League of Legends

XD... Support is everything in a game. I love Janna though. She has ridiculous supporting skills. Early in the game she just wrecks things (actually allows for your ADC to wreck things but...).

Dang I'm hating all the Leona's... She counters me too hard.
Bumping this because I've recently got hooked :p

So I am kind of new, what would you guys recommend I do to get better?

Also feel free to add me AJordanMD
Jay said:
Bumping this because I've recently got hooked :p

So I am kind of new, what would you guys recommend I do to get better?

Also feel free to add me ajmpwn23
Play a lot to get better... There is a huge learning curve invoked and you really just have to stick with it. I would love to play with you using my smurf sometime because getting ridiculously fed is do much fun :p.
When I was starting out, my champion kept on dying every few minutes; I was about to quit, because I found it utterly annoying having to travel back to the lanes from my base.

I got better as time passed. Just keep on playing and you'll get better. ;)

You may also find it helpful to read over a few guides/watch a couple of gameplay videos.

I'll probably get back to it soon since it's been a few months since I last played.
The game is highly addictive... I do find myself ragequiting every month or so because you do need to take breaks.
I gave my steam name instead of my League name my bad xD

AjordanMD add me ^_^
The Fire Wyrm said:
Yasuo just came out.
He's pretty damn fun but pretty annoying right now since there are so many bad ones.
I have yet to play against a positive Yasuo. I went like 28-8-10 when laning against one today.
I just pentakilled twice with Ziggs \o/

Camoclone said:
Chaos Jackal said:
ARAM? Meh.
How's Season 4 faring for you guys?
Shyvana is the best thing ever... She is so much fun to play.

I've been doing that since s2.
I must be like the coolest person in the world.

And I will admit, I was never plat, but I started playing the game on a friends plat account. (does that count?)
Just realizing how noob I was at the start of the thread lol.
Is there any way we could form a Pokebeach team? I think it would be quite fun for us to be able to have five people or more to represent the site on LoL. My summoner name is Whovian Cthulu. I'm level 20 at the moment, but I'll be level 30 soon. I usually play jungle, but I can go top and mid as well. I hate anything having to do with bot lane. My main champions that I use are Udyr, Shyvana, Twisted Fate, Galio, and Warwick. I really want to try Malzahar and Kassadin mid as well.
MtheW said:
Is there any way we could form a Pokebeach team? I think it would be quite fun for us to be able to have five people or more to represent the site on LoL. My summoner name is Whovian Cthulu. I'm level 20 at the moment, but I'll be level 30 soon. I usually play jungle, but I can go top and mid as well. I hate anything having to do with bot lane. My main champions that I use are Udyr, Shyvana, Twisted Fate, Galio, and Warwick. I really want to try Malzahar and Kassadin mid as well.

I will jungle.

I've made the team many times but some arsehole keeps taking the tag.
MtheW said:
Is there any way we could form a Pokebeach team? I think it would be quite fun for us to be able to have five people or more to represent the site on LoL. My summoner name is Whovian Cthulu. I'm level 20 at the moment, but I'll be level 30 soon. I usually play jungle, but I can go top and mid as well. I hate anything having to do with bot lane. My main champions that I use are Udyr, Shyvana, Twisted Fate, Galio, and Warwick. I really want to try Malzahar and Kassadin mid as well.
I'm in... I could mid or top (I main Katarina and Akali). We need a team name.
Fire Wyrm, if there is something you are just as good at, I would really like it if I could jungle. If not I can top I guess. I'll add all of you that have replied tomorrow. Just understand that I won't be level 30 for a couple weeks probably haha. I can only play 3-4 games a day at the most. (I know I said I'd be 30 soon but the wifi on campus has been horrible from my dorm room lately).

Edit: So if I'm top we only need a support, sounds great so far. On the subject of team names, I'm not sure, but something to do with Pokemon and Pokebeach of course. Maybe I should ask WPM or some of the s-mods about an official sounding name, or just for some ideas.

So yeah, anyone willing to support?

Edit2: How about you Jay? Willing to support? I haven't seen you talk much about what you like to play.

Edit3: Wait Wyrm you already made Team Pokebeach. What are we doing.

No more edits I promise.
MtheW said:
Fire Wyrm, if there is something you are just as good at, I would really like it if I could jungle. If not I can top I guess. I'll add all of you that have replied tomorrow. Just understand that I won't be level 30 for a couple weeks probably haha. I can only play 3-4 games a day at the most. (I know I said I'd be 30 soon but the wifi on campus has been horrible from my dorm room lately).

Edit: So if I'm top we only need a support, sounds great so far. On the subject of team names, I'm not sure, but something to do with Pokemon and Pokebeach of course. Maybe I should ask WPM or some of the s-mods about an official sounding name, or just for some ideas.

So yeah, anyone willing to support?

Edit2: How about you Jay? Willing to support? I haven't seen you talk much about what you like to play.

Edit3: Wait Wyrm you already mad Team Pokebeach. What are we doing.

No more edits I promise.
Our team name should have to do with poke' (pokeing).