League of Legends

My IGN is Schpammy and I like to play anything except ADC. I prefer going mid the most, then top, or support, but I can jungle if I absolutely have to (although I'm not very good at it). I hit level 30 in May. I'm not a great player, but it is really fun to play with a full team of your friends. I don't like playing with people who take the game too seriously, or blame other people for their problems.

Anyone can feel free to add me :)

My favorite/main champions are Galio, Aatrox, Fiddlesticks, Zac, and Taric. I'm going to try to learn how to play Gragas eventually. Nearly all the champs I play are AP.
Add me Spammy, I just hit level 30 not too long ago and I like to have fun ^^

IGN: iPrideful
For me, he's perhaps one of the best toplaners out there. His lifesteal and damage output are impressive, and he's very difficult to outfarm or harass.
Pride said:
Add me Spammy, I just hit level 30 not too long ago and I like to have fun ^^

IGN: iPrideful

Add me too, since me and pride usually play with one another, it'd be nice with another person.
Dark Flight is a killer, especially when he knocks enemies in the air. And Blood Thirst/Price adds lots of durability. I don't play him, but it seems like a fun ride.

I do play Udyr though, and he been my main top and once in awhile jungle. Top laning I went 20-3-9 with him. I can't wait to get the new Spirit Guard Ultimate skin.
Rally said:
Dark Flight is a killer, especially when he knocks enemies in the air. And Blood Thirst/Price adds lots of durability. I don't play him, but it seems like a fun ride.

I do play Udyr though, and he been my main top and once in awhile jungle. Top laning I went 20-3-9 with him. I can't wait to get the new Spirit Guard Ultimate skin.

Oooh, that Udyr skin is amazing. I barely play him (despite nearly maining jungle as of late) and I'm probably going to grab it immediately (considering the price drop, it evens out..).

Aatrox is fun, but almost underwhelming. It feels like playing Tryndamere, just with a slightly better kit.
well... udyr can be so easily kited that you need lanes with some hard cc to make the ganks effective, so he requires some coordination with the team and... not easily done in solo queue.

Im a terrible jungler but that skin is sexy enough where i dont think i can resist.
That ultimate skin should've gone to Lee Sin..
Udyr is nothing compared to Lee Sin, He has no real ganking skills, and he can be kited SO easily.
I would rather play Fiora than Udyr, and Fiora is a disgrace to the league.

I've been avoiding normal queue, simply because this Jayce stole my buff by walking back into the camp and using To the skies! on it.
Worst of all, he claimed it was an accident and fed it to the other ADC which caused him to lose bot lane completely in 10 minutes... Which caused me to be severely underleveled and and destroyed in teamfights where I usually dominate..

Luckily, me and my buddy Ulu did an xPeke backdoor and won the game.

Still, it was my worst shyvana game to date.
2-5-12 :(
Whoawhoawhoa. ADC Jayce?

Just went 3/9/30 as Rammus in ranked. Ahh, love tanking all the damages while my team destroys. Was a very close game. Almost lost because of a misplay.
I guess I could probably Google this, but I don't even know where to start.

Who's a good Jungler to pick up for a newbie? If there aren't any simple Junglers is there a simple Creep-Clearing character (Pusher, I guess it'd be) instead? The few times I do play I use Ryze, but I've been told on multiple occasions that he's played more as a Nuke character, but that's... Not my playstyle at all. I want someone who can hang back, basically. Trying to fight other characters never works out...
SotS said:
I guess I could probably Google this, but I don't even know where to start.

Who's a good Jungler to pick up for a newbie? If there aren't any simple Junglers is there a simple Creep-Clearing character (Pusher, I guess it'd be) instead? The few times I do play I use Ryze, but I've been told on multiple occasions that he's played more as a Nuke character, but that's... Not my playstyle at all. I want someone who can hang back, basically. Trying to fight other characters never works out...

I'd say Rammus or Warwick for learning to jungle. They're pretty straight-forward in terms of play. Maybe Nunu. Haven't played him since his buffs, so not sure how newbie-friendly he is.

Creep-Clearing, If you can do well with landing skill shots, Lux is amazing. Brand too if you can get past his mediocre laning phase. As with Malzahar. Singed if you just wanna troll around and laugh as people die while you do nothing.
Nunu is great to learn the jungle with. He's relatively simple to play and is pretty good all around in the jungle, being a decent counter-jungling, cleared, ganker, etc. In teamfights he's mostly limited to using w on your adc (or someone else who wants a speed and attack speed buff), using e on some enemy who you want to get a slow/attack speed slow (often the enemy adc) and then just trying to get as long a channeled r as possible, but that alone still does a lot.

I personally hate Rammus as a jungler, he has very little to help him clear which makes him become underleveled very fast. However, his ganks are pretty strong and he's good (or at least frustrating to play against) late game thanks to a 3 second taunt.

Warwick is imo one of the worst champions in the game; late game he's utterly useless as he's just an ult which does almost no damage, and then lets him get bursted to shreds or kited for days. Early game he literally cannot gank without said ult and you still need a good laner (hardly guaranteed) to make even a gank with an ult succeed. Because of his average to poor clears he can't even counterjungle very well so he's stuck doing nothing for most of the game.
Dark Void said:
Nunu is great to learn the jungle with. He's relatively simple to play and is pretty good all around in the jungle, being a decent counter-jungling, cleared, ganker, etc. In teamfights he's mostly limited to using w on your adc (or someone else who wants a speed and attack speed buff), using e on some enemy who you want to get a slow/attack speed slow (often the enemy adc) and then just trying to get as long a channeled r as possible, but that alone still does a lot.

I personally hate Rammus as a jungler, he has very little to help him clear which makes him become underleveled very fast. However, his ganks are pretty strong and he's good (or at least frustrating to play against) late game thanks to a 3 second taunt.

Warwick is imo one of the worst champions in the game; late game he's utterly useless as he's just an ult which does almost no damage, and then lets him get bursted to shreds or kited for days. Early game he literally cannot gank without said ult and you still need a good laner (hardly guaranteed) to make even a gank with an ult succeed. Because of his average to poor clears he can't even counterjungle very well so he's stuck doing nothing for most of the game.

Um, you must be playing Rammus wrong or seeing some pretty bad ones in games. I've never had a problem with leveling or clearing. His clears are quite quick.

As for Warwick, his usefulness is reliant on his team. If his team has CC, he'll be fine. If it's lacking, he might struggle a bit, but his build will make or break him. He can easily gank pre-6 as long as certain conditions are met, and even then he has a presence that can easily sway a laning phase without having to net a kill. He can easily counterjungle as well. Anyone can counterjungle if they have map awareness. It's not hard.

I'm not sure what you're doing with Rammus or Warwick, but it must be giving you the wrong idea for their playstyles. But I'll agree with Nunu. He's good. One of the most over-powered junglers as of late.
Meh, my teams keep feeding in ranked.
Got to Bronze 2, not that bad but could've easily got to gold or silver if I had decent teammates with decent MMR...
It seems that they know me too well though, because I'm in Bronze 2, Shyvana's Rageborn :p
The Fire Wyrm said:
Meh, my teams keep feeding in ranked.
Got to Bronze 2, not that bad but could've easily got to gold or silver if I had decent teammates with decent MMR...
It seems that they know me too well though, because I'm in Bronze 2, Shyvana's Rageborn :p

Atleast that sounds better than Poppy's Spellslingers...
never any love for jungle maokai. he has so many pro's and so little con's
+tankiest champ in game (20%reduction with ult and 7% regen every 4 spells cast near you)
+good base stats (highest lvl 1 base attack damage, great base skill damage)
+slow/interrupt and snare
+free 35 sec ward
+low cool down gap closer
+++ and his ult is absolutely game changing in team fight.

-as mana hungry amumu
-relies on team mates who know to stay in your ult. (so many team mates I have don't know what maoki ult does)
-since your base skills are so powerful you really need to avoid taking skills from carry. you out damage them early game but you need them late game

if your interested my build for him is
elder golem, yellow boots, spirit visage, frozen heart or gauntlet, warmonger, randuins.

you should have 4k+ HP and around 300/200 armour/mr. and with the vassage you will be healing for around 350 HP with passive. note that in team fights you get your passive nearly every auto attack
nitrodavid said:
never any love for jungle maokai. he has so many pro's and so little con's
+tankiest champ in game (20%reduction with ult and 7% regen every 4 spells cast near you)
+good base stats (highest lvl 1 base attack damage, great base skill damage)
+slow/interrupt and snare
+free 35 sec ward
+low cool down gap closer
+++ and his ult is absolutely game changing in team fight.

-as mana hungry amumu
-relies on team mates who know to stay in your ult. (so many team mates I have don't know what maoki ult does)
-since your base skills are so powerful you really need to avoid taking skills from carry. you out damage them early game but you need them late game

if your interested my build for him is
elder golem, yellow boots, spirit visage, frozen heart or gauntlet, warmonger, randuins.

you should have 4k+ HP and around 300/200 armour/mr. and with the vassage you will be healing for around 350 HP with passive. note that in team fights you get your passive nearly every auto attack

Mao is decent, but not seen quite that often. He's got a lot going for him, just not enough to be noticed. And his Ult is only really good early game, as it's damage is capped to a certain point. Once you hit late game and people are tanky, your ult is nothing more than slight damage reduction that isn't really helping if the enemy is fed.