwhile, Geechisu who is on the run, decides he wants to get your character back as revenge, and decides to secretly re-form Team Plasma with a different motive; find Kyurem, and use it to force the entire Unova region to bow to him.

Very farfetched I know.
its not far fetched, it's downright impossible given the traditional approach to the games that has prevailed across 5 generations.
I hope Kyurem ends up with a new form- maybe a form that doesn't give it chicken arms? I just about die a little inside when I see it's animated sprite flop around like it's just herp-derpin' around.
Also, like XieRH mentioned, I would absolutely love the third game to act as a sequel. Loose ends would be tied up and questions could be answered.

I think it's good that Kyurem could go in so many different directions at this point. I'm also on board with Pokefan4000's theory.

Man, I love how this is basically a "Pokemon Grey" thread in disguise xD
At least legitimate speculation and discussion is being had, rather than most other "Grey" threads that have gone boom.
@Extreme Pokémon Fan
Yeah, what you said is basically what I said/meant in my post...

Pokefan4000's theory is very good too...
For the guys who agree with my theory: Which one? I gave three.

Anyway, I love the idea of Gray taking place after Black and White, with Kyurem now settling and having the starting town moved and stuff. But there would have to be a LOT of changes, and I mean a LOT. The script would have to be almost completely rewritten due to the massive changes happening. There would have to be a lot of completely redesigned maps (Would you really try to have your town built exactly the same as the one you had to move away from in a time of crisis?). What would happen to Team Plasma? Well, after playing through an English patched Black (don't ask me where I got it from, it's easily searchable), there were no signs whatsoever of Team Plasma disbanding after you beat the game (I didn't find the sages, so that could explain it). N simply *SPOILER ALERT* flies away on Zekrom/Reshiram *END SPOILER* and the game is over. Credits roll. Nothing else to it. Assuming the sages are jailed after you find them, they could easily escape, take the wandering members of Team Plasma, and give themselves a completely new goal, such as taking the energy (or the complete lack of it) from Kyurem to freeze the world over or something like that.

Then again, since this is a sequel we're talking about, IF it was a sequel, then I'd hope for a transfer system, sort of like in the first 2 Golden Sun games. Depending on what you did in Black/White, certain things could change in Gray.
Pokefan4000 said:
Depending on what you did in Black/White, certain things could change in Gray.

It would be cool if we could do a character import like in Mass Effect. Basically all trainer data, inventory of stock and pokemon would get migrated over.

It would also probably be impossible since the DS isn't designed to handle 2 games simultaneously for the needed data transfer.
(isnt grey spelt g-r-e-y, not g-r-a-y?)

Im not a big believer of the whole Pokemon Grey version theory, (the name i mean) I would think Pokemon Jade or Crimson would be the version gem/color.

If you notice in the past the third revamp game's storyline is changed somewhat slightly as if there was a butterfly effect concept.
I have underlined the small butterfly effect like moment that caused a hugechange in the time line.

In Pokemon Crystal, Eusine appears and suicune also trails down a different path, inwhich instead of roaming around johto, it stays in one spot due to eusine. The Battle Tower opened due to the events that took place because of Eusine's appearence, influencing an unknown person or company to building it.

In Pokemon Emerald, both Team Magma and Aqua decide to act on the legendaries instead of just one team trying to obtain the one legendary and the other team trying to stop them. Due to both teams awakening Groudon AND Kyogre, the legendaries fought and Rayquaza awakened, thus causing the events that took place at sootopalis city. The Battle Frontier opened because of Scott who had decided to create it after some random unknown event took place, which occured because of Team Magma and Aqua's actions.

In Pokemon Platinum, Charon appeared, and due to his experiments that he performed with Team Galactic, the Sinnoh region got alot colder. He also triggered Cyrus to go after both Dialga and Palkia, not just one, almost succeeding if it weren't for Giratina. In Diamond and Pearl, Giratina did not appear as the three pixies had it under control. (FYI The 3 legendary pixies can only control one of the two dieties (Dialga or Palkia) not both at the same time, which is why Giratina was needed). Looker also appeared due to Charon's experiments which caused big attention to be directed towards Team Galactic.

Now, In Pokemon B/W 3rd version , my assumption is that a small change will occur that will cause a butterfly effect and change the coarse of time.

(Speculation) This may include Gichisu finding a book about the Tao Trio legend which has him direct N (whos real name will apparently be revieled in the 3rd version according to a GF official, Im pretty sure it was Junuchi Masuda in an interview) to capturing both Reshiram and Zekrom to bring forth the original dragon/Kyrem in new form(s).
One of the pivotal aspects of BW's storyline is the player using the version mascot to fight the other mascot used by N. It'd be interesting to see how this is changed for the 3rd version.
Wow. Not only are there so many directions Kyurem could be taken, the entire third game could be pulled off really well in many different ways. I really hope GF doesn't screw this up o_O

(and by screwing up, I mean just making a few minor, trivial tweaks to the plot *cough*)
I say there may be a third brother not told of in the original B/W legend

How very convenient. But then they'd have to say that in reality, the dragon split into three and not into two.
they could make it that the third brother was younger and did not recieve any inisial control. but even i slightly doubt it abit
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