League of Legends

The Fire Wyrm said:
Quadra with Karthus! Too bad Pride stole a kill, not his fault though. I didn't think I would get this close to a penta anyways.

You never forget your first Penta. Once you get one, though, all your Quadras blend together and become insignificant.
I've forgotten who my first penta was even on and I don't believe I've ever remembered my quadras. :x Might have something to due with how often I've played Katarina, who is Queen, King, and Ace of multi-kills.
My first legit penta was with Zed. My second (though I don't count it) was in ARAM with AP Yi...
Ardi-Yarne said:
My first legit penta was with Zed. My second (though I don't count it) was in ARAM with AP Yi...

I've had a penta bro. My first was when I stole baron, but they were all pretty low in the baron pit so I bursted them down quite easily. With Shyvana of course!

I've had many after that point though, but that one was hilarious because they almost smited baron before I could steal it lol.

EDIT: @Above I was there when you showed them a piece of your AP Yi skills.
The Fire Wyrm said:
Ardi-Yarne said:
My first legit penta was with Zed. My second (though I don't count it) was in ARAM with AP Yi...

I've had a penta bro. My first was when I stole baron, but they were all pretty low in the baron pit so I bursted them down quite easily. With Shyvana of course!

I've had many after that point though, but that one was hilarious because they almost smited baron before I could steal it lol.

EDIT: @Above I was there when you showed them a piece of your AP Yi skills.

"AP Yi" or "skills". Pick one. Can't have both. Lol.
Ardi-Yarne said:
The Fire Wyrm said:
I've had a penta bro. My first was when I stole baron, but they were all pretty low in the baron pit so I bursted them down quite easily. With Shyvana of course!

I've had many after that point though, but that one was hilarious because they almost smited baron before I could steal it lol.

EDIT: @Above I was there when you showed them a piece of your AP Yi skills.

"AP Yi" or "skills". Pick one. Can't have both. Lol.

Yes you can! You had the skills to get Yi in ARAM! Then you played him AP.
Dark Void said:
I've forgotten who my first penta was even on and I don't believe I've ever remembered my quadras. :x Might have something to due with how often I've played Katarina, who is Queen, King, and Ace of multi-kills.

There are too many truths in this post.

Anyways, my first penta was on kha'zix back before he was nerfed. He was pretty much the same thing as katarina. Hop, void spikes, Q, death, repeat.
Armaldo1 said:
Dark Void said:
I've forgotten who my first penta was even on and I don't believe I've ever remembered my quadras. :x Might have something to due with how often I've played Katarina, who is Queen, King, and Ace of multi-kills.

There are too many truths in this post.

Anyways, my first penta was on kha'zix back before he was nerfed. He was pretty much the same thing as katarina. Hop, void spikes, Q, death, repeat.

Or like this:

I've done it once, but some jacka** took the last kill :(.
Movespeed quints are indeed the best thing since sliced bread. I'd get a third but a) I prefer to spend my ip on champions since runes don't affect how much I enjoy the game very much and b) the bonus 26 health has saved me too many times to count.

And...its only patch 3.1, no?
Dark Void said:
Movespeed quints are indeed the best thing since sliced bread. I'd get a third but a) I prefer to spend my ip on champions since runes don't affect how much I enjoy the game very much and b) the bonus 26 health has saved me too many times to count.

And...its only patch 3.1, no?
Yeah 3.10, my bad.

And I quote from my skype:

Shyvana is so good with movespeed quints!
I participated in all teamfights because I'm there in an instant, and when we were losing I ran away blazing at 534 MS.
I still do a crap ton of damage so its like a drive by anyways.
Movespeed quints seem to be needed for most junglers. They're amazing on Rammus and Udyr. Especially with Homeguard Mobility boots and their respective speed boosts.

I'm kind of iffy on 3.10 so far. From what I've heard, Yi is even worse in terms of being broken than he was before. And I really dislike how easy it is to be gimped early in the jungle by people who "accidentally" steal the little lizards at buffs.

In other news: I'm sooo fed up with players. I can't get a single decent team or anyone who even seems to understand the simplest of mechanics in ranked, let alone people who know more than one role. I can't tell you how many games I've lost in the last week because of Quinns who think they're invincible during Tag Team; or duo bots who think I, as level 4 Udyr, can gank bot and save their tower-diving lives while I'm helping Top lane after my first clear. It's getting to be a rage inducing experience and I'm so ready for the Pre-Season 4 wipes.
Really? From what I've seen Yi isn't really that good. He can get multi kills, but only if the opponents are really low and/or he has a team with him or the enemy team has no cc. His W seems way less effective; it used to be he could be hit by a turret and a champion or two and still be healing. Now a single champion hitting him keeps his health the same or drops it. That might just be the Yi players that I've seen leveling W last, though. His Q also does waaayyy less damage now early game and if you don't build much AD on him (for example if you build tankiness to actually survive long enough to hit with anything more than a q) then its still worse. At first I thought scaling true damage on his E would be incredibly powerful, but now I'm not so sure. Once again the bases are relatively poor, CC still shuts him down hard, and the damage isn't /that/ noticeable anyway. Yi is also a waaaay worse splitpusher now since his Q no longer kills 4 minions automatically and his E active doesn't help against turrets at all.

Note that that's all just what I got from playing a few games yesterday (and ofc having 1-2 Yi in almost all of them).

Edit: That's why I don't play Ranked any more. If I lose I get more annoyed since it feels more permanent; all of the ranked games I've played except 1-2 I've had to carry, and in pretty much all of my losses (and some of my wins) I've had at least one teammate who fed horribly.

Edit 2: ALL THE YI JUNGLES. Seriously, why did people ever think he was a good jungler? Why do people think he's a better jungler now? He has no cc at all. Every time Yi ganks he just hits Q, 1 auto (2-3 if he ults or you have some cc of your own) and then the enemy just walks away.
Ardi-Yarne said:
Movespeed quints seem to be needed for most junglers. They're amazing on Rammus and Udyr. Especially with Homeguard Mobility boots and their respective speed boosts.

I'm kind of iffy on 3.10 so far. From what I've heard, Yi is even worse in terms of being broken than he was before. And I really dislike how easy it is to be gimped early in the jungle by people who "accidentally" steal the little lizards at buffs.

In other news: I'm sooo fed up with players. I can't get a single decent team or anyone who even seems to understand the simplest of mechanics in ranked, let alone people who know more than one role. I can't tell you how many games I've lost in the last week because of Quinns who think they're invincible during Tag Team; or duo bots who think I, as level 4 Udyr, can gank bot and save their tower-diving lives while I'm helping Top lane after my first clear. It's getting to be a rage inducing experience and I'm so ready for the Pre-Season 4 wipes.

I am too.
The Fire Wyrm said:
Ardi-Yarne said:
Movespeed quints seem to be needed for most junglers. They're amazing on Rammus and Udyr. Especially with Homeguard Mobility boots and their respective speed boosts.

I'm kind of iffy on 3.10 so far. From what I've heard, Yi is even worse in terms of being broken than he was before. And I really dislike how easy it is to be gimped early in the jungle by people who "accidentally" steal the little lizards at buffs.

In other news: I'm sooo fed up with players. I can't get a single decent team or anyone who even seems to understand the simplest of mechanics in ranked, let alone people who know more than one role. I can't tell you how many games I've lost in the last week because of Quinns who think they're invincible during Tag Team; or duo bots who think I, as level 4 Udyr, can gank bot and save their tower-diving lives while I'm helping Top lane after my first clear. It's getting to be a rage inducing experience and I'm so ready for the Pre-Season 4 wipes.

I am too.

I was pretty much Gold 5, but fudged my promotions and fell into a slump. Once I fell to Silver 3 and struggled to get out, I just gave up and started playing because whynot. Now I care and it's like "Oh my god, I'm paired with Bronze 5 people..."

As for Yi, his issue is the crit and attack damage on his Alpha Strike. It's almost as bursty, if not more bursty, than AP, simply because the AP Alpha Strike only hurt if you ate a Lich Bane proc'd auto attack after the initial Nuke damage.

His heal is merely an "I need to tank for a moment in a team fight" or "I survived a fight, retreat and heal back up". It heals based on how low he was rather than a base amount. If he's low health, he may regain 50% of his max health. If he's at 50%, it'll be a smaller heal. They also touched the defense mechanism on it so it's not quite as punishing to enemies who are trying to kill him, and made him more vulnerable, but not completely.

And back on ranked, I simply get those teams where, and not to sound obnoxious or full of myself, I am the only one doing anything. If I'm support, I land everything I need to, I harass, I keep atleast 5+ wards on hand at all time. If I'm adc, I'm ahead in farm by atleast double, I have lane control. Same goes for every other role. But then I look around and find that my top Nasus has no farm or Q stacks, or my mid has no damage and is rushing Void Staff, or my jungler has no resistances to anything, or my support has no wards and can't land a skill to save our lives.

My friends claim that if you're doing well enough, even if it's just YOU, you can carry an entire game. I guess they don't realize that if the entire enemy has fed on the entrails of your dismembered teammates, they have enough money to counteract any damage you may be doing
Late game, pure AD, Yi's Q can indeed do as much or more damage than AP Yi could do. However, unless he's incredibly fed, then he probably doesn't have much in the way of defenses and can easily be melted considering how weak his heal. He's not trash tier or anything; but I don't think they actually "fixed" Yi at all; he pubstomps just as hard (or harder) when fed and is shut down even harder when he isn't. He's still an incredibly selfish pick as he has no CC at all and relies largely on KSing, so once all the hype dies down I think using Yi in ranked will still get teammates annoyed.

Especially if you try to jungle with him! Grrr why do so many people think that bonus minion/monster damage=good jungler. His ganks only work if the laner has a ton of cc, in which case anyone's ganks would work (except maybe Warwick), late game he can't be a very good tank due to low bases and high scalings as well as an utter lack of cc, so he can only really KS late game anyway unless he's somehow fed.
You are aware that ganking isn't the only thing junglers are used for, right? Yi's a counter jungler. That bonus minion/monster damage gives him everything he needs to completely gimp the enemy jungler. He's also a very good 1v1 duelist.

And not every gank warrants the use of CC. It's helpful, but you can make a successful gank just by showing up. What people don't understand is, if you burn a flash, ult, exhaust, etc., the gank is a success. If the enemy stops pushing their lane as hard as before the jungler showed up, it was a success. It's not all about kills.

On another note, your little comment about Warwick irked me a bit. He's not a bad jungler. There are better, yes. But he's a core jungler. He's one of the easiest to learn, hardest to master. Since S3 started, his playability has gone up because of the new items and all the jungle fixes. He's a strong duelist with all of his healing, and his damage output is quite high pre-6. He's a pretty passive jungler but can easily counter jungle/invade, and is more built for counter ganks and playing janitor during fights, like an assassin.
Ehh. Yes, if the enemy blows a summoner then the gank is a success. My point was that without his ult or an ally's cc, Yi has no way of hitting an opponent after the initial Q and auto attack or 2, meaning they have nothing to lose by just walking away. I guess he is a decent counterjungler though; I haven't actually tried him in the jungle so all I've really noticed are his atrocious ganks.

Warwick is indeed a bad jungler. He's an okay duelist with his healing, but he can be kited by anyone with range, has no burst, no cc pre-6, and if your opponent keeps their health high enough they can just walk away. His clears aren't impressive in the slightest and he has no escapes at all so wards shut down his counterjungling hard. He can pick off low health foes, yes, but generally only if they're alone as he can be melted or cc'd easily by multiple enemies and since he has poor burst and only a speed boost to keep up, it gives enemies with map awareness time to go help their ally. He's not like an assassin at all. An assassin (not to be confused with a reset champion like Yi or Katarina) wants to go in early in the fight, take out a high-priority target like the ADC or APC, and maybe get out (but even if they haven't, they've at least shut down a significant source of enemy damage output). If Warwick tries to go in early he will probably get melted (or ignored due to his lackluster dps mid-late game), he has no poke, and he's not even the best at cleaning up.
WW isn't a bad jungler. I'd call him average. While his ganking ability is'n very good, he still is fast at clearing, quite sustainable due to his lifestealing skills and late game he can be a fearsome offtank. I wouldn't call him a bad jungler, but it's kind of a risky pick.